Five Teen Drug Trends You Shouldn't Ignore

Experienced parents know that fads come and go. Something that ignites teen fever one day may fizzle into nothing a few weeks later.

But when it comes to teen drug use, trendy designer drugs can be just as dangerous as the substances we've been warned about for decades. Even those that quickly lose their appeal among teens do their share of damage along the way.

Here are five of the most dangerous teen drug trends you shouldn't ignore:

Teen Drug Trend #1: Bath Salts

Bath salts hit the teen drug scene in 2010 and have since become a serious concern among law enforcement, hospitals, drug rehabs and parents. According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, calls about bath salts are up from 303 in all of 2010 to 3,470 between January and June of 2011.

Bath salts are stimulants similar to meth and cocaine, but they are being sold legally under the names Vanilla Sky, Aura, Hurricane Charlie, Ivory Wave and many others. To get around the laws that would make bath salts illegal, manufacturers label them "not for human consumption" and sometimes market them as plant food or other seemingly innocuous products.

The active chemicals in bath salts are mephedrone and MDPV, but there is currently no reliable way to test for these drugs. At least 35 states have banned ingredients found in bath salts and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is considering making these drugs controlled Schedule I drugs like heroin and ecstasy, yet teens are still easily accessing these drugs.

Bath salts can make a perfectly "normal" teen psychotic - literally. Physicians throughout the country have been shocked to see their emergency rooms inundated by delusional, violent teens who are high on bath salts. Teens present with dangerously high fevers, high blood pressure, racing heartbeat and muscle agitation so severe it can lead to kidney failure. In addition to being highly addictive, these drugs can cause heart attack, seizures, muscle damage, stroke and even death.

After being treated with heavy sedatives and antipsychotics in some cases, adolescents sometimes end up in the psychiatric hospital because the bath salts made them so violent, paranoid and out of touch with reality. Even after days of being sedated, the psychosis can come back, causing some to fear that the effects of these drugs may be permanent.

Teen Drug Trend #2: Kratom

Kratom is the newest drug gaining popularity among teens in the U.S. Derived from a plant found in southeast Asia, kratom has been used for a variety of medicinal purposes in other countries. Kratom is sold in the form of leaves, powder, extract or capsules, and can be swallowed, drank as a tea or snorted as a powder.

Kratom is not controlled by the DEA and is known by the names Thom, Kakuam, Biak, Thang or Ketum. The effects of kratom vary from alertness, increased energy and weight loss (in small doses) to relaxation, dry mouth, sweating and reduced sensitivity to pain (in large doses). The drug takes effect within minutes of use, producing a mild high that typically lasts two to five hours.

Even though it is legal and readily accessible, kratom is addictive. Once addicted, teens who stop using kratom may experience withdrawal symptoms such as cold-like symptoms, depression, diarrhea and insomnia. In an effort to cope with these withdrawal symptoms or to amplify the high, teens may begin using harder drugs or mixing kratom with alcohol or other drugs.

Teen Drug Trend #3: Spice / K2

Another drug that has likely made its way into your community is Spice, also known as K2, skunk or J-dub. Spice is a blend of herbs sprayed with a potent psychotropic drug that contains synthetic cannabinoids. The drug impacts the same receptors in the brain as marijuana (hence the name "legal marijuana"), but Spice can be up to 10 times stronger than marijuana, producing a high that typically lasts one to two hours after smoking.

Spice has landed many adolescents in the emergency room. It can cause vomiting, agitation, panic attacks, hallucinations, seizures, high blood pressure, paranoia and elevated heart rate.

Despite these dangers, Spice is legally sold as "incense" or "potpourri" in head shops and on the Internet. A few states have banned Spice but teens continue to find ways to skirt the laws by purchasing the drug online. Because Spice does not show up on drug tests, many parents falsely believe that their teens are drug-free.

Teen Drug Trend #4: Salvia

Salvia is a powerful hallucinogenic herb that is being used as often as Ecstasy and even more often than LSD, according to The New York Times. The drug comes in a variety of forms, including seeds, leaves or liquid extract, and takes effect within seconds if smoked.

Salvia affects a different area of the brain than other drugs such as opiates or other hallucinogens. The experience is not a "high" but a sometimes disturbing altered sense of reality. Teens abuse salvia for its intense but short-lived hallucinogenic properties. Other effects include disconnectedness from reality, dizziness, a sense of being in many places at one time, and bizarre sensations of "hearing" colors and "seeing" sounds.

Salvia is not currently regulated by the DEA, though it is considered a drug of concern. A number of states have regulated Salvia, but the process is slow to catch up to the severity of the problem.

Teen Drug Trend #5: Prescription Drugs

Teen prescription drug abuse is not "new," but is so pervasive, and so dangerous, that it merits a place in the top five teen drug trends. There are as many new abusers of painkillers as there are of marijuana, according to SAMHSA's 2007 National Survey on Drug Use & Health (NSDUH). This means that when your teen is deciding which drug to try, they're as likely to try prescription drugs as they are marijuana.

The most popular prescription drugs abused by teens are painkillers such as OxyContin and Vicodin, but a significant number of teens abuse stimulants and depressants as well. In the majority of cases, teens get prescription drugs for free from a friend or relative. Because they are legal when prescribed by a physician, teens believe prescription drugs are less dangerous and less likely to get them in trouble with parents or the law.

The consequences of teen prescription drug abuse can be as severe and life-threatening as illicit drugs like heroin and cocaine. Painkiller abuse can cause teens to stop breathing. Abuse of depressants can result in decreased heart rate, depressed breathing and seizures. Stimulant abuse has caused heart failure, high body temperature, irregular heart rate and seizures. These effects are worsened when teens take prescription drugs with alcohol or other drugs.

Every day, 2,500 youth ages 12 to 17 abuse a prescription painkiller for the first time (NSDUH, 2007). Drug use starts young - 13 is the mean age for abuse of stimulants and sedatives, and more than half of teens who have abused prescription pain relievers first tried them before age 15. Studies show that the earlier drug use begins, the more likely teens are to struggle with drug addiction in adulthood.

You Are Not Powerless

What all of these drugs have in common is that they are easy to obtain, difficult to detect and are legal in certain forms. Because there is a strong demand for these drugs, experts believe we will continue to see new variations on designer drugs in the years to come.

Talk with your teen early and often about the dangers of drugs, whether legal or illegal, and be vigilant about safeguarding your medications and setting clear expectations for your child's behavior and attitudes around drugs. Drug trends come and go, but the one that sweeps up your teen could impact their life forever.

Is Prescription Drug Abuse An Epidemic?

Advertising promotes drug abuse by sending the message that pills are a cure-all. Parents set a bad example by popping pills for every ill and filling their medicine cabinets with drugs.

An epidemic is a disease that spreads rapidly in a population, and that fully describes the abuse of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs by America's young adults. In a few short years, the numbers of young people showing up at hospital emergency rooms, drug detox and drug rehab centers has skyrocketed.

The Partnership for a Drug Free America's 2006 tracking study has found that:

o Nearly one in five (19 percent or 4.5 million) teens has tried prescription medication (pain relievers such as Vicodin and OxyContin and stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall) to get high.

o One in 10 (that's 2.4 million) teens report abusing cough medicine to get high.

o OTC and prescription drug abuse is on par or higher than the abuse of illegal drugs such as Ecstasy (8 percent), cocaine/crack (10 percent), methamphetamine (8 percent) and heroin (5 percent).

Direct-to-consumer drug advertising, approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1997, sends the message that pills offer a cure for every ill. Which pill to take, many commercials suggest, is largely a matter of personal choice. And significantly absent are clear warnings about the overdoses and drug combinations that have killed thousands of people of all ages, and the risks of drug addiction and dependency that can only be overcome with successful drug rehab.

Maybe America's parents should be in drug rehab.

Some parents take prescription drugs for every little up and down in life - sad, can't sleep, can't wake up, have a little ache, need a pick-me-up, need to relax - there's a pill for almost everything. And confused, ill-informed doctors hand them out like candy, even to teenagers who lie about their symptoms to get them, the Partnership survey found.

The lessons being taught here are that these drugs are okay, everybody takes them, and they're safer than illegal street drugs because they have all these legitimate uses - hey, mom and dad use them all the time and they're not really sick.

The most important lesson of all, and one that is not being taught by many parents, is that drugs are not the solution for every little problem. And taking prescription drugs to get high or "self-medicate" is every bit as dangerous and addictive as using street drugs. If someone you care about is using drugs, whether they get them on the street or steal them out of someone's medicine cabinets, get them into a successful drug rehab program before their life spins out of control.

Five ways to Help Your Teen In Rehab

Putting your child in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation programs can be one of the most difficult things a parent could be faced with. While it is a relief that your child is finally getting help, you may still have worries about his or her future. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure your teen has the best chance of recovery. Here are five things you should know about rehab for teens, to help your child be successful in the program.

1. Learn About Addiction Science

Substance abuse is a fairly broad term that encompasses addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs, and even prescription drugs. Each substance has a different impact, and requires a specific form of treatment in order to recover. Additionally, understanding the science behind addiction can help you understand your teens motivation and behavior as they are trying to recover from their addiction.

2. Ask Lots of Questions

Having your child leave home to attend a rehabilitation clinic can cause many parents overwhelming anxiety. However, one of the best ways to reduce that anxiety and be the best advocate possible for your teen, is to ask a lot of questions of the facility staff, addiction medicine doctors, and anyone else who may be responsible for your teen's recovery. If you are concerned or do not understand something, by all means, just ask!

3. Do Not Let Your Teen Take Charge

As you probably know adolescents can be stubborn, headstrong, and even downright manipulative. Your teen may beg you to let him or her leave rehab early, or to not go at all. This may be accompanied by threats, or even logical anecdotes about how they have 'learned their lesson'. While it is important to listen to your child about their concerns and show care and love, it is even more important to make sure they finish treatment for their own health and safety.

4. Take an Active Role

Often rehab for teens will include a family therapy component. It may seem confusing why you should attend therapy when you are not the one with the addiction, or it may even seem like an imposition. However, it is crucial that you make a strong show of solidarity by participating in your teen's recovery by attending all therapy sessions. These sessions are important for ensuring that you are working with your teen rather than against.

5. Have a Discharge Plan

Any addiction is a chronic illness, regardless of what substance the person is addicted to, and drug and alcohol rehab programs are only the first step in the process. When the addict comes home often has the highest rate of relapse. As such, it is important to work closely with the rehab center to establish a plan for your teen's re-entry into his or her life. They will help you set clear rules, curfews, and scheduled chores to add a little stability to your teen's recovery and return home.

Guiding to Adolescent Drug Rehab

It's every parent's nightmare: that the child they once held in their arms as a baby might someday get involved, possibly addicted, to drugs and/or alcohol.

If you find yourself struggling to deal with a son or daughter who has a substance abuse problem, and have considered the option of adolescent drug rehab, you might have questions. Such as how does it work, what is it, what do I do next?

Here are three frequently asked questions about adolescent drug rehab to help you navigate this confusing process and get that young person in your life the help they need.

Question No.1: How is it Different From Adult Rehab?

Whether for adults or young people, rehabilitation is focused on one simple thing: to help the patient stay away from drugs and alcohol and give them coping skills for leading a healthy and sober life.

But treatment methods can be quite different. Oftentimes one of the biggest challenges in treating young people with substance abuse problems is getting them to accept that they might actually have a problem; teens and adolescents haven't usually hit a "bottom" as devastating as that experenced by lifelong addicts.

Another key distinction is that teen drug rehab centers often offer education services as many patients are still trying to get their high school diploma. This usually entails both GEd services and tutoring so that educational disruption doesn't become another source of anxiety.

Question No.2: How Does Adolescent Drug Rehab Work?

As with adult drug rehab, the adolescent version starts with a healthy detox off of the substance--especially with residential rehab--and then a set period of time in a rehab setting, usually from anywhere between 30-90 days.

During rehab, your adolescent is given specialized individual and group therapy, along with family counseling to help deal with any underlying issues that may be exacerbating the addictive behavior.

Question No.3: How Do I Know if My Child Needs It?

Teens and tweens can be moody on the best of days, so sensing there might be a substance abuse problem can be tricky.

But here are a few warning signs that your child may have a substance abuse problem:

Messy appearance, lack of pride in how they look; Sudden weight loss; Loss of ambition or interest in...well...anything; Track marks on arms/legs; Violent outbursts and sudden emotional changes....

These are just a few of the warning signs parents need to be on the lookout for.

If you believe your child may have a problem, be sure to get a professional opinion and start today to create a happier environment for you and your family.

Get Treated for Drug Addiction

There are many people who get addicted to some sort of addiction every year and find themselves in lots of trouble. It has been seen that drug addicts feel shy to admit their truth about addiction which affects their lives negatively. In the beginning of addiction, they start taking prescription drugs in order to remove pain and anxiety. Earlier, such prescription drugs acts as an energy booster but sooner or later they got caught in the web of addiction. At the time of this article published, statistics shows that millions of people get addicted to some kinds of drugs over the world every year and thousands of them die due to improper treatment. One of a bitter truth is that most of the victims of this plague are young generations and the teenagers. Various steps were taken by the government and several social organizations to control this plague and failed to do so. But, there are some world's class drug rehab centers which are providing world's class rehabilitation facility in the state. These drug treatment centers are the only hope for the addicts to get rid of their addiction and get back to normal life.

With the immense growth of drug rehab center Florida it becomes very difficult to find a suitable one for your needs. Here are some important facts about these treatment centers which will help you find one according to your needs. If you are seeking drug treatment then you must be aware of the medical treatment program, care and comfort provided by these centers. Amongst these three, medical treatments is most important factor and should be given priority before enrolling in a treatment center. Treatment begins with the detoxification process in a drug treatment center. During this treatment process, most of the toxic drug particles are removed from the body of addicts with the help of medication and several techniques. In the process of detoxification, the withdrawal symptoms are shown up and sometimes it is so painful that most of the addicts cannot tolerate them and if they are handled properly addicts may go back to drugs. Once the detoxification is over, then several other treatment processes are given to addicts by the medical professionals.

Besides these, a world's class treatment center also provides care and comfort to the addicts with the inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities. During inpatient treatment facility, these medical professional take care of addicts in getting rid of addiction and withdrawal effects easily. These medical professionals and staff in drug rehab center are experienced enough to provide all the care and comfort in building mental support for the patient. They are also trained enough to deal any problems easily arising during medical treatment. Once the treatment is over, these treatment centers have sober house where the patients needs to stay in order to regain sobriety for the long time.

Hence, for the purpose of getting an effective medical treatment, people have to be very careful in choosing an appropriate drug rehab center and look forward to successful recovery.

Tips For Successful Drug Rehab

Admitting that you are a drug addict is the first step towards the drug rehab process. An honest and positive mindset is the right setting towards breaking away from this destructive habit. You will need all the help possible to live a life that is not ruled by drugs. These are a few tips that will help you stay off drugs:

1. Appropriate program

2. Counselling

3. Family support

4. Keep Busy

5. New hobbies

6. Patience

7. Perseverance


1. Appropriate program

You can go into a drug rehab centre either as an inpatient or outpatient. As an inpatient, you will be confined within the center for a certain amount of time. The outpatient option allows you to go home daily. This option is only advisable if you have a strong support system at home that will fully complement your path to recovery. It is essential that you choose the option that fits best into your lifestyle.

2. Counselling

Part of the therapy offered while you are in a drug rehab centre is counselling. It is important that you continue with these sessions to keep you on the right path. You will find that these drugs are still available to you, the counsellors will help steer you in the right direction so that you do not relapse.

3. Family support

Your family needs to know that you are going through drug rehab so that they can provide the emotional support that you need to stay sober. They may also help create an environment that is positive in your fight against drugs.

4. Keep busy

It is often said that an idle mind is the devils workshop. When you occupy yourself with other activities, you will not have time to think of your addiction. Surround yourself with positive people who understand your background and can therefore help you stay clean.

5. New hobbies

You need to engage yourself in constructive activities that have nothing to do with your former life. This will expose you to a new circle of friends, different from those you used to spend time with when you were taking drugs. New habits will also ensure that your surroundings are free of the things that remind you of your old habit. You will find that the time of day when you used to take drugs has been taken up by a different activity.

6. Patience

As it takes a while for one to realize that they are addicted to drugs, its important to acknowledge that drug rehab is a journey that takes time. You will not be cured overnight. When you feel that your journey is too long and that you will never get to the end, remember to take sobriety one day at a time. When even a day seems too long to get through, you can count your achievements hourly.

7. Perseverance

The battle against drugs requires strength, courage and great determination. You will find time and again that you are tempted to fall back into your old habits; you need to keep reminding yourself of the reason why you opted to go through drug rehab and what you stand to loose by falling back into taking drugs.

In conclusion, successful drug rehab is a life long process and you will need all the assistance you can get from your environment and society. This is a battle that can only be won from within yourself and you must have the self drive to want to change and stay clean.

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Heroin Drug Rehab - An Addiction

Diacetylmorphine is the technical name of Heroin, a semi-synthetic opioid drug. Roughly 90% of the world's supply of heroin is produced in Afghanistan. As with other opioid based drugs, heroin is used as a painkiller but more commonly, it is used for recreational purposes. Additionally, the frequent and regular use of heroin is usually associated with:

    moderate physical dependence
    severe psychological dependence
    tolerance (which continually increases)

Heroin addiction is not only a damaging and painful experience for the individual addicted to the drug, but also the people in their lives, including family, friends, and loved ones. The heroin drug rehab process can be an extremely unpleasant experience for the addicted individual as well. The bottom line is that heroin is one of the most powerfully addictive drugs in the world today, and the rehab and recovery processes can take years.

Heroin is a drug that enters your brain very fast. It will slow down your thinking, your reaction time, and also the way that you process and store information in your memory. It will have a negative effect on the way that you act and the way you make decisions. Heroin will create special problems for your body because of the added risks to you from using it. If you are engaging in heroin drug abuse, you might be putting your body at risk by sharing needles, which might carry risk of HIV or hepatitis C or B.

Heroin use will also create problems that you can pass on to your sexual partners or your babies. Heroin is a drug that is very addictive. It enters your brain so quickly that it becomes something the brain craves very much. It also has a profound effect on the regions in your brain that are responsible for making you physically dependent on something.

Heroine is an extremely dangerous drug. It is one of the top two drugs that are reported by medical examiners who perform autopsies to be the cause of people who die because of drug related causes.

Even though heroin has been glamorized in the movies and on television, it is nowhere as neat as it might seem to be. It can have tragic consequences that go much further than just its users. There are negative effects on children born to mothers who use heroin, and there are negative effects on the rates of HIV and AIDS as well as tuberculosis among users. Heroin also contributes to violence and crime among people who use it, which affects everyone.

Some symptoms of heroin use include drowsiness and euphoria, impairment of mental function, slowed down rates of respiration, pupils that have been constricted, and nausea. If someone has overdosed on heroin, some of the signs might be shallow breathing, pupils that are pinpoints, and clammy skin. Someone that has overdosed might also go into convulsions and will eventually go into a coma. Although heroin is highly addictive, there are drug treatment options that are available to its user.

Most of them will experience terrible sessions of withdrawal symptoms after they have stopped using heroin, which usually makes people want to use it again as soon as they can. Because of this, it is an extremely hard thing to shake if you are only in an outpatient treatment center. The best way to get help for heroin use is to check yourself into a treatment center and stay as long as it takes to get completely clean and sober and to deal with the problems that led you to heroin use in the first place.

Addiction Recovery and Replase

When struggling with recovering from an addiction to drugs and alcohol, it is important to understand that relapse is possible, but by no means the end of the world. Addiction is known as a relapsing disorder. Since relapse is such an imbedded part of addiction recovery, it makes sense that the serious business of preventing relapse is an absolutely critical element in alcohol and drug treatment programs.

Relapse Happens

Exactly when somebody enters in to the relapse mode is very difficult to define. What happens is that very subtle changes occur in a person's attitudes, beliefs, and emotions, all leading to the point where the individual turns to the substance again. Just because an individual has a relapse certainly does not mean that they will never be able to recover from addiction. Relapse should not be viewed as a failure, and no one is doomed in addiction recovery because of the occurrence of a relapse. It is important to understand that relapse, like recovery, is a process. And this is a process takes time. You must adjust your lifestyles and assume responsibility for managing your own drug and alcohol addiction.  When you acknowledge this issue once again, you are taking the first step in the right direction. Remembering relapse happens and moving on from it is the best thing that you can do.

Road to Recovery

According to many statistics, approximately 1/3 of people who go into addiction recovery reach permanent abstinence after their first serious attempt at recovery. It takes time to be fully recovered from an addition like drugs and alcohol. It is important to keep in mind that relapse is not something that will go on endlessly. It may take a few attempts but eventually success will be achieved. Certainly every addict encounters periods of relapse but ultimately in the long run, sobriety will be your normal life. To increase your odds of a long-term recovery, you need to participate fully and completely in treatment programs that best suit your needs. Addiction recovery and relapse can be handled best when you are aware of your issues and working towards recovery.

4 Easy Ways to Quit Drugs & Alcohol

The first step in any de-addiction process is acceptance. Most people live in denial of the fact that they have a problem. Once you have overcome that and accept that you have a problem, the next step is to seek help. Many people turn to friends and family for help who are alright for emotional support but getting rid of alcohol and drug abuse needs professional help. Great rehabs such as US Rehab Network clinics have a team of de-addictions experts along with a trained, compassionate staff to aid you on your way to recovery.


The choice of rehab plays a great role in whether you would overcome addiction and remain abuse free thereafter. It is advisable to choose a rehab that specializes in and is fully equipped to handle drug and alcohol abuse cases. Make sure your alcoholism rehab center is accredited and appropriately licensed. All US Rehab Network drug and alcohol rehab centers are run by well-trained, credentialed specialists, substance abuse counselors and mental health professionals. The best thing about US Rehab Network clinics is that these clinics do not require hospitalization and have no side effects.


An effective detox program is the first and critical step for drug and alcohol de-addiction. Most people just can't suddenly stop using drugs or alcohol due to the fear of withdrawal. Great detox programs such as those offered at US Rehab Network rehab clinics allow the clients to safely and effectively remove the drug from the body and manage the accompanying withdrawal symptoms. US Rehab Network's trained physicians supervise detoxification using medication while managing the substance withdrawal.


While detox rids the body of the harmful substances, Inpatient rehab programs focus on working at the root cause of addiction. US Rehab Network clinics' inpatient treatment programs focus on addiction from the psychological and social deficit perspective. Such programs include-

     building accountability and responsibility
     understanding self-concept
     overcoming damaging beliefs
     replacing damaging behaviors with productive ones
     learning life skills

Inpatient programs can be up to 90 days long where clients learn to adopt constructive ways of interacting with others. Many programs also include Dual Diagnosis treatment for people who suffer from a co-occurring mental health condition.


Outpatient rehab generally follows inpatient treatment. Alternatively, outpatient treatment plans are also a good option for people who cannot take a long break from home or work to live in a rehab for inpatient treatment. Outpatient rehab at US Rehab Network clinics includes various therapies to prevent relapse and impart life skills so that the person can stay abuse free forever. Individual and group counseling may be done to develop strategies to maintain abstinence from drug and alcohol abuse.

Xanax Addiction And Withdrawal

prescription drugXanax has made the news lately due to the high profile death of Whitney Houston. Unfortunately she was not the first celebrity or civilian to die from a concoction of Xanax and other depressants, nor will she be the last. Xanax is a highly addictive depressant that is only regulated for use under strict guidelines, however these guidelines are rarely followed which lead to addictions. Anyone addicted to Xanax should seek Xanax Detox and treatment immediately. The detox symptoms are not fun and can be dangerous which is why supervised detox is the best way to get Xanax out of the body's system.

Xanax which is known as Alprazolam is classified as a benzodiazepine; it is a psychoactive depressant that is usually prescribed to relieve mild to moderate anxiety, panic attacks, acute stress, and nervous tensions over a short period of time. However due to its tranquilizing nature people become addicted quickly. It is the most widely dispersed Benzo as well as the most abused. In the United States it is only regulated to be dispersed for eight weeks at a time however, this guideline is rarely followed.  The higher the dose the more likely an individual is to develop and addiction to Xanax.
Xanax Detox

The body forms a physical dependency on Xanax after a time; this means that trying to come off Xanax produces withdrawal symptoms. This is why a supervised detox off Xanax is highly recommended. What is important to note about Xanax withdrawal, is that some of these symptoms can actually last for up to a year.
Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms

Psychology symptoms produced when coming off of Xanax include anxiety, depression, insomnia, and depersonalization, sensitivity to loud noises or bright lights, obsessive negative thoughts, rapid mood changes, phobias, impaired cognitive functioning, suicidal ideation, nightmares, hallucinations, psychosis, and pill cravings. It should be noted that the more common side effect is a fear of psychosis rather than the actual presentation of psychosis.
Physical Withdrawal Symptoms

The physical side effects of coming off of Xanax include; muscle pain/tension, joint pain, tinnitus, headaches, shaking/tremors, vision issues. Itchy skin is common as well as abdominal discomfort , the sensation of electrical shocks, numbness in the extremities, fatigue and weakness, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite, symptoms resembling the flu, muscle twitching, extreme thirst, sexual dysfunction, heart palpitations, dizziness, vertigo, and a feeling of breathlessness. These are only the most common physical side effects of coming off of Xanax.
Xanax vs. Other Benzos

What is significantly different concerning Xanax as opposed to other benzodiazepines is that the ability to self detox off of Xanax or be tapered off is much more difficult. This means that once a physiologic dependence has rendered itself, the ability to stop taking Xanax is highly unsuccessful. This is why medical assistance detoxing from Xanax is needed.

An addiction to any drug is very dangerous; however people are ignorant to the effects of Xanax. Some believe that because it is a prescription drug it is ok, and when used properly it is. However, when mixing it with other depressants or alcohol Xanax is deadly. This is why anyone abusing Xanax or physically dependent upon it, needs to seek Xanax Detox immediately. Due to the detox symptoms withdrawal from Xanax must be medically monitored to ensure safety, this is why a detox-rehab facility is so important when it comes to kicking a Xanax addiction.

What is Laryngitis?

Laryngitis is when the larynx becomes inflamed. The voice becomes hoarse and there can possibly be a complete loss of voice because the vocal cords become irritated by the inflammation. Laryngitis can be acute; lasting less than three days or it can be chronic; lasting for more than three weeks.There are a handful of symptoms for laryngitis:• Having a dry, sore throat.• Difficulty swallowing liquids or food.• Constantly coughing; this ironically can cause laryngitis itself.• Swelling of the larynx.• Swollen lymph glands in the throat, face or chest.• Having a cold or flu-like symptoms; this ironically can also cause laryngitis.• Suffering from a fever.When should you see a doctor? If you begin to cough up green or yellow phlegm or even blood; you should consult a doctor immediately. If you have a history of breathing problems, such as having to sit upright while breathing, you should see your doctor as quickly as possible because laryngitis could be a life threatening problem.There are plenty of causes of laryngitis. They are excessive smoking, coughing, alcohol consumption, an infection from a fungus, inflammation due to overuse of the vocal cords and a viral infection.There are a variety of different treatments for laryngitis. Some of them are breathing in moist air, resting your voice, drink plenty of fluids, treat the underlying cause of laryngitis and suck on lozenges. You can breath in moist air by sitting in the bathroom with the shower running on hot or putting hot water in a bowl and breathing in the steam. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to prevent dehydration, treating alcoholism or excessive smoking will help rid of laryngitis and sucking on lozenges makes the throat wetter and takes away the dryness and soreness.Sometimes acid reflux can lead to laryngitis. If so, taking pills to prevent or downplay the symptoms of acid reflux can help against laryngitis. Such pills are Zantac or Prilosec.With laryngitis, more so young children and older adults, the risk of your throat swelling shut is great. If this occurs get to a hospital as soon as possible. The treatment for a swelled shut throat is a breathing tube being placed in your throat, the patient being placed on a ventilator and the patient will have an IV in them. The IV will be pumping antibiotics and more than likely steroids into the patient's body.Laryngitis, like having a cold, is almost impossible to defend against. One precaution most people take is constantly washing their hands before they touch their face or their mouth. Young children should receive the influenza vaccine which can help prevent this sickness which can possibly be deadly for children at a very young age.If the symptoms of laryngitis do not go away after 2-3 weeks you should consult a doctor again. Why? There is a slim possibility that there could be a tumor in your throat that needs further medical attention before it develops into anything life threatening.

How To Protect Yourself From Becoming a Human Trafficking Victim

No one wants to be a victim of human trafficking.  Human trafficking is when a person is forced, coerced, or tricked into doing work against their will.  There are many forms of human trafficking, also known as modern day slavery, which exist in the world today.  Two main categories are forced labor, as in the making of goods or working in agriculture fields against your will or because of indebtedness to the employer, and sex trafficking, or forced prostitution and pornography.  No one wants to be a slave, yet there are 27 million people enslaved in the 21st century.
Unlike the transatlantic slave trade, modern slavery is not the backbone of western civilization or in something easily recognized.  But those who hold others captive and force them to work against their will are making profits off this crime.  In fact, human trafficking is estimated to be a 32 billion dollar industry.
Some schemes that may seem legitimate, but are used to lure people into captivity include seasonal farm workers, hotel and restaurant work, domestic servants, nannies, and student travel programs.  There are many reputable organizations that provide these types of employment and educational programs.  However, traffickers routinely use the lure of paying jobs and an education to separate their victims from their money (for travel visas and recruiting fees) and family.  Once separated a trafficker may sell the individual to another or force them to work off "travel debt" such as transportation, food, and housing.  This debt is at astronomical interests rates, which accumulate daily, and can never be paid off.
Victims of human trafficking come from all walks of life and all financial status.  But there are some factors that make a person more vulnerable to the false lies of a human trafficker.  Some factors of vulnerability are
  • Being a female
  • Being a child
  • Coming from a marginalized population
  • Poverty
  • Growing up in an abusive home
  • Running away from home
  • Little or no education.
Protect yourself.
Although changing the above vulnerability factors is difficult, there are some things to do to avoid becoming a human trafficking victim.  Be aware of how traffickers recruit people.  Traffickers make false promises of a better life.  They paint unrealistic pictures of what life could be like with lots of money.  They quickly befriend a person showering them with gifts and displays of affection, particularly recruiters who will later force a girl into prostitution.
Do not make decisions under the influence of substances and do not be the company of people you do not fully know and trust while intoxicated.  Traffickers, looking to put someone into prostitution, will take advantage unconscious people or someone who cannot fight being transported elsewhere.  Traffickers will also attempt to take advantage of those with addictions or attempt to create drug dependency.
If someone, whether stranger or acquaintance, promises something that seems too good in return for sex or free work, wait.  Listen to the intuitive voice inside your head, check with family and friends for advice.  Do internet searches or background checks on the person wanting you to go with them.  Say no and see how they react.  Look for signs of abusive or possessive behaviors.  Is the person trying to isolate or turn you against family and friends?  If so, avoid that person.
Runaways are at particular risk for being forced into prostitution.  If leaving home because of abuse try to find a safe place; Forsaken Generation has resources to locate shelters.  Or call the runaway switchboard at 1800-Runaway for help. If you are already on the streets try to find a safe place like Children of The Night.
If coming from a life of poverty the lure of a better income or education is hard to resist.  Check and double check if the agency or recruiters are reputable.  Do they have references from people living where they want to send you?    Make sure all contracts signed are in your native language, to understand all the details.  Ask lots of questions.  Find out, from another source, what a reasonable travel and recruiting expense would be.  Ask for pictures of housing and names of people, companies, or schools that can be contacted.  Human traffickers will typically avoid those who are asking too much, they want easy targets.  Someone looking for a legitimate employee or student will honor the questions, knowing that you would be a valuable employee or student.
Protect your children.
Be aware of your child's online friends.  Sex traffickers have been documented using social media like Facebook and Myspace, in addition to others.  Love your children unconditionally. Sometimes awful problems exist between parents and kids; seek help through counseling, mentor programs, and rehab if necessary.  Traffickers prey on runaways and throwaways.  Do not make your child one.  Life on the streets is extremely dangerous.
None of the above suggestions are foolproof.  However, if these suggestions are implemented then fewer people would become victims of human trafficking.  Evil exists in the world.  Protect yourself and family.

Mitigate Crime, Poverty and Drug Use Through Education

Rocco Basile is a man from Brooklyn, New York who has impressed me with regard to his beliefs about how we can all help to make changes in our world today through education.

Rocco Basile noted something that Gandhi believed. Real education consists in drawing the best out of yourself. What better book can there be than the book of humanity? (Mahatma K. Gandhi)

"My education taught me to be sympathetic to the needs of others and helped me understand how that can change a world. Like Gandhi said it is important for us to be the change we want to see in the world," said Rocco Basile.

The US Department of Education (ED) tagline states, "Promoting educational excellence for all Americans." This organization was created in 1980 and the ED mission is "to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access."

Some 4,500 ED employees and a $71.5 billion budget dedicated to establishing policies on federal financial aid for education, as well as distributing and monitoring the funds; collecting data on America's schools and disseminating research; focusing national attention on key educational issues; and prohibiting discrimination and ensuring equal access to education.

For example, in Brooklyn, New York, gang violence is just part of everyday life. There are 17 thousand child abuse cases in this community that have been documented. One out of every three families lives below the poverty line. There is a 48 percent drop out rate among high school students, so out of the 30 thousand students, 15 thousand are dropouts. Drugs, disease, gang violence, and crime contribute to about a thousand deaths annually. More and more people are realizing that the answer is education.

"I feel my education has allowed me to understand the adverse effects it had on my life. I was educated, therefore I was able to read many books from every culture and religion, which inspired me to make positive changes," he continued. "It has given me the intuition to see how positive change circulates back into my life."

What happens to those in society that don't invest in education? Does it make a difference to the overall social structure and eventually affect our economy? William Schweke, author of a book entitled "Smart Money: Education and Economic Development" believes that prevention is almost always cheaper than treatment. He states that if we do not invest now, we most certainly will pay later and discusses the social costs of inadequate educational and workforce preparation opportunities, believing that by increasing earnings, education can lower social costs.

Schweke notes that there is a strong relationship between low basic skills and welfare dependency. 60 percent of out-of-wedlock births among 19 to 23-year-olds are to those who score in the lowest 20 percent on basic skills tests. About 82 percent of all Americans in prison are high school dropouts. Sadly, he also points out that the United States spends almost 10 times as much as Western European countries on security services, arrest, incarceration and parole, while these same countries spend comparable amounts on subsidized employment and training.

Many people like these men believe that educating our youth is the answer to will break the cycle of poverty, crime and drugs. "Educating our youth is the foundation for prosperity ... Economic problems, in turn, exacerbate social problems, such as crime, drug abuse, gangs, reliance on government assistance, and family break-ups. To ameliorate these weaknesses in the social fabric, public funds that might otherwise go toward productive investment are spent instead on crime control, drug treatment and income support programs," says Schweke. "Education positively affects income distribution."

In the darkness, there is an organization in Brooklyn, New York that is bringing light and making a difference to help do something about these statistics. There are hundreds of people in need of intervention, children in need of education, and families in need of counseling, and hope, and Children of the City is an organization making a difference.

Founded in 1981, the volunteer-based outreach connects people in need with basic services, educational and employment training, health care, counseling, and many other personal growth opportunities. People like Rocco Basile are working through organizations like this helping to reach children at risk and who can be resilient if they are given the right intervention and education.

Duragesic Faq

Which is better for bone dull pain: duragesic patch or dilaudid?
- Are we talking cancer pain? If so, I've had the best luck treating bone mets with Dilaudid. I prefer Duragesic for organ cancer. If that makes any sense. Just be careful with the Dilaudid dose. It's strong stuff and can depress the central stressed system and cause problems...

Pain nouns and duragesic patch?
my wife has been on the patch for over a year because of small fiber neuroeathy but when the patch runs out the pain is unbarable is there any entity she can do to help with the pain besides hot baths or how can she stop the patch without the repeal please help I, too, am on .50 mcg duragesic...

How do i attain my duragesic patch to stick better?
- The patch needs to be placed on clean, dry skin that doesn't have much hair (do NOT shave). I place my patch on my upper chest and, unless it really hot, works resourcefully. When it's hot and the patches aren't sticking, I put a waterproof bandage over the top to get...

How to procure sour fentanyl, duragesic patch, in need weening?
My doctor and I have tried to ween myself off 100 mcq hr. patch changed every 48 hrs.. I didn't start this high, it was much lower and changed at 72 hrs. My doctor tried 75 mcq hr. but it made me progress threw with drawls. The worst thing I have ever...

I want to know how I qualify for fifnacial sustain within getting the Duragesic?
My insurance does not cover it.\ If you can't afford it, go to this website and contact Ortho-McNeil to see if they own a program to help. A lot of major drug companies do these days.鈥? The drug company name is can phone up or write...

II enjoy a husband who is trying to receive rotten the duragesic patch and hydracodene, what are the side effects?
He would want sex. Make sure he comes off of them with a doctors acquaintance... it is very easy for a person to go through withdraw when coming off of these pain medications. You can also go to to read nearly possible...

Is the fentanyl patch equal as heroin,or morophine?
Fentanyl is a synthetic narcotic. It is very strong and is usually applied as a transdermal patch. They are three different but related meds. Fentanyl is similar to heroin and 100x stronger (literally) than MSO4 I'm a nurse this type of patch is a duragesic. You shouldn't use with alcohol. I...

Lyrica is this prescribed frequently to folks next to Fibromyalgia?
Is Lyrica prescribed to people with Fibromyalgia? Is the duragesic patch prescribed to people with Fibromyalgia? Thanks :) - Pfizer (the company that make Lyrica) is putting a huge amount of money into marketing Lyrica to doctors, so some of them are prescribing Lyrica to their patients. The real question, though, is whether...

Methadone for cramp paperwork plus the duragesic patch to ensure no break-thru stomach-ache,?
Also back up codeine phosphate 60 mgs. plus benzodiazepam (valium blue 20 mgs-2 tabs twice daily)Prilosec for peptic upcers due to worrying about the severity of my accident results, and the meds cause holes in stomach, just my opinion at least. This is the solely way so far that after 17+...

What is Fentanyl? And will it be placed directly to the source of strain?
Fentanyl generic for duragesic patches.It's strong narcotic compared to morphine.It's not applied directly to where dull pain is coming from it can be put on your arms(biceps),flanks(sides of your waist),chest.I wear them,i had 2 back surgeries and personally for me it stays best on my arms.I tried chest and waist and...

What is the best place to put a duragesic patch on my skin for the most headache nouns?
It is roughly believed that Duragesic patches are absorbed via fatty tissue so any area such as chest, back, stomach is appropriate. It someone is extraordinarily thin, it is questionable as to how effective the patch will be. Good luck. Source(s): I work with...

What recommendation does anyone enjoy for chronic misery besides the duragesic patch?
I have been on the patches for approx. 4 years. I was using the 50mmg patch for times gone by 31/2 years. I do some yoga, back strenghtening stretching, and swimming. I told my doctor to drop the dosage, I so want off these patches. The truth is I...

Where is a apt place to put a duragesic patch excluding my arm?
As close as you can to the pain seem logical Just below the armpit is another good place, highly vascular area. Source(s): RN shoulders

Will I check positive for fentanyl 1 week after removing duragesic patch?
- According to this chart, it says fentanyl stays in the body for 8-24 hours. Read here and you'll see that if they do a hair drug test, meds approaching fentanyl will stay in the hair for 90 days to even six months. ...

Will i quality a fentanyl patch?
i take a lot of vicodins and the patch is fentanyl 50 mcg/h it says contains 5 mg of fentanyl - you will if you chew on it for about an hour. Or if its a duragesic, cut it and guzzle the gel from inside. Source(s): 18 year drug abuser It is not a really great...

Advice from duragesic users?
I'm a little concerned that my fentanyl patches arent working as well as they should be. I would like input from duragesic (fentanyl transdermal patch users) on some things i've be wondering about. I recently went from 50mcg to 75mcg 4 months ago, and im back breaking through. 1) could my diet, or to some extent, lack...

Are duragesic patch better to use than pills?
pain management At $250.00 a months supply over , utter, Vicodin for $24.00 it's not worth it. Unless there's a problem like stomach then of course you have a motivation. I've used both and find no difference in either. I am assuming that you are speaking as someone being treated for headache. I...

Can a mix of antiboatic and duragesic impose serious side effects surrounded by kittens?
If the vet prescribed it, it's probably okay. But if you're seeing strange symptoms run straight back to the vet. If any of these are stuff you picked up at a store, not the vet, stop giving it immediately and dance to the vet for help. Cats are extremely...

Can I gain info from anyone that's used the duragesic patch 50 ?
The Duragesic patch releases fentanyl (the actual pain reliever) into your system. You should be glad that the doc is giving your med for breakthrough pain, as it can take up to 17 hours for the Duragesic to 'kick in' or reach it's horizontal in your system. You may expect the...

Getting bad duragesic patch cold turkey?What to expect?
THIS CAN BE SERIOUS!! ok you will have mood swing, nausea diarrhea and joint pain it will be bad. it will apex by the 72 hour mark i worked in drug rehab as a nurse. there is a drug called subutex or suboxone. not lately any doctor can write these they have to have a certain ..something...

Have you stopped taking Duragesic patch cold turkey?
no Go to the emergency room or contact the doctor on call. You could also try to use a patch every other day to stave the withdrawls. Since duragesic and fentyl are opiate receptor binders, you could see if you have any narcotic medication at home to take when you don't enjoy the patches.

How long are withdrawal for duragesic patch?
I was on 100 mcg for over a year my dr took me off it and gave me some clodine patch to help near withdrawals.I had 2 back surgeries so what am i supposed to do with the stomach-ache cause it's horrible.The clodine patch i quess helps a bit my heart not overbeating but i got other symptoms...

Naltrexone – An antagonist for opioid addiction

With 47,055 lethal drug overdoses in 2014, the United States is fighting to ease the problem of opioid addiction. The problem of prescription drug abuse and overdose is caused by factors such as the prescriptions by healthcare providers, lack of oversight to curb inappropriate prescribing, and the belief that prescription drugs are not dangerous.
Opioids are drugs that interact with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the brain and nervous system to produce pleasurable effects. These include heroin as well as prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, fentanyl and others. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), of the 21.5 million Americans who had a substance use disorder in 2014, 1.9 million were addicted to prescription pain relievers and 586,000 took heroin. For lawmakers in the U.S., this spreading epidemic is at the top of their priority list.
Naltrexone and addiction
Most medications used to treat addiction require taking a daily dose and are addictive or habit-forming, so sticking to these medicines for a longer period is another problem in itself. But drug naltrexone, or Vivitrol, used for reducing opioid abuse, is different as it needs to be taken monthly as compared to other medications which are to be taken daily.
Vivitrol, which is an extended release, injectable form of naltrexone, requires patients to abstain from opioids for a period prior to induction, a goal difficult for patients to meet. The drug works by blocking euphoric and sedative effects of illicit drugs such as heroin, morphine and codeine.
Unlike other drugs, such as buprenorphine and methadone that activate opioid receptors in the body that suppress cravings, naltrexone binds and blocks opioid receptors to reduce opioid cravings. Hence, addicts do not have a chance for abuse with naltrexone. The drug is slowly absorbed into the system of an addict over 28 days, making the body opioid-free, and even in case of relapses, it prevents the feeling of getting high.
Therapists recommend the use of Vivitrol injections for 12 to 18 months, coupled with an intense therapy. Each Vivitrol injection costs about $1,200, but due to its effectiveness, some insurance companies now cover the treatment.
To ensure patients' access to safer, more effective pain treatment while reducing the number of people who misuse these drugs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has come up with guidelines for prescribing opioids. These guidelines include: determining when to initiate or continue opioids for chronic pain outside end-of-life care; opioid selection, dosage, duration, follow-up and discontinuation; assessing risk and addressing harms of opioid use.
Making help available
A habitual opioid use may produce noticeable behavioral or personality changes, including irritability, restlessness and anxiety. The body of an addict builds a tolerance to the increased levels of the drug, causing long-term changes in the brain's reward system. Opioid dependence can have far-reaching impacts, affecting almost every organ in the human body. It may interfere with an individual's ability to make decisions and can lead to frequent cravings. This is when a person needs professional help to get rid of this devastating habit to reclaim a normal life.
If you or your loved one is trying to overcome addiction, get in touch with the California Drug Addiction Helpline. Call our 24/7 helpline number 855-980-1946 today to know about the best drug rehab centers in California. One of our representatives will help you find the right drug treatment centers in California that can bring you back to a sober life.

About Urinary Tract Infection - Prevention and Treatments

Urinary tract infection, or UTI, is colonization of microorganisms in the urinary tract in such an amount and such a way that damages or symptoms are produced. When only the urethra and the bladder is affected, it is called lower urinary tract infection. When the ureters and the kidneys are affected, the name used is "upper urinary tract infection".


UTI is commonly caused by bacteria that also are present in the normal flora in and around body openings and in the digestive tract, as for example the bacterium Escherichia Coli. Most often the bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethral opening. Women more easily get urinary tract infection because they have a shorter urethra so that the bacteria have a shorter way to get into the bladder.

The diseases Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis are normally not called UTI, even though these infections often affect the urinary tract.

Defects in the urinary system can make a person susceptible for UTI, like strictures or valve-like structures in the urethra and defects causing reflux from the bladder up through the ureters. Physical damages in the urinary tract can also make it more easy for bacteria to colonize and make infections.

Use of catheters or other instruments in the urinary tract can introduce bacteria and also cause damages that give the bacteria an easy opportunity to infect.


UTI can occur acutely with very distinct symptoms. UTI can also develop slowly and chronically with only small symptoms for a long time.

The symptoms by lower UTI are:

- Itching during urination.
- Pain in the bladder region.
- Urge to urinate, even though there is little urine in the bladder.
- Need to urinate during nights.
- Fever, usually mild.
- Cloudy urine with a bad smell.
- Pus discharged from the urethra or blended with the urine.
- Sometimes blood in the urine.

By upper urinary tract infection the same symptoms often occur, and in addition these symptoms will be felt:

- Nausea and vomiting.
- Pain in the sides of the back and sides of the stomach, at the height of the kidneys, and often downwards towards the bladder region.
- Feeling of pressure in the stomach region.
- High fever with chills and shaking.
- Strong fatigue.

Symptoms of UTI must always be investigated, especially blood in the urine, since the cause can be a more serious disease.


By upper UTI, the infection can spread deep into the kidney tissues and destroy the structures that excrete urine. This process can gradually lead to kidney failure. The infection can cause growth of scar tissue in the urinary tract, for example in the urethra, that causes obstruction and problems with urination.

By men the infection can spread to the prostate and into the reproductive organs and destroy the function of the reproductive system.

When a pregnant woman suffers from UTI, the child tend to be born with a too low birth weight.


UTI is diagnosed by a urine specimen. The specimen is analyzed for substances produces by the disease process, like nitrites, leukocytes or leukocyte esterase. One also performs urine culture to confirm the presence of the bacteria.

When children have been diagnosed with UTI, in is useful to perform urine flow studies and radiologic studies of the urinary tract afterwards to see if there is urine reflux up to the bladder or other abnormalities in the urinary tract. This is sometimes done also by adults if UTI often recur.


Urinary tract infection is commonly treated with antibiotica, like: trimethoprim, cephalosporins, nitrofurantoin, or a fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin).

Children that have been diagnosed with some urinary tract defect are often given long term treatment with small doses of antibiotics, but recent studies have thrown doubt upon the validity of this regime.


Although standard treatment is usually effective, it does no always manage to beat down a chronic UTI. Treatment with low doses of antibiotics to prevent new outbreaks of UTI can give side effects and is neither always effective.

Alternative measures for treatment can therefore be useful in addition to the standard drugs, and the same alternatives can be useful to prevent new outbreaks of UTI.

Cranberry and blueberry can help against UTI by eliminating the bacteria causing UTI. These herbs can be taken as juice or as tea made from dried berries, and they are also found as concentrates in capsules.

The sugar type D-mannose also seems to help eliminating infectious bacteria from the urinary tract.

Cranberry, blueberry and D-mannose seem to help by sticking to the bacteria or to the inside lining of the urinary tract and make it difficult for the bacteria to adhere to the inside walls and infect the tissues. Instead the bacteria are flushed out by the urine.

Goldenseal root and Uva ursi also have effects against bacteria infecting the urinary tract.

Remedies that alter the PH of the urine to be more acidic or more alkaline also seem to counteract infectious bacteria. It seems that the bacteria thrive only in a very narrow Ph range. Mineral supplements that contain citrate alter the Ph in an alkaline direction, and can be used for this purpose. Cranberry seems to give a more acidic urine and helps also this way.

Some studies indicate that acupuncture can help to hinder new outbreak of urinary tract infection.


Many lifestyle measures can be used to prevent the outbreak of UTI and help to cure UTI.

- Wearing clothes that hinders the lower body to get cold is useful by many peoples experience.

- Drinking much water causes the infectious bacteria to be flushed out much easier.

- To urinate after intercourse and cleaning the urethral opening eliminates infectious bacteria transmitted by the sexual act before they can invade the urinary tract.

- Using condoms by anal intercourse can hinder infectious bacteria in the rectum to enter a mans urethra.

- After anal intercourse, vaginal intercourse should be avoided without a good wash first.

- Having a good intimate hygiene, and wiping from the front and backwards by toilet visits can hinder bacteria from entering the urinary tract.

Which rehab program is better for de-addiction – inpatient or outpatient?

The fight against addiction is usually painful for an addict as well as people around him or her, and a rehabilitation center plays a vital role in de-addiction, be it for drugs or alcohol.
Drug addiction treatment facilities can broadly be classified into two categories, depending on the kind of patients they treat – inpatients and outpatients. Choosing the right treatment facility for you or a loved one would require a fair knowledge about their treatment procedures as well as respective advantages and disadvantages.
As they say "one man's meat is another man's poison", no particular treatment is suitable for all the patients. It has to be tailor-made, depending on the individual's need. Here is a lowdown on the two rehabilitation treatment programs to make the selection process easier for you:
Inpatient treatment facility for de-addiction
As the name suggests, a patient needs to get admitted to an inpatient treatment facility and stay there. Normally the inpatient treatment lasts for 28 days and depending on the severity of a particular case it could be extended or cut short. An inpatient drug rehab center has several benefits because there is constant monitoring of the addict.
Take any rehab center in the country, be it drug addiction treatment centers in California or elsewhere, an addict receives utmost care and treatment from specialists stationed within the facility. During the first and difficult period of experiencing withdrawal symptoms, an addict is in safe hands when surrounded by doctors and other experts under the residential treatment program.
Such residential programs are safe as an addict is kept away from situations that trigger cravings. Stress is kept at bay by engaging a patient with ‘mindfulness' activities. This program is especially beneficial for those who had earlier made failed attempts to get rid of addiction. In fact, people generally go for outpatient treatments initially and enrol for an inpatient treatment program when they relapse. This speaks volumes about the efficacy of this program.
A residential treatment also promotes family participation, group therapy and activities, along with other alternative and holistic programs which are run on the side. An addict is assured of a balanced and nutritious diet in an inpatient facility and hygiene is given prominence. The camaraderie with fellow addicts, their trials and tribulations or shared experiences act as a motivation for addicts undergoing treatment in a residential program. It is also a great relief for family members that there is a round the clock vigil on a loved one within the center.
Outpatient treatment facility for de-addiction
In an outpatient treatment program an addict does not need to get admitted to the rehab center. There is greater freedom for an addict as he or she can largely continue with a normal life while simultaneously undergoing treatment. An addict is required to visit the center for a few hours during the day to receive treatment.
The drug addiction treatment facilities in California – among the best ones available in the country – run many such programs wherein a drug addict is treated while still leading a normal routine. The patient's social life is not affected under an outpatient treatment facility. There is also an element of group therapy for outpatient treatment program like NA and AA which bring in significant changes in a patient's life and paves the way for a long term recovery.
To decide on a de-addiction program for yourself or your loved one, consult a doctor who will suggest the best treatment suitable by making a thorough study of the individual case.

The Dangers of Tanning Beds

Could the rising instances of skin cancer and other diseased be related to the growing number of people choosing to "fake and bake" and them being exposed to excess UVA and UVB radiation? Experts say yes! Tanning salons are a five billion dollar a year industry and it is only growing as we continue to associate that tanned glow with youthfulness and beauty. What are the dangers of uncongenial tanning beds? What chances are we exposing ourselves to each and every time that we tan? Read on to find out these unknown dangers of the tanning bed.

The majority of tanning beds distribute high levels of radiation towards the skin - this combination of UVA and UVB rays can be detrimental to the wellness of our skin. UVB rays are known as the dangerous rays emitted by the sun, and indoor tanning lamps. Indoor tanning lamps emit as much as fifty percent more UVB rays than outdoor sun and can cause the development and acceleration of many types of skin cancers. UVB rays are shorter, stronger rays - while UVA rays are the longer rays emitted by the majority of natural sunlight. UVB rays are the rays that have been known to burn and can clearly penetrate the skin to a deeper level. Tanning beds are made up of approximately 95% UVA rays and 5% UVB rays emissions.

Two types of skin cancers in particular are though to be caused by prolonged exposure to UVA and UVB rays. These types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, and squamos cell carcinoma. Melanoma is one of the fatal types of skin cancer and has though to be brought upon by extended prolonged exposure to UVA rays. Regardless of the glow, it should no longer be referred to as a healthy glow.

Short term side effects of tanning include; skin that is liable to itching and peeling as well as leaving skin susceptible to burns while draining the moisture from the skin. It has been mentioned than long term tanning can lead to sagging of skin and premature wrinkles and the loss of collagen within the skin. Tanning beds can lead to destruction of the cornea if proper eye protection is not worn, as well as suppression of the immune system.

Interestingly enough, UVB radiation has been proven to age the skin significantly as it decreases moisture levels. Rather than tanning beds helping to make tanners look younger and achieve that healthy glow, it does the complete opposite.

Lotions marketed to increase the tan without increasing the time such as bronzers and accelerators have been linked to many health hazards. One of the main ingredients in these products is tyrosine, which has not yet been approved by the food and drug administration.

There are currently very few legislative measures within the tanning industry. The closest that we have come to legislation is the disallowing of children under the age of fourteen to tan in indoor tanning beds and booths in the state of California.

It is important that the consumer be informed before making the decision to "fake and bake" and be completely aware of the risks that indoor tanning poses. Maybe than will consumers realise the risk that only fifteen minutes in the tanning bed truly poses.

Substance abuse induced mental disorders

ubstance-induced disorders are distinct from independent co-occurring mental disorders in that all or most of the psychiatric symptoms are the direct result of substance use," it mentions. Mental disorders induced by substance abuse range from "mild anxiety and depression (these are the most common across all substances) to full-blown manic and other psychotic reactions (much less common)," according to the study. If consumed in large quantities and for a long period, any substance can lead to a psychotic state.
Here, we take a look at some of the most common types of substance abuse and their corresponding psychiatric symptoms seen in intoxication, withdrawal, or chronic use:
Alcohol: When people drink – moderate to heavy – they experience euphoria, mood liability, decreased impulse control, and increased social confidence. We call it getting high. But prolonged consumption of alcohol increases the incidence of dysphoria, anxiety, and violence potential. However, the study feels that "differentiating protracted withdrawal from a major depression or anxiety disorder is often difficult."
"Alcohol-induced deliriums after high-dose drinking are characterized by fluctuating mental status, confusion, and disorientation and are reversible once both alcohol and its withdrawal symptoms are gone, while by definition, alcohol dementias are associated with brain damage and are not entirely reversible even with sobriety," the study notes. Under such a circumstance one has no other option but to seek treatment at a reputed rehab like the dual diagnosis treatment centers in Florida. They are the best in the country and ideal for people looking for dual diagnosis help in Florida.
Opioids: Resultant effects of opioid intoxication are intense euphoria and well-being, and withdrawal symptoms include agitation, severe body aches, gastrointestinal symptoms, dysphoria, and craving to use more opioids. And again, differentiating this from major depression or anxiety is difficult. But prolonged use of opioids is commonly associated with moderate to severe depression.
Sedatives: The effects of sedative intoxication are similar to that of alcohol and withdrawal symptoms, including mood instability with anxiety and/or depression, sleep disturbance, autonomic hyperactivity, tremor, nausea or vomiting. In more severe cases there could be hallucinations or illusions. However, using sedatives for over a period of time could result in anxiety symptoms and poor response to its treatment.
Nicotine: Long-term abuse of nicotine could also trigger mental conditions. It is observed that people who are addicted to nicotine appear to be depressed than others who do not use it. People also utilize nicotine to regulate mood. Those who stop using nicotine are seen craving for more and also show depressive symptoms. These symptoms, however, cease after resuming the use.
Caffeine: Caffeine, when consumed in large quantities can cause anxiety in varied degrees. "Caffeine is also associated with an increase in the number of panic attacks in individuals who are predisposed to them," says the study.
Cocaine and amphetamines: The study reveals that "long-term amphetamine use appears to cause long-term changes in the functional structure of the brain, and this is accompanied by long-term problems with concentration, memory, and, at times, psychotic symptoms."
"Some people who have what appear to be substance-induced disorders may turn out to have both a substance-induced disorder and an independent mental disorder," the study concludes.

Abusing Drugs? Find Out its Impact on Your Kids

Noted American novelist and poet Herman Melville once said: "Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian." It is certainly a sound advice steeped in profound wisdom and valid even more than a century later.
When you abuse drugs or alcohol it is not only you who is bound to suffer. Your kids, who watch you closely, also silently put up with your habit of abusing drugs, or alcoholism. Imagine what could have been running inside their minds when your kids watch you snorting on cocaine, toking marijuana or gulping a glass of whisky.
If you do not go sober and procrastinate quitting drugs, it could leave an indelible impact on the psyche of your kids. So, before it is too late, check into a renowned detox center in the country, be it the drug detox centers in Florida or elsewhere and go sober.
Here, we take a look at some of the possible ill effects on the kids owing to your habit of abusing drugs or drinking:
It will affect their psyche: When kids witness a parent abusing drugs at home, they begin to feel insecure. It impacts their psyche in a distorted way. It may lead to their irate behavior and the exasperation will become visible. Their day-to-day activities get hampered and basic needs go for a toss. Kids need immense care as they grow up and nurturing them is a delicate subject. With a drug addict parent at home, the whole process goes haywire. By draining your finances, your habit of abusing drugs will limit the resources meant for your kids and it may hit them badly. Instead of growing up to become healthy adults, they will begin to show signs of mental instabilities. When kids of their age enjoy games and remain blissful, your kids will have difficulty even in communicating with others. Your action will further alienate them from their peers and they will gradually become more uncomfortable mingling with friends.
Impact on their academics: Your kid requires unbridled attention to gain mileage in studies. To fare well in a competitive education system, your kid needs constant monitoring. However, when you are constantly in a state of insobriety, these are the last things on your list of priorities. So, if you do not go sober at the right time, your kid will find it really hard to make up for the lost time when it comes to studies.
Impact on physical health: When you abuse drugs it is most likely that your child's needs would be relegated. Improper hygiene, irregular food timings and poor nutrition will become the order of the day at home. Disdaining these important aspects of your kid's growing up period will seriously hamper the health and could have long-term implications. They will tend to remain sick most of the time. So, going sober is the only way out from this vicious cycle.
Your kid might emulate you in the future: The most serious impact of your drug addiction could be that your son or daughter also starts abusing it when he or she grows up. This could be the most devastating reprisal to you and your habit of addiction. Visit any detox center in the country, be it the drug detox centers in south Florida or others, you will find cases wherein an addict's parents were also addicts in the past. Subconsciously, the guilt of drug abuse will be lesser in them because they have seen you doing the same thing all these years. It could be a dangerous lullaby for them when they see a parent abusing drugs.
As they say, "a stitch in time saves nine." Make the move today and embark on a path to sobriety before it is too late and the situation goes beyond your control.

Alcohol Access And Your Teen: Is Your Teen Mature Enough To Drink?

So your teen is having some friends over to "hang out." Your teen wants you to provide a movie, snacks, and a six-pack of beer. Should you do it? Isn't it safer to have your teen home with you so you can provide supervision? When you were young, the drinking age was 18, and you turned out fine. Isn't it more important to teach your teen to be a responsible drinker than to abide by a law that features an arbitrary age limit?

Some parents do provide teens with alcohol, or simply look the other way when their teens drink, espousing a "kids will be kids" attitude. They think there is nothing they can do to stop the teen from drinking. They fear their teen's reaction to a strict prohibition against drinking. They want to be their teen's friend because they want to keep the lines of communication open.

Some parents think that if the teen only drinks alcohol in their own home, the parents will be in control of the amount consumed. They think they can keep watch over their teen to make sure that nothing bad happens while the teen is intoxicated. They reason that at least this way, their teen isn't driving drunk or riding with another drunk teen. They rationalize that if they let the teen's friends sleep over, everyone will be safe.

But these parents aren't taking many facts into account that refute the notion that parents should allow underage children to drink:
Teenagers are not physically, mentally or emotionally ready to be under the influence. Even one alcoholic drink is too much for their developing bodies and brains.
  • For every year under the age of 21 a teenager begins drinking alcohol, they are five times more likely to battle a lifetime of alcohol abuse and dependence (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2005)
  • Adolescent use of alcohol increases the risk of dependence because teens' brains are not fully developed. The prefrontal cortex, which we use to assess situations, help us use good judgment, and keep our emotions and desires under control, does not develop completely until we are in our early 20s (NIDA, 2007)
  • Teenagers may look mature, but their bodies are still developing. They require a lower level of consumption of alcohol to obtain a rapid "high," which means their judgment is affected almost immediately, but they also have increased levels of alcohol tolerance, making it easy for them to overindulge.
  • Teenagers are emotionally immature. They are still learning about themselves, relationships, and what direction they should take in life. Because even a small amount of alcohol reduces inhibitions and impairs judgment, they may react emotionally while under the influence without considering the consequences of their behavior.
The use of alcohol by teens increases the risk of activities that may result in serious long-term consequences, including:
  • Use of other drugs (alcohol is a gateway drug because its use compromises judgment and reduces inhibitions)
  • Driving under the influence
  • Alcohol poisoning from binge drinking (teens often binge drink to relax and may participate in drinking games that result in ingestion of large quantities of alcohol in a short period of time)
  • Increased sexual activity and multiple sexual partners due to lowered inhibitions, which increases the risk of pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted diseases
  • Exacerbation of underlying, perhaps undiagnosed, mental illness
  • Violence and rape (whether the victim is under the influence or not)
  • Suicide
Parental accountability for social hosting is on the rise. Twenty-four states have enacted social hosting laws to hold adults criminally responsible for providing alcohol to minors. No state makes it legal for an adult to provide alcohol to other people's children. Civil suits can result in the loss of many or all of a person's assets â€" whether they knew alcohol was being served in the home or not. Turning a blind eye is not an excuse.

When you host a gathering for your teen, you must tighten your resolve. Avoid being a friend and focus on your role as the parent. The following tips will help you through the process:

  • Set expectations with your teen ahead of time. Make sure your teen knows that you will not allow alcohol (or other drugs) at the party and that this is communicated to all guests. Ask your teen to tell you about any concerns she or he has about any of the guests or any situations that could occur. Make your neighbors aware of the party and enlist their help in monitoring the area.
  • Make a guest list with your teen. Limit the number of teens so you can be sure of adequate chaperonage. Be sure you have contact information on each teen's parent. Make sure guests and their parents understand that if a teen leaves the party, she or he won't be allowed to return and parents will be called. Make sure parents who won't be chaperoning know the start and end times of the party and will prearrange transportation.
  • Limit guest access to certain areas of the house and property. Lock up all valuables, breakables, alcohol and weapons. Plan activities to occupy the guests. Provide plenty of snacks, soda and water. Set an example by not providing alcohol for any adults who are present. Regularly move through the party unannounced and as inconspicuously as possible, checking any off-limit areas. Collect all keys so you can keep track of who is arriving and leaving. Keep coats and purses in an area that can be monitored. Speak to each person before they leave; check for warning signs of impairment.
  • If a guest arrives at the party already under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, keep them there while you call a parent to pick them up. If the guest leaves and someone is hurt or injured, you could be held responsible.
  • Visit our Teen Safe Driving Blog to read more about these issues and more to help improve your teenagers learning experience.