Early Addiction Recovery

Early recovery from addiction involves change in attitude and beliefs about alcohol and drug abuse. Recovering addicts and alcoholics explore the meaning and consequences of chemical use and learn to cope with life without substances in their early recovery.
 Addiction is two-faced
Alcoholism or drug addiction is a combination of two problems – drinking/ using problem which refers to the abuse of chemicals that damages the mind and body, and thinking problem which refers to the irrational thoughts, unmanageable feelings, and self-defeating behaviors related to drinking and using.

In the early stage, the focus is on correcting the thinking problems associated to addiction. Addicts and alcoholics come to consciously understand the laws and principles that create and maintain the change. In other words, they learn the terminology and concepts necessary to understand addiction and what needs to be done to maintain positive changes. Understanding addiction involves recognizing it as a disease, identifying  that information with self, and applying the same information with a thorough knowledge of the consequences. This can be assessed when the addict/alcoholic in recovery is able to defend this belief to people who might try to convince them that he/she doesn't have a problem. When this doesn't happen, it is clear that the addict doubts/minimizes the problem and thereby gets tangled in the loops of denial. This can be overcome by having a conversation between the ‘sober self' and ‘addictive self.' The goal of recovery is to keep the ‘sober self' in active mode at all times.
Way to acceptance
With understanding comes acceptance. Acceptance is an emotional process that involves resolution of pain, shame, guilt and unresolved painful experiences that occurred during the course of addiction. This can be resolved only by sharing with other people in a safe environment, with others who can understand and identify without being judgmental. The more it is shared and talked about, the more sense of relief is experienced, thereby the intensity of the pain is reduced. This can be done in 4 ways:
  1. By listening to others' stories - this may help the addicts/alcoholics to feel belonged, that they are not alone to face such painful and traumatic experiences.
  2. By sharing their story - this allows an emotional catharsis to take place as and when the painful experiences are shared. As this process continues, there comes a magical moment when you feel a sense of relief and resolution.
  3. Participating in counseling - this helps addicts/alcoholics to get totally aware of the painful incidents as and when the counselor fills in the blind spots by employing therapeutic techniques.
  4. Working the Steps - the initial seven steps help to deal with the internal change process - a change of thinking, feeling, and being.
Therefore, early recovery helps in the development of a sobriety-centred value system by bringing in an internal change in the addict/alcoholic with the help of otherswho guide and provide directions towards the path of sustained recovery and sobriety.

Marijuana (drug) induced depersonalization FAQ

Smoking cannabis is often advertised as a relaxing and insightful experience, yet some of the more vulnerable and predisposed individuals will have the unfortunate honor to explore the other side of the spectrum. Not only can smoking of marijuana lead to the commonly worshiped euphoria and increase in appetite, but it can equally elicit macabre states of consciousness such as prolonged feelings of ego-devouring dissociation accompanied by intense sensations of anxiety. This complex of perception and affect are commonly referred to as depersonalization, derealization or simply dissociation. Whilst some seek and take delight in this dissociative state, others find it so uncanny and repulsive that they would be willing to give anything for it to stop; ironically, it is this strong emotional imprint that prevents you from immediate recovery, as you are constantly focusing on the negativity it conveys, and so give the anxiety ridden state no space to recede to. How can one put a halt to such a vicious loop of agony? The following will, for the sake of helping one resolve this dissociative dilemma, address common inquires and elucidate the imperative steps for breaking the apparently never-ending cycle:
Is depersonalization permanent? Will it ever end or do I have live like this for the rest of my life?
Drug induced depersonalization is rarely permanent and will usually completely recede given enough time and care. Do not expect an over-night recovery though, as this is not likely going to happen. The recovery takes on a gradually, in small increments. You need time to consciously make sense of the whole confusion, and so does your unconscious need time to assimilate the changes and slowly revert to a more serene mode of operation.  If you trust in recovery and are willing to make some changes in your life, then you are on your way to resurrection.
Have I inflicted some form of brain damage or irreversibly doomed my emotions?
No, you do not need to worry, the feelings or the lack of them are not due to brain damage, but, at most, rather functional anomalies of brain regions implicated in emotion and cognition. It is nothing irreversible; the intensity will slowly drop until you reach natural calmness. Nevertheless, you will need to abstain from drug use in order to give way for recovery.
Why does it affect me while others can enjoy weed/psychedelics without having to go through this nightmare?
A predisposition is prerequisite to eliciting panic attacks and depersonalization. Those with latent anxiety disorders and similar forms of psychiatric distress are high at risk. Because cannabis is a psychedelic, it amplifies your internal states; in other words set (emotion) and setting (environment) play a major role in the use of any drugs. If you are a jittery, shy, anxious person then these traits are likely to be surfaced and further exploited by the use of psychedelics. This makes analysis and resolution of internal problems easier on the one hand, but, on the other hand, can confuse and overwhelm those unprepared for such revelations.
How do I overcome depersonalization, and what should I do to speed up the recovery by as much as possible?
There is a legion of healthy habits one may and is advised to adapt in order to mitigate the acute distress as well as shorten the total duration of suffering.
Exercise, especially aerobic, is one of such approaches. Not only does exercise facilitate the release of mood elating neurochemicals such as endorphins and serotonin, but it also promotes the growth of new neuronal connections in a brain region, known as hippocampus, responsible for cognitive processes. Funnily enough, the very same region is often the victim of depression. Therefore, by exercising, you can even correct what might potentially have been eroded.
Supplements, such as magnesium, GABA, L-theanine, and many more, may provide an acute relief and even a long-term benefit.
Meditation is another great implement for gaining relief. During meditation you may learn to breathe more deeply and rhythmically, analyze the very sources of your struggles, and enhance your focus; all of which add to resources required for a complete recovery.
There are many more approaches, both conventional and extraordinary, you might want to consider and try out for yourself. Many of the techniques psychologists/psychiatrists advertise for recovery purposes tend to be ubiquitous in action and will address both physical and mental well-being, so do not be afraid to experiment!
I cannot get rid of catastrophic thoughts and am tempted to think of the worst case scenarios
These thoughts are the fuel to panic attacks, and it is these thoughts to which you will need to immunize yourself in order to abate the panic attacks. Thinking along the lines: "I feel like I am turning crazy!" is a natural concomitant of intense anxiety and is to be expected. Paradoxically, if you were indeed turning insane, you wouldn't be aware of it. Every time these thoughts assail you, take a step back and engage your logical thinking into the equation. Tell yourself that these are just harmless thoughts, intangible creations of your aroused mind, which present you with exaggerated and unlikely possibilities. Gradually, you will learn to replace the fearful associations with neutral or logical ones and so strip the panic attacks off their noxiousness.
Remember, time is the critical factor and the most powerful healer, and so do not underestimate its power. Even though you might feel like you are doing no immediate progress after implementing some of the above-mentioned techniques, give them a chance to take their full effect; after enough time has elapsed you will grow to appreciate what they did for your anxiety and depersonalization.

How to Overcome Alcohol Addiction With Self Hypnosis

You can overcome alcohol addiction and stop binge drinking with the help of self-hypnosis. You do not have to have alcoholism to require assistance. If you drink in access, it is important to find a solution. An alcoholic beverage is a drug and your intervention should recognize this. Overcoming your addictive habit begins with recognizing the problems that it can cause.
Physical and Emotional Problems
There are significant physical ramifications that arise out of alcohol abuse. The organs of the body—particularly the liver—are affected with the excess consumption. The liver is unable to processes consistently high levels of alcoholic substances and it develops disease. High blood pressure and problems in the immune system may also develop.
Continued alcohol abuse can also lead to problems with cognitive function and memory. These problems with drinking can be associated to difficulties controlling emotions and acting rationally. Impulsiveness and poor anger management skills are also indicators that there is a drinking problem.
Stop Binge Drinking
Some people do not recognize their alcohol addiction because they drink on occasion. There is a significant difference between a social drinker and a problem drinker. The social drinker savors one or two drinks while enjoying a social engagement. A problem drinker quickly consumes more than five drinks in one sitting.
The significant difference is the binge drinker is consuming alcoholic beverages in order to feel the physical effects of the drinks. The social drinker is partaking for the taste and for a little relaxation. This kind of drinking does not have to happen every weekend to be a serious problem. If this approach to drinking is habitual—no matter how infrequent—it is a problem that needs to be addressed.
Overcome Alcohol Addiction
You can empower yourself by approaching your drinking problem as a habit that needs to change. You may feel unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if your addictive habit has a long history, but these can be addressed with self-hypnosis.
The subconscious mind controls your habits and you automatic responses and making changes in this realm results in changes in your everyday routine. Hypnosis works through the subconscious mind to help you change your behavior and it helps you see alcoholic beverages objectively. They no longer hold your interest and you are able to function much better without them.
You can find the support you need to take control of your drinking habits trough a hypnosis recording. Joseph Clough's brilliant composition found here - Justbewell.com - provides guidance and support you need. Another excellent selection found here - More details - is by Debbie Williams, who offers her clinical experience as well as her natural talent. Other helpful recordings are available here - Justbewell. Just follow the links for more information.

Heroin detox for addicts that desire heroin addiction recovery

Heroin detox for addicts that desire heroin addiction recovery

Do you have an addiction to heroin and want to recover then heroin detox is probably your best bet.

Heroin addiction is plaguing my individuals in America and other countries around the world. One reason why heroin addiction is on the rise is because it is lot purer than in the past.

It seems this insidious drug is also getting its hooks into many of our youths. The reason for this is they have found out that this drug can be smoked and has a rather cool title that comes along with it. The name it was coined is chasing the dragon or in other words Smoking heroin. This name came about many years ago in Hong Kong. They have learned how dangerous it is to shoot or snort heroin and they think this way is safe but what they do not know is no matter how the heroin drug is used it is lethal. There are many addicts if still alive if they would have simply done a heroin detox.

I am not sure what the actual number of heroin overdoses are each year but I know it is pretty high. Many of these overdose could be prevented if the peroson who are abusing heroin would just get some heroin addiction help and a heroin detox.

One way a person can get heroin addiction help is in heroin rehab. If you think you may have an addiction to heroin you may want to seriously consider going to this type of rehab.

In heroin addiction rehab you will be looked after by a staff of trained professionals who will be there 24/7 to make sure your heroin detox goes as smoothly as possible. They will administer prescription medications like suboxone to ease the pain of heroin withdrawal.

This process  can take up to 5 days but do not worry because nothing will be required of you during your detox so you will basically be getting a lot of be rest. I would suggest that after your detox that you continue your recovery in residential treatment. This will help you to fight off the desire to use when you do leave rehab.

Types of Mood Disorders, Treatment for Mood Disorders

So, what are different kinds of mood disorders? Basically, there are quite a few known disorders ranging from anxiety, to depression, to mania, to agitation, the list just keeps going on! Most disorders can be traced back to a chemical imbalance in the brain, which can occur naturally, or though the abuse of various substances.

When this invasion into the conscience happens, it manifests as your loss of control of your behaviour. The anti-conscience wishes to completely destroy your conscience, so that it may control your behaviour completely and transform you into a crazy and violent creature. Therefore, when this poisonous content invades your human conscience, you start feeling annoyed, irritated and nothing can satisfy you. This is why your mood suddenly changes and you feel desperate, you lose your courage, become too nervous and nothing can give you the peace you need.

Its shocking to note that mood disorders these days are not uncommon. In the United States alone it is estimated that between 15 and 20 million people suffer from depressive disorders. Most symptoms of depression would be characterized as overwhelming sadness and loss of joy and pleasure in daily activities.

There are two categories of mood disorders recognized by the psychiatric community: unipolar and bipolar disorder. Both are a type of depression with the difference being those who suffer bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, also experience extreme mood swings between depression and episodes of extreme mania or high energy.

Depression is mainly because of the consequences of life such as the death of kin etc. Most of these kinds of depression (bipolar) fade away with the time and as one takes the new situation in his/her stride. It is not for nothing that they say time is the best healer. The chronic mood disorders (unipolar), in some cases genetic, require medical attention as they can be life threatening (suicides). The unipolar mood disorders are major types and clinical attention is necessary.

Treatment of mood disorders such as depression is a complex process and may involve psychotherapy and drug treatment. Drugs which have antidepressant effects usually alter levels of neurotransmitters, serotonin and noradrenaline, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. There are several types and they have slightly different effects in the body. People respond differently to the various types of antidepressant drugs; and a person's symptoms, age, whether or not they have a physical illness, suicide risk, and response to previous medication may help to play a role in deciding what drugs are given.

Mood disorders are also called affective disorders. Mood disorders have a major economic impact through associated health care costs as well as lost work productivity. A mood is an emotion or feeling that lasts a long time. Moods affect how we act. Your mood also affects how you feel about yourself and life in general. Mood disorder problems may be caused by changes in your life. Chemical changes in your body can also cause a mood disorder.

Importance For A Heroin Addict To Detox

eroin addiction has been around for a very long time. It is initially very often used to deaden pain in the form of morphine. The nasty consequences of morphine are addiction. Many people who use it initially for pain become addicted to it and cannot thereafter stop using it.

Heroin has been around for centuries. It's not a new addiction at all and is fast becoming more and more prevalent as the drug of choice amongst our youth. Anyone who has watched the many movies on heroin addiction will know that they may left that movie theater feeling somewhat upset about it. How dare those devils get our loved ones hooked onto such devastating drugs?

The typical "drug" movie leaves me feeling very incensed that such a thing could happen and, then to compound the destruction of the drug dealer on the street, many rehab facilities use derivatives of the very same drug to give the addict a heroin detox. In many cases, methadone is the drug of choice for this. The heroin addict is now set up to become addicted to a legalized drug. Not any different to the heroin except its more addictive, but it's an approved drug.

Anyone who has a loved one they desperately want to help may go hunting all the net to find solutions and there are millions offered up to view. The problem is how do you know what to do? Which one? This can stick you in a very serious maybe. Maybe this one will work, maybe that one will work. Indecision, indecision.

The problem is we don't always know someone who has had to get a loved one through heroin rehab or heroin detox and we very often turn to our local doctor for advice. This may or may not be a good idea, depending on that doctor's experience with heroin addiction. Most often, the recommendation may be a medical "think" and off the heroin addict goes to get his new fix, methadone or a similar heroin derivative.

Other people turn to the psychologist's solution that it's all mental. Or even the psychiatrist's solution and evaluation that you have an "addictive brain" and nothing will work except some or other chemical restraint.

The medical and psychologist solutions have but an inkling of the problem and their success rates probably measure less than 10 risk. So, this solution is dubious.

The real solution is a heroin detox. A key factor in getting a heroin addict rehabilitated is getting the heroin or methadone particles out of their body. Well, that means we're back to the medical modality, doesn't it?

Absolutely not. How about a heroin detox program that follows an exact science and that has a 70 - 80% success rate? Heroin detox is vitally important for any heroin addict as the heroin particles lodge in the fatty tissue of the body. In order to dislodge and eliminate them, the heroin addict needs to literally sweat it out BUT without the additional stress of further drugs.

This is so key to their rehabilitation, that I cannot emphasize enough its importance. The program that helped me recover does exactly that. Utilizing very exact vitamins and minerals, along with good protein, lots of salads and oils, heroin addict is put through the program to arrive at the other end without the drug residues. This is very important as those very residues can spark off later addiction if left in the body.

The heroin addict now feels fresh and bright, like a young kid again. Energetic revitalized and ready to continue with the rest of the program, which deal with the reasons why addiction became an option in the first place - the mental aspect.

The addict is now on the road to recovery. With the rest of the program completed, you will have your loved one back again, intact with a bright and happy future.

Choosing to vape marijuana instead of smoking joints

The cruelty of marijuana has emerged as a serious problem in the United States, with addicts finding it almost impossible to turn back from its addiction. Marijuana, or cannabis, is a commonly abused drug in the United States. Most people use Marijuana for the first time during teenage. A recent study revealed that medical marijuana users are more likely to get addicted to the drug as compared to leisure users. Marijuana use amongst young adults & teens is particularly dangerous, as it has a harmful effect on developing brain tissue.

A recent study revealed that marijuana use during the developmental age mostly results in decreased IQ, even in later adulthood. It can also cause forgetfulness and decreased attention span which can cause learning problems for those trying to get through college and high school. This can affect career choices, goals as well as potential income. The study published by the journal Addiction reveals that people who use marijuana for both recreational &medicinal purposes were apparently more likely to report recreational cannabis use on daily basis as compared to those who use marijuana only for recreation.

Curiosity for the Drug is just impossible to resist, with social and psychological factors acting as common activist that arouses an addict to start using it once again. Medical detox is prudent for patients who are highly addicted to substance for a long duration of time or those with other health-related problems. Encouraging patients into relapse, drug-free prevention therapy, the detox process involves pharmacologic management of the physical symptoms of drug removal.

All things considered, a recreational Marijuana smoker would be better off trying his hands on a dry herb vaporizer pen. By using a mixture of harmless, non-intoxicating yet enjoyable herbs and vape liquids, the user can get a similar high without having to deal with the side effects of Marijuana abuse. The idea of using oil vape pens or wax vape pens might seem outlandish at first but a smoker will definitely discover that they give the same sense of enjoyment like regular joints. However, by using vape pens, one can avoid the harmful substances consumed by the body such as tar that is released as part of the smoking process.

People even recommend using Marijuana vape pens to actually vaporize cannabis leaves rather than rolling them up in a joint and smoking directly. However no reports exist of this method being able to prevent the drug from harming the body's neurological systems but, using a vape pen will definitely prevent the carcinogens generated as part of the smoking process from entering one's body. It might not be the best trade but it definitely wins over smoking Cannabis in the regular joint format.

There are many ways in which one can consider buying a Marijuana vaporizer. The internet happens to provide many sources for legally buying the devices with ease. All you need to do is get online and search for the best quality dry herb vape pen. Or you can visit YourVaporizers.com for more information.

Crystal Meth - The Ultimate Overkill

Its reaction in the body is fast, furious and long lasting. So are the immediate and long term side effects. It increases attention, wakefulness, and physical activity, and decreases appetite and fatigue. There is a brief intense sensation or rush, followed by a long-lasting high or euphoria. This first high is the most intense, with all others being "chasers" which never quite come close to expectations again.
Once the drug's effect disappears, known as the "crash", the user may experience symptoms such as fatigue, nightmares, insomnia, disorientation, confusion, increased appetite, severe depression and suicidal tendencies.
To avoid the unpleasant effects of crashing, some people will take more crystal meth. Paradoxically, the more one uses this drug, the harder one crashes. [1] And of course use can lead to dependence and cravings lasting for life. [2] That means even if you beat the habit of taking this chemical soup, you'll always have psychological yearnings.
In the USA, 2.8 percent of young adults (ages 18-26) reported use of crystal methamphetamine in the past year. [3] This is higher than the annual prevalence of crystal methamphetamine use by young adults (ages 19-28) of 1.4 percent reported by NIDA's 2002 Monitoring the Future Survey. [4]
In Canada, the prevalence among young users is somewhere around 2 percent. [5] I personally believe overall use is somewhat higher, with much of it going unreported.
So what exactly is this stuff and why is the rush so intense?
Crystal meth is the most powerful form of speed available. It excites the brain and nervous system by releasing dopamine into the body. Many times it's made in small and dirty labs and sold as an injectable or snortable powder and a smokeable crystal form called "ice." And it's cheap, which makes it extremely attractive to users.
However, unknown to the victims, dealers often cut crystal with harmful fillers such as antifreeze, drain cleaner, lantern fuel, Epsom salts or battery acid to come up with a 3:1 ratio of filler to drug. [6]
The mix acts as a powerful psychostimulant and sympathomimetic drug, entering the brain and triggering a cascading release of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Euphoria and excitement is caused by stimulation of the mesolimbic reward pathway. [7]
Routes of administration
Swallowing: takes 20-30 minutes to get high through pills or mixed into a drink. Method presents least amount of risk, because the drug is absorbed more slowly. Effects are less extreme but last longer.
The liver breaks down crystal into simpler components, but its use competes with other drugs, and so toxin breakdown may not be efficient. These substances migrate into the blood stream, causing possible drug interactions and overdose. Dangers include heart attack, stroke, coma and/or death.
Bumping and Snorting: takes 3-5 minutes to get high. Powder inhaled directly through the nose and quickly absorbed into the body. This method has similar risks than injecting since sharing inhalers can spread diseases like HIV and Hep B& C. Snorting can also destroy the nasal passages.
In the kidneys, crystal constricts the blood vessels so that less urine is excreted and toxic waste is allowed back into the system, causing headaches and mental confusion. Long term use may cause bladder infections and inflamed kidneys.
Smoking: takes 7 to 10 seconds to get high through inhaling, quickly spreading through the blood stream, with long term concerns such as nerve cell damage, depletion of neurotransmitters, paranoia, psychosis and increased chance of stroke. [6]
"Smoking" methamphetamine actually refers to vaporizing it to produce fumes, which are smoked in glass pipes, or in aluminum foil heated by a flame underneath. Lung damage has been reported with long-term use, but manifests in forms independent of route (pulmonary hypertension and associated complications), or limited to injection users (pulmonary emboli). [7]
Shooting up: (or slamming) takes 15 to 30 seconds to get high, as the drug is injected directly into the veins/blood stream with a needle or syringe. This method is extremely risky as it bypasses all the body's defence systems. If injected into the blood stream, the drug travels directly to the heart, giving a 30 second high.
Physical effects include constriction of veins and arteries, reduced blood flow and increased blood pressure. The heart will beat a lot faster also, which increases risk of arrhythmia (heart out of rhythm) or heart attack. [6]
The hydrochloride salt of methamphetamine is soluble in water; injection users may use any dose from 125 mg to over a gram, using a small needle. This dosage range may be fatal to non-addicts; addicts rapidly develop tolerance to the drug. [7]
Hot Rail: takes 7 to 10 minutes to get high. The drug is heated in a glass stem until red hot and then inhaled through the nose, but can cause lung irritation/nasal passage irritation. The stem can also become contaminated and transmit HIV and Hep C. [6]
Treatment and support are necessary for addiction, requiring a period of detoxification, followed by rehabilitation. Counseling is also recommended to address issues which lead to meth use.
  1. Canadian Aids Society
  2. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
  4. Scienceblog.com
  5. Statistics Canada
  6. Fenwayhealth.org
  7. Wikipedia.org

10 Bad Habits You Need To Quit

We don't need to tell you that bad habits have a negative impact on your life. Often the problem is not identifying bad habits; it is fairly obvious for example, that smoking is not good for you. Addiction can often be the underlying problem, along with escapism. Both are behaviors that everyone partakes in, but eventually your bad habits will become a detriment to your health and happiness. They always do.
For that reason we have identified 10 bad habits that you need to quit; many of them health related, and some of them related to lifestyle and happiness:

1. Smoking

An obvious place to start, smoking has never been attractive, and it has never been good for your health, despite what the early adverts used to say. The dangers of smoking are paramount, and you should kick the habit as soon as possible.

2. Stress Or Binge Eating
Some people like a glass of wine to wind down at night, while other people like a little bit of chocolate, or waffles and ice-cream, or pizza on delivery with too many chips to possibly handle. Binge eating is extremely bad for you, and can lead to cardiovascular problems, and obesity. It can be brought on by stress, so be sure to find a healthier release.

3. Junk Food

Binge eating often involves junk food of some manner, but people all across the world fall for the junk food trap every day, and purchase food from corporations who are known to have low standards of food. Some would say that they are even famous for it (no names McMentioned). A recent study even suggests that junk food operates on the receptors in the brain in a similar way to heroin or cocaine; causing you to want more of the stuff.

4. Excessive Drinking

The effects of consuming alcohol are well researched, and well established as being, well... pretty damaging, beyond a couple of casual drinks. Excessive drinking is definitely a habit you would do well to quit. Drug habits are also not advisable.

5. Involving Yourself With The Wrong People

A little break from the direct bad health habits now, and into your social life. Health and happiness are both important for your functioning, and hanging around with the wrong people is not good for either. You should spend time with people who love and nurture you.

6. Focusing On The Negative

Positive thinking is not just some new-age concept. It has a very real impact on your life, and proven benefits for your health, including the reduction of stress, which a major factor in immune system functioning. Focusing on the negative is another bad habit that you should give up. Focus instead on what you appreciate, and learn to think more positively.

7. Too Much TV

Television is a really wide spread bad habit, that is unfortunately, not getting much better with the introduction of handheld devices. While these marvelous technologies should be appreciated, overindulgence in them causes a lack of interest in life, in the people around you, and in your own health. It can lead to a slobbish lifestyle, with bad diet, and particularly a lack of exercise.

Tony- From Slob To Success

Tony used to indulge in many bad habits. Once upon a time he had genuinely thought that smoking and drinking excessively were not going to catch up with him, but this was not the case. He also ate too much junk found, and Tony struggled with an addictive personality that caused him to overindulge in just about everything. Television provided a haven for him to switch off while he consumed junk food, and all the while he did not have a solid support network around him.

Luckily, Tony realized that he needed help, and spoke to health experts who helped him to get his life back on track, by eradicating the bad habits that were causing him to deteriorate. Tony now enjoys a healthy life, with a nutrition rich diet, plenty of exercise, and a distinct lack of harmful activities. His new found good health has also left him feeling more confident and more able to achieve his goals.

If you want help identifying and giving up your bad habits, then please contact our highly trained and experienced team of health experts. We can help you to make the changes that will improve your life dramatically. Health is something that we should all value, and bad habits get in the way of that. Speak with us today, to start a better tomorrow.

Positive, Negative, And Neutral Addictions

There are 3 forms of addiction:  positive, negative, and neutral.  Each form affects a person's life in some fashion.  Whether the addiction has a positive, negative, or neutral affect is up to a person's perception and reaction to performing the addictive activity.  If the activity helps the individual or other people then its positive.  If it hurts the person or other people (physically, mentally, financially, etc.) then the activity is negative.  A neutral addiction has neither positive nor negative impacts to the individual or others around the individual.

A few types of positive addictions are reading, exercise and healthy eating.  There are fewer forms of positive addiction than any other form of addiction.  A positive addiction can turn negative and can synonymously be considered an obsession in some people's eyes.  However there is a thin line between obsession and dedication.  One person's definition of obsession could be considered dedication to another person.

Negative addiction comes in the most broad and varying forms.  Alcohol, drug, eating and gambling addictions are the most common forms.  These addictions have an adverse affect on a person's family, social and financial life.  While some people can break these addictions alone, most people need help through support groups, rehab centers, and interventions.

A neutral addiction is an activity like lawn mowing or car repair.  While these addictions are closer to hobbies than addictions they can have either positive or negative influence on the most important aspects of a person's life.  A person may or may not want to perform the addictive activity but feels the activity must be done in order to maintain balance in life.  On some occasions, a neutral addiction can be closely compared to an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Step back and identify your addictive actions and activities.  Determine if they are positively or negatively affecting your life or other people's lives.  Take the time to talk to others about your addictions; having another person's perspective will help you make sense of your addictions.  Finally, determine the best method of treatment if needed.

The Danger Of Consuming Alcohol and Antidepressants

Antidepressants are the drugs that are used to treat depression. Due to the fast life and the unbearable tensions in life many people suffer from depression may it be the clinical depression or the normal depression. So the number of people taking this antidepressant drugs has increased to a greater extent.

But at the same time there are a number of people who also consume alcohol daily. The thing is that, there are a number of people who are not aware of the fact that consumption of alcohol and antidepressants can have a serious impact on the life of these people. It is not only the antidepressants but there are many medications which interact with alcohol and have serious effects. It is observed alcohol is the main cause for maximum number of emergency admissions in the hospitals.

The science that lies underneath is that whenever we intake the drug as a medicine in order to cure a disorder, that drug has to enter in the blood stream of the body so that it can make some effect on the organ and tissues.

The effect of these drugs is reduced only when these drugs are processed, that is effect is reduced only if the metabolism takes place in the body. Alcohol also behaves in the same manner. It enters into the bloodstream and causes intoxication to the brain and is finally metabolized and eliminated via the liver.

When drugs and alcohol are taken in simultaneously than for metabolism to take place they fight or demand for the same enzymes and can result into improper functioning of the drug. This in turn can result in not curing the disorder for which the antidepressant was taken. In some cases the consumption of alcohol along with antidepressants can cause serious disorders, and can sometimes lead to death.

When it comes to alcohol and antidepressants together, there are a number of cases when their interaction causes severe disorders. Alcohol boosts or adds to the sedative effect of the trycyclic antidepressant. Increase in sedative effect can result in the decrease in the mental responses.

Many beers and alcohol consists of a chemical that reacts with the antidepressants like the monoamine oxidase inhibitors that can result in increase in the blood pressure of that person.

Thus there are a number of disorders that occur because of the interactions of antidepressants and alcohol. So one should always take care of this fact that, one does not consume alcohol and antidepressants at the same time.

The Drug Addiction Story of Johnny Cash

Celebrity singer Johnny Cash is one of the most prolific and respected singers in the history of country music.  What some people don't know is that Johnny Cash has struggled with drug addiction for much of his professional life.  Why would such an amazing and popular singer have a problem with drug addiction?  For the same reasons that everyday people struggle with the same addiction - pressure and stress.

Celebrities are not given a free pass out of the stressors of life.  They have to deal with the same problems that everyday Joe does, only their stressors are much larger and much more life changing.  Try to imagine how you would feel if you had to make a decision about a multi-million dollar contract or which song would be the best one to put on your album so you can gain popularity and fame?

The truth is that Johnny Cash is just like you and me.  And when he was offered drugs as a way to cope with life, he did what millions of people do every single day - he succumbed.  He found a way out, a way to cope, a way to deal.  It's a natural human need - something to help along the way when life just seems like too much to bear.

The drug addiction that took hold of Johnny Cash started in the 1960's when he began drinking heavily and started using amphetamines and barbiturates.  It became a vicious cycle.  He used drugs in the morning to "pick him up", drugs in the evening to "help him sleep" and alcohol in between just to cope.  All the while, this man was making amazing music that the whole world loved.

Drugs, including alcohol, are the easy ways out of actually having to face things in life that we would rather not face.  They take away pain, they make life seem less intense, and they help us become the person that we want to be.

The problem is that drug addiction takes hold and we are unable to control our urges when it comes to our drug of choice.  Eventually, Johnny Cash got hold of his drug addiction and learned that life isn't something to be avoided - it's something to be embraced.  He got the help he needed and went on to live a long life with many successes even as late as a few years before his death.

Johnny Cash was not only one of our most popular country music singer, he was a person who overcame his drug addiction and lived his life without the haze of drugs.  He is someone to be looked up to - despite his faults.  We all have them, but we don't have to pay for them forever.  Johnny Cash is a prime example of that.

Overcoming Painkiller Addiction

Painkiller addiction can be very tricky and it can sneak up on just about anyone. Accidents can happen and almost anyone can become the victim of terrible, chronic pain that seems to overtake their life. The only seeming solution for something like this, in many cases, is to go on a heavy, opiate based painkiller. For some people, this can lead to dependency and in some cases full blown addiction.
The problem with using opiates to treat pain is that they do not really treat the pain at all. In fact, what they do is to simply dull the brain. There are pain signals that travel through the body to the brain, telling the brain "Hey! I'm hurting! There is a problem here!" The narcotic medications do not actually help your physical pain in any way at the source, and they don't really divert the pain signals in your body either. What addictive narcotics do is they simply dull the brain so that it no longer minds the pain signals that it is receiving from the source of your pain. The effect is a bit like making your brain drunk without getting your entire body drunk. This is the "rag in the alarm clock" approach to pain management.
So opiate painkillers (these are the kind that are addictive) do not really medicate our pain, they simply drug our brain and make it care a bit less about the pain signals in our body. Other medications, such as nsaids like Ibuprofen, reduce inflammation and can actually reduce the level of pain in your body right at the source.
So if you become addicted to painkillers, then you will have to figure out a number of things in order to recover. The first thing you will have to do is to get your body physically detoxed from the medication. Opiate withdrawal can be extremely uncomfortable, so it is recommended that you go to a drug rehab center that has a detox unit so that you can get off the pills under direct supervision. Most treatment centers will also treat your withdrawal symptoms in some way and make it more bearable for you to endure.
The second thing you will have to do in order to overcome painkiller addiction is to find a new way to manage your chronic pain. As mentioned above, there are alternative medications that are not addictive that can actually work better than opiates in some cases, because they do more right at the source of the pain. In addition to this, you might try a pain clinic, where they can treat your pain locally on a daily basis. There are also things such as TENS units and holistic remedies as well that might be able to help you manage your pain without opiates.
The final piece of the puzzle when overcoming a drug addiction is to create a new life for yourself without chemicals. Yes, that is a huge challenge and the idea of doing so is really a tremendous effort. If you have been addicted to painkillers for a long time then you are going to have to focus on your recovery and learning a new way to live for a long time as well. We did not become addicted overnight so it takes time to build up a successful recovery.

Cocaine Come Down Remedies

Cocaine Addiction rehab centres are an excellent place to overcome your addiction, cocaine abuse and addiction is a complex problem involving biological changes in the brain as well as a range of social and environmental factors. Cocaine addiction treatment is a very complex process, which must address a variety of problems. Cocaine come down remedies are best addressed in an addiction centre.

In many countries cocaine is a popular recreational drug, in United States the development of crack cocaine Introduced the substance to a poorer market. The use of the powder form has stayed relatively constant.

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant directly affects the brain. Cocaines popularity was mostly during the 1980s. Cocaine is in fact one of the oldest drugs, the pure chemical cocaine hydrochloride has been an abused substance more than 100 years. Many South American tribes have often used coca leaves which have been ingested 1000 years.

A problem with illegal cocaine use, especially in high quantities to combat fatigue by long-term users, is the risk of ill effects increased due to the compounds used in the adulteration. Some of the compounds used in the coding process such as Novocain produces temporary anaesthesia. Some of the other compounds used can be inactive sugars, creatine and glucose.

If you are not sure whether someone has been using cocaine, then you probably expect they are. A lot of the time when people think that friends or family are using cocaine, they will turn their heads and look the other way, hoping the problem will disappear.

Cocaine is a huge problem to our current society with its addicted users doing whatever they can to try and get their next fix. This can create physical and psychological effects on a good percentage of the population.

There has been enormous increase in the number of people seeking treatment for cocaine addiction during the 1980s and 1990s, cocaine addiction is actually quite common, it's a very addictive drug. Cocaine is a highly addictive illegal drug which has ruined the lives of millions of people in over the century. It ruins the users life and the lives of those who care for them.

Cocaine addiction rehab centres are very important in this day and age especially with a myriad of problems that cocaine addiction can create. If you grow research for family or friends he suspected of addicted to cocaine, you are actively taking steps to cease their cocaine addiction.

Combining Psychosocial Treatments and Drugs to Cure Opioid Addiction

Addiction is a primary, chronic and relapsing brain disease that affects the health, social and economic welfare across the societies. An opioid dependence occurs due to brain abnormalities resulting from chronic use of heroin, oxycodone and other morphine-derived drugs. According to a 2016 review published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine – the official journal of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) – psychosocial intervention, along with medications, is the best treatment option for opioid addiction.
"Given the current state of the opioid overdose epidemic, it is critical that patients seeking help for opioid addiction have access to comprehensive treatment that includes highly effective medications whose effects may be enhanced with the provision of psychosocial interventions," says Dr. Karen Dugosh, Ph.D., of Treatment Research Institute, Philadelphia.
Psychosocial intervention for opioid addiction
Three different types of medications – methadone, buprenorphine and naltrexone – are presently used to treat opioid addiction. ASAM has recently issued guidelines for the use of these drugs, according to which these medications are approved for use "within the framework of medical, social, and psychological support," and can be used along with psychosocial treatment.
To support this finding, the researchers went through three reviews and 27 recent studies indicating the efficacy of providing psychosocial interventions in combination with medications to treat opioid addiction. However, they also pinpointed certain limitations in terms of identifying the most effective combinations of medications and psychosocial treatments. Of the 27 studies, nine claimed that psychosocial interventions are beneficial for patients being treated with methadone.
On the contrary, only three of eight studies found positive effects of psychosocial interventions with buprenorphine, while an equal number of studies advocating the use of psychosocial treatments with oral naltrexone. Dr. Dugosh and her colleagues feel that more research is needed to support the claim regarding use of psychosocial interventions for opioid addiction. "As opioid use and overdose deaths in this country exceed epidemic proportions," they concluded. "The urgency for an expanded research agenda on best practices for comprehensive treatment could not be more critical."
Detox therapy: An overview
A 2016 report by ASAM revealed that of the 21.5 million Americans aged 12 or older who had a substance use disorder in 2014, 1.9 million had an addiction to prescription pain relievers and 586,000 had a substance use disorder involving heroin.
A detox therapy is recommended for opioid addiction patients to improve their chances of successful recovery and prevent relapses. In an ideal procedure, medications like buprenorphine and naltrexone, along with a proper counseling, can help patients stay on the road to recovery. This process takes place in an inpatient rehab center with the help of adequate medical intervention.
Time and again, studies have suggested that drug addiction can be better controlled with long-term maintenance therapy, using either methadone or buprenorphine. Although, patients undergoing such a treatment are still opioid-dependent, they often remain untouched by the destructive effects of drug addiction. Visit any detox treatment center Arizona, and you will come across some addicts who have been taking medicines for decades as they tend to fall back to illicit drug use after the maintenance therapy is stopped, while some others are recommended to taper off the therapy over months to years.
Be it at a detox treatment center in Arizona or somewhere else in the country, a therapist needs to know an addict's complete history of drug abuse before starting any treatment, as most people tend to relapse even after achieving long-term abstinence. It is not easy to fight the vicious cycle of addiction, recovery and relapse and getting back to the square one. If you or someone you love is dependent on drugs and displays increasing risk of developing other health-related issues, get in touch with the Arizona Detox Helpline at 866-593-8453 before it grows into an unmanageable problem.

Addiction and Recovery - Help! My Addict is Coming Home From Treatment - Helping

If family members participated in a family program or in sessions with the patient's counselor, chances are good that the enabling, the inappropriate caretaking, and the struggle for control on the family member's part was pointed out. These behaviors, which are survival behaviors, are now declared to be "off limits". "Detachment" is recommended. The addict, it is pointed out, is in charge of his/her own recovery.
So, what is a family member supposed to do now? Most spouses or parents of recovering alcoholics/addicts continue to have major concerns or fears about whether their significant other is ready to come home and whether they have enough new sobriety skills to weather early recovery trials.
Family members have heard about "bottom lines" and may be questioning whether they can demand that the addict in relapse move out. There is a whirl of conflicting thoughts and concepts about what to do and what not to do. Family members are expected to stop enabling, but to offer support and help. The difference between "enabling" and "helping" may be confusing. It may be something that family members continue to have difficulty understanding. Yet understanding the difference is crucial in being able to change how they respond to the recovering person.
The questions come up, "Do we pay for a car, insurance, and a place to live? Should we help get him caught up in bills so that he is not so stressed and can focus on recovery? He's an adult; can we set a curfew, or dictate who he can run around with? Do we enter into a behavioral contract with an adult?" These questions do not have universal, standard answers. What may be help to one recovering person, could be enabling to another.
One thing to keep in mind when trying to figure out the answers to these questions, is that family members not only have the right, but have the responsibility to decide what they are willing to tolerate in their own homes. If a family member is offering temporary shelter to an adult child, or even to an adolescent returning home after treatment, it is appropriate to lay out the boundaries and expectations for the recovering person to be allowed to live in the family home. Expectations regarding continuing abstinence from all mood altering drugs, (including alcohol) attending meetings, continuing care, avoiding old drinking/using friends, etc. are frequent expectations that are best verbalized and possibly included in a written behavioral contract.
A general rule of thumb to help you determine if you are enabling or helping is to look at what the addict is doing. A family providing a place to live to a recovering person who is doing everything they can to stay clean and sober on a day to day basis is probably "helping". A family providing a place to live to someone who is not engaged in recovery activities or who has already relapsed is probably "enabling". If the recovering person is following treatment team suggestions and you are observing changed attitudes and behavior consistent with recovery, the assistance you give is probably "helpful".
Family members need to understand the nature of defenses of addiction to assist in the addict's recovery process and to take care of their own recovery. Family members that buy into the continuing distortions in thinking of the addict, might be assisting in the relapse process. Thirty days in inpatient treatment is not a cure. In fact, this period is an interruption of the momentum of the disease and a "beginning" of recovery. Unfortunately some addicts and family members leave inpatient treatment with their defenses still in place. Until an addict fully accepts that he really is an addict, and accepts responsibility for keeping his addiction in check through continuous abstinence, relapse is probable.
A person leaving treatment may think that she has learned her lesson and will never drink/use again and therefore, not in need of continuing care or twelve step meetings. Some people leaving treatment may believe that since they went to treatment for opioids (for example), that they don't have a problem with alcohol and can drink without negative consequences. These themes in faulty thinking can persist into post-treatment or can re-occur after discharge as part of the relapse process. To provide money and other support, while holding your breath, hoping that they won't relapse, is "enabling".
Family members benefit from fully comprehending the difference between taking "responsibility for" and being "responsible to" their chemically dependent significant other. Being "responsible to" supports recovery and being "responsible for" supports continuing active addiction.
Early addiction recovery is difficult, not just for the recovering alcoholic/addict, but for families as well. Gather all the resources that you can find, to assist you in this journey. My website has a number of pertinent articles and other resources for your assistance. Go to http://www.peggyferguson.com to check it out. Ebooks on relapse that can be purchased and downloaded are at http://www.peggyferguson.com/ServicesProvided.en.html While you are on my website, sign up for my newsletter that will let you know about new releases of additional information/education resources.
Dr. Peggy L. Ferguson, Ph.D., LADC, LMFT, Marriage/Family Therapist, Alcohol/Drug Counselor, Writer, Trainer, Consultant, providing professional counseling services in and around Stillwater, Oklahoma.

The Five Stages of Drug Abuse

There are five distinct stages of drug abuse. The first stage is described as access to drugs but no use thereof. Teens are just curious about drug use; they may ask questions or ask to join those using drugs. They willingly listen to stories about the effects of drugs. They watch others obtaining drugs or using them.
In this stage, minimizing the risk factors that make a teenager more vulnerable to using drugs are an issue. Prevention is the key element here where parents take on the lead role in ensuring the well-being of their teens.
The second stage of drug use ranges from experimentation or occasional use to regular weekly use of substances. The users experiment with drugs and discover the effects. This is usually social, recreational use carried out as part of a group, usually on weekends. This stage is critical because it may pave the way for the third stage which is characterized by the youth progressing to further increasing the frequency of using one or more drugs on a regular basis. Now the drug user has discovered the “benefits” of using drugs. Perhaps they alleviate boredom or anxiety. Problems and stresses may seem to disappear. Girls or women may use stimulants for weight loss and males may use steroids for appearance enhancement. When the positive effects outweigh the risks or any negative effects, these individuals may become regular users. This stage may also include the teenager either buying, stealing, or drug dealing to get drugs.
In the fourth stage, adolescents have established regular usage, have become preoccupied with getting intoxicated ("high"), and have developed problems in their social, educational, vocational, or family life as a result of using the substance.
The final and most serious stage of drug use is defined by the youth only feeling "normal" when they are using. They are now certified drug addicts. During this stage, risk-taking behaviors like stealing, drug dealing, engaging in physical fights, unprotected sex, or driving while intoxicated increase and they become most vulnerable to having suicidal or homicidal thoughts.

The effects that varying drugs have on your body

Before we can go into depth on the different effects that drugs can have on your body, we need to define what constitutes a "drug". A drug is any substance that brings about physical or psychological changes. The type of drug that brings about the most concern is amongst the community is the type that affects the central nervous system, these are known as psychoactive drugs. They change the way people thinks and feels and most importantly, how they behave.

Although drugs can cause an array of different problems such as family and relationship issues, problems with learning or at work, increased chances of accidents, legal issues and financial problems, we will be looking at the health problems and what each drug's repeated use can do to your body and mind.

Marijuana (Weed)

One of the drugs that society see as the least harmful, many people go as far as saying it is not actually addictive and hardy a drug, and that it has no long last harmful effects. This is not the case. The active ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, it act on the nerve cells in some areas of the brain (areas that such as pleasure, memory, thought, concentration and time perception). With repeatedweed leaf use these areas of the brain start to react slower and more weed needs to be consumed in order to have the same effect on the brain. Many avid weed smokers will only start with a small amount, but as time goes on they will need more and more until they need to smoke a very large amount for it to take the desired effect. Many people call Marijuana a gateway drug because of its diminishing effects, they believe that weed smokers will eventually grow tired of having to consume so much and so often that they will move on to something more potent (and more addictive)
Effects on the heart: Within the first hour of smoking weed the heart begins to beat faster, an increase of 20 to 50 beats per minute, this obviously puts pressure on the heart especially in the case of people who binge. People are four times more likely to have a heart attack while under the influence of THC.
Effects on the lungs: Many misinformed people believe that smoking Marijuana has no negative effects on the lungs and that because it's herbal it cannot be harmful. Scientists have found that regular weed smokers can experience the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, these include; coughing, phlegm build ups, chest illness, lung infections and obstructed airways.
Effects on the immune system: Research indicates that THC impairs the body's immune system from fighting disease, which can cause a wide variety of health problems. One study found that marijuana actually inhibited the disease-preventing actions of key immune cells. Another study found that THC increased the risk of developing bacterial infections and tumors.


Cocaine is a popular "status" drug, it has powerful negative effects on the heart, brain and mental health of its users. Many people easily fall prey to the strong addictive attributes of cocaine, this can be life threatening consequence. In some cases people whose bodies are not able to handle the drug will simply die suddenly.
A different chemical processing of the Erythroxylum coca bush can produce two types of cocaine; powdered and crack cocaine. Both of which cause the following Physiological effects on the human body:
Effects on the heart: Increases heart rate and blood pressure while constricting the arteries supplying the heart blood can cause damage to the heart as well as heart attacks and arrhythmia.
Effects on the brain: Cocaine can lead to bizarre and violent behavior, long term damage to the brain and it can constrict the blood vessels in the brain, causing strokes.
Effects on the lungs and respiratory system: Snorting cocaine causes damage is deterioration of the nose and sinuses. Smoking crack can cause lung irritation and can cause permanent lung damage.
Effects on the kidneys: Sudden and overwhelming kidney failure can result from using cocaine through a process called rhabdomyolysis. People who already have high blood pressure can accelerate kidney damage from the repeated use of cocaine.


Heroin is one of the most addictive substances on earth and can have some of the most devastating effects on the body with repeated use (which is almost a certainty when the habit manifests). Heroin has a negative effect on almost every part of the body, so we will just highlight the main effects.
Effects of using non-sterile equipment: The sharing of equipment will begin toHeroin cause long-term negative effects on the body, Infection of the heart lining and valves, normally due to lack of sterile technique. Liver disease and hepatitis C are very common among addicts who share needles and other equipment
Effects on organs: The heart, liver and kidneys are all subject to increased chance of disease and illness. Because the body can develop a tolerance to heroin, more needs to be consumed, leaving your organs in an even worse state. On top of your internal organs being damaged, your skin will also be worn down by the use of heroin.
Indirect effects: Many users veins begin to collapse after repeated use, once they cannot find a usable vein they will begin to find other useable points such as under finger and toenails, a thought that will raise the hair on anyone neck.

Ecstasy (MDMA)

MDMA exerts its primary effects in the brain on neurons that use chemical serotonin to communicate with other neurons. Serotonin plays a very important role in regulating mood, aggression, sexual activity, sleep and pain sensitivity. The body has a set amount of serotonin that can be released in a lifetime, ecstasy unloads a large amount of this at
Ecstasy tablets once and begins to deplete your body's stock of serotonin which can eventually (quite quickly if use is frequent) lead to long term depression. The following are some of the physical health effects it has on the body:
Effect on body temperature: In high doses, MDMA can interfere with the body's ability to regulate temperature, on some unpredictable occasions this can lead to a sharp increase in body temperature (hyperthermia)
Effects on organs: The effect of of hyperthermia can cause immediate liver, kidney or cardiovascular system failure, which in many cases leads straight to death. MDMA can interfere with metabolism causing a breakdown within the body.
Indirect effects: Drugs such as MDA (the parent drug of MDMA) and PMA can be sold as ecstasy or MDMA. these drugs are highly neurotoxic and can create serious health issues for the user. No one can ever be sure of what chemicals they are actually buying, the dealer can put anything they wants in these drugs in order to cut his costs.

Drug Rehab – Dealing with Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome is the most threatening condition for anyone undergoing drug rehab. With symptoms that flare up months and sometimes years after treatment, PAWS can cause even the most dedicated drug rehab patients to experience relapses. It is crucial for addicts to understand the nature of post acute withdrawal so that they may take the necessary steps to mitigate its effects. Here are the most common experiences, symptoms, and treatment methods for people in drug rehab.
Rapid Onset and Delayed Effects
For most addicts, PAWS sets in immediately after detoxification. Rehab patients experience more severe withdrawal symptoms during the actual detox process, but their cravings and associated ailments can linger for months. In fact, some addicts report powerful cravings and other symptoms years after they leave their treatment facilities.
The Symptoms of Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome
PAWS symptoms can be physical, mental, and emotional. Some of the most common ones are:
*Lasting drug cravings
*New cravings for food, alcohol, and other addictive substances
*Memory loss
*Cognitive Impairment
*Heightened pain sensitivity
*Loss of motor skills
*Slurred Speech
*Anxiety and depression
*Sleeping problems
*Emotional numbness or overreaction
Obstructing Treatment
PAWS can severely affect addicts' abilities to successfully engage their therapies during their clinical drug rehab programs. Even people who are enthusiastic and positive about their treatments will find it difficult to concentrate as they experience powerful cravings, headaches, and other distracting symptoms. Focused effort from patients is vital to the success of addiction treatment, so these symptoms must be addressed.
Social Difficulties
The visible symptoms of post acute withdrawal can make it extremely difficult for addicts to find social acceptance. Laypeople often assume that recovering addicts who exhibit speech impediments or motor impairment are still under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This phenomenon is known as "dry drunkenness," and it is highly frustrating for addicts who struggle to create new lives in a world rife with drug-related stereotypes.
Continued Cravings
Because addiction is a permanent disease, virtually all addicts will experience cravings throughout the rests of their lives. These cravings are the most dangerous symptoms of PAWS, and they make relapse a constant threat. Some addicts have reported feeling fine for years after treatment, only to succumb to powerful and unexpected urges to use.
Education for Prevention
Because PAWS is the number-one cause of relapse, addiction specialists are now making its mitigation a top priority at their clinics. The most important step they are taking is to educate their patients on the nature and effects of this crippling condition. Rehab patients can easily become discouraged with their efforts when they experience cravings and the apparent effects of intoxication – even while sober. When they understand that these symptoms are expected and natural, they have more confidence to move forward with their treatment programs and develop lasting strategies for staying sober.
Effective Treatments
Rehab clinicians also help their patients deal directly with certain PAWS symptoms. In some cases, medications are necessary for reducing physical and emotional pain. In other instances, additional counseling sessions are used to help people avoid stress-related relapse. Finally, many addicts find solace in prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices.
Whether you are struggling with Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome or have not yet sought addiction treatment, there is hope. Call an inpatient treatment center for a toll-free consultation with a dedicated addiction specialist. They can help you regain control of your life and find happiness once again.

Kratom Gets Popular with Addicts

Kratom – a natural painkiller procured from a tree by the same name and is tropical deciduous tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia – is causing a new problem to the United States law enforcement agencies. There is now evidence that this popular natural painkiller is addictive, and is being widely abused in America as well.
Recovery of nearly 90,000 bottles of a dietary supplement called Relakzpro, which contains kratom, by the U.S. Marshals north of Rockford earlier this week, according to a Fox 32 report, has left the authorities concerned. Kratom has become popular in recent years among drug addicts undergoing treatment for their addiction, and getting addicted to this comparatively milder substance.
According to experts, addiction to kratom is considered less harmful compared to other substance addictions. Kratom is becoming popular since it is legal in most of the states of the U.S. Kratom leaves are also used for preparing tea, and its effect can be felt within 20 minutes.
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, a low dose of kratom acts as a stimulant, while a high dose acts as a sedative with euphoric effects.
Dr. Edward W. Boyer, a professor of emergency medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and an author of several scientific articles on kratom, says, "It's a fascinating drug, but we need to know a lot more about it." But he warns, "Recreationally or to self-treat opioid dependence, beware - potentially you're at just as much risk as with an opiate."
The popularity of kratom is growing rapidly through the internet. Online sale, which is mostly undetected, is now picking up pace. People chew, brew, smoke, snort, ingest, and even inject kratom. Its craving has been growing over the last decade and Kratom is competing with salvia, bath salts, krokodil or synthetic marijuana. Facilities like the drug addiction treatment centers in Florida or elsewhere would surely have patients who'd have tried kratom at some point as a substitute for opioids.
Kratom has far-reaching effects akin to that of other opiates, impacting both mind and body.
Physical effects of kratom:
  • constriction of pupils
  • elevated blood pressure
  • increased heart rate
  • constipation
  • analgesia
  • nausea
  • hangover in overdose
Other effects of kratom:
  • stimulation
  • euphoria
  • sedation
  • feelings of warmth
  • depression in certain cases
However, just like any other psychoactive substances, symptoms of kratom can vary from person to person. The narcotic effect of kratom can be overwhelming and people may try to sleep. After taking karom, people even begin to hallucinate. The effects normally last from two to five hours. Consumption of extracts takes a longer time to show results, which last for a longer duration.
Banning kratom
Though there are no proven health risks and potential abuse of kratom, some states like Indiana, Tennessee, Vermont and Wyoming have banned it. But the Drug Enforcement Administration is yet to ban it as a controlled substance. It has just mentioned it as a "drug of concern". However, the army has prohibited its use among soldiers.
On the other hand, states like Florida and New Jersey have set aside bills and are keeping a close watch on the attached health risks of kratom. It has to be seen how a drug addiction rehab in Florida would take to its growing use among addicts. But most treatment centers say that kratom is a full-blown relapse and is no different from other opioids. Experts feel further investigation and extensive studies are needed to know the truth about kratom.
For more information on drug addiction and treatment, call our 24/7 helpline number 855-982-2401. The experts at Florida Drug Addiction Helpline will take you through the best treatment until you or your loved one recovers completely.

Showing Up to Work Drunk and Think Nobody Else Knows?

If so, it’s time you seek an alcohol treatment facility. There are over 100 million people in the U.S., over the age 12 that drink. Millions of them meet the diagnostic criteria for abusing alcohol or alcoholism. 60% of them are employed? Are you one of them? Look to our California, Utah, Washington and Nevada alcohol rehab referral for help. Did you know that the cost of alcoholism in the work place accounts for billions of dollars being spent?
Absenteeism is four to eight times higher amongst people who abuse alcohol.
Not only does missing work impact your other co-workers, but so does the lack of productivity. It’s not productive for an employee to be alcohol impaired at the work place. It is demoralizing and it harbors an air of passivity. Take an active choice in your future. Research the alcohol treatment centers in California. Don’t wait until you’re fired or until you hurt somebody. You need to know that you are not alone and there are places to turn. If you are missing work because you are suffering from a hangover, it is time for you stop being a financial burden on your employer and be the productive, responsible person you were employed to be. You don’t have to do it by yourself. You can find help at a California alcohol rehab centers.
Co-workers not only tolerate this behavior, but have to compensate for the alcoholics poor employee performance. Even more to the point; one in five employees have been exposed to dangerous conditions or had to report injuries do to an impaired co-worker. This means higher insurance costs and payout to medical claims do to abuse of alcohol. Have you been so inebriated at work that your co-workers had to cover for you? Have you caused or been responsible for an injury? You really shouldn’t wait any longer. Look into an alcohol treatment facility right away. Quit putting yourself and others into harms way.
In no way does alcoholism only affect the drinker. In no way are you the only person affected by your drinking. It is time to change. Locating a California alcohol rehab is a step in the right direction. California has a large number of alcohol treatment centers for you to choose from. You can find an alcohol treatment facility in California, Washington, Nevada and Utah that can work with your budgetary and personal needs. It is important that you find help. If you want to quit drinking and break your addiction to alcohol, do it now. There is no better time to make a positive change in your life.

The Link Between Depression and Substance Abuse

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has estimated 10 percent of Americans battle depression. According to the reports published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, around 50 percent of individuals with severe mental disorders also struggle with substance abuse, whereas 37 percent of alcohol abusers and 53 percent of drug abusers have at least one serious mental illness.
Individuals dealing with both depression and addiction, otherwise known as dual diagnosis, have a greater struggle ahead of them. A mental illness and substance abuse are the most common co-occurring morbidities. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reports that one in three adults who struggle with substance abuse also suffers from depression.
In case of a dual diagnosis, both the mental health disorder and substance abuse have their own particular symptoms that further inhibit normal functioning, managing daily life issues and interacting with others. The situation gets more complicated as the co-occurring disorders also influence each other and interact. When a mental health problem is ignored, the substance abuse problem normally gets worse as well. On the other hand, when alcohol or drug abuse becomes worse, mental health problems are usually exacerbated alongside.
Depression is often considered the gateway into substance use. Simply enough, those who experience depression decide to take alcohol and drugs in order to "self-medicate" and escape the negative thoughts and emotions controlling them. However, those who are clinically depressed cannot fight it themselves and require treatment. If these individuals are using drugs and alcohol on a regular basis, chances are their consumption will soon turn into a full-blown addiction as they will unsuccessfully try to self-medicate.
Dual diagnosis involves a high level of complexity in treatment. It is evident that patients struggling with dual diagnosis cannot receive the care they require in a conventional, one-dimensional rehab program. Only programs suitably equipped to manage psychiatric problems alongside drug and alcohol addiction can assist effectively with treatment.
The most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) depicted 7.8 percent of Florida residents to have reportedly used illicit drugs in the past month. The national average was 8.02 percent. As far as the statistics regarding depression were considered, SAMHSA reported Florida's percentage of major depressive episode (MDE) among adolescents to be similar to the national percentage in 2012 through 2013. This meant that about 120,000 adolescents (9 percent of all adolescents) per year in 2009 to 2013 had at least one MDE within the year prior to being surveyed. The percentage did not change significantly over this period.
The Florida Dual Diagnosis Helpline will help you connect with the best rehabilitation centers in Florida to ensure a sustained recovery. Dual diagnosis treatment Florida focuses on the simultaneous treatment of co-occurring mental health disorders and addiction. If you or a loved one is struggling with dual diagnosis, help is just a phone call away.

3 Biggest Reasons To Opt For Preimplantation Genetic Testing

Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is a method where the embryos are examined after in vitro fertilization (IVF) to select embryos that will be free of specific genetic disorders or chromosomal abnormalities. Preimplantation genetic testing at Los Angeles' Pacific Reproductive Center fertility clinic improves the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and birth for –
  • Couples with history of recurrent miscarriage
  • Couples with unsuccessful IVF cycles
  • Couples who are at risk of passing an inherited genetic disease to their child
  • Women age 35 years and older (eggs have greater chance of abnormalities)
  • Carriers of sex-linked genetic disorders, such as hemophilia
  • Carriers of single gene disorders, such as cystic fibrosis
  • Couples in need of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) testing
For these high risk couples, preimplantation genetic testing at Los Angeles fertility clinic reduces the possibility ofunsuccessful outcomes by testing the embryos for certain genetic abnormalities before choosing them for transfer. After preimplantation genetic testing, your embryologist will select the healthy embryos for transfer to the uterus, reducing the possibility of miscarriage or birth defects.
Prevention of Miscarriage
For women that have experienced recurrent pregnancy loss—two or more consecutive miscarriages—preimplantation genetic testing is now an option to help prevent future loss. Preimplantation genetic testingcan determine if chromosomal abnormalities are present. If embryos have chromosomal abnormalities, they will not be transferred back to the female partner. PGT has been shown to reduce the risk of miscarriage in women.
Successful advanced age pregnancies
Women who are in their late 30s or early 40s carry the risk of abnormal embryos.In such cases, IVF with preimplantation genetic testing at Los Angeles may improve pregnancy rates and reduce miscarriage rates.In vitro fertilization (IVF) combined with preimplantation genetic testing is a good option in such cases. The embryos are screened during the blastocyst stage to look for any chromosomal abnormalities that may result in implantation failure or miscarriage.
Increasing the chances of a healthy baby
Preimplantation genetic testing comes as a ray of hope for couples who have a family history of genetic disorders. Earlier, the only option available to these couples was prenatal testing. But that could come too late and leave the potential parents in emotional trauma. Preimplantation genetic testing at Los Angeles' fertility clinic, Pacific Reproductive Center, can test for over a hundred genetic disorders and allows such couples to have a healthy child. Instead of resorting to adoption or surrogacy, these couples can now have biological children of their own.
Increase chances of IVF success
Preimplantation genetic testing at fertility center, Los Angeles identifies and excludes abnormal embryos even before transfer. This leads to greaterchances of a successful pregnancy, resulting in a healthy child.

Options for Alcohol Abuse Treatment

Those in need of alcohol abuse treatment can feel as though the idea of avoiding drinking is useless. When one has become dependent on alcohol, perhaps to the point that the body will literally shake without it, the fact that treatment can seem daunting is not a surprising one. Yet with a proper detox and rehab period, the client can work to remove associated toxins from the body. Following this, there can be the option for a number of different therapies to help improve the odds of overall success.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
One such option is cognitive behavioral therapy. The patient will explore different how different thoughts, beliefs and behaviors originally came to be. This could include better examine lifestyle choices that have been made. Perhaps the patient has been eager to attend nightly gatherings of drinking with other alcoholics. This can be a means of the individual attempting to convince themselves that there is no problem, as others they know are doing the same. The reality is that many in the group could indeed have a problem with alcohol, especially if the drinking occurs on a daily basis.
Working hard
Some are functioning alcoholics and could seek to argue that the drinking is justified. The alcoholic could say, "I have a stressful and demanding job. When I come home from work, I see any leisure remaining after other responsibilities as being mine to do as I see fit with." Yet the reality of true alcohol dependence is often not so cut and dry. For example, drinking to excess nightly can soon lead a person to become sick, especially if needs such as food or sleep are compromised as a result. Absenteeism at work could be more possible due to being under the influence or hungover, so many employers argue that this is not fair to them regarding accountability.
The option of alcoholism treatment centers can allow patients sobriety, which can make managing personal life and professional life much easier. This is not to mention the many dangers that could result if a drinker chooses to drive while under the influence as well. Instead, working to maintain recovery from alcohol can allow each individual better odds of leading a healthier happier life. Friends and family will no longer feel as though they are constantly concerned or worried as well. At 24/7 Alcohol Abuse Treatment, we seek to offer the highest standard of care around the clock. Please call  (866) 480-6873 to learn more on how to get started.

Herbal Supplements To Detox Kidneys In A Cost-Effective Manner

There are a number of changes in our lifestyle that has improved ways of comfort and reduced quality of life. Many of us gained a wide range of facilities at the cost of environment these days. When talking about adverse effect of pollution, the increasing toxic levels in the foods that we consume plays an important role. The pair of kidneys in the human body plays a crucial role in the process of detoxification along with water regulation and so they get toxic and it is highly important to keep these organs cleaned on a regular basis and this can be done in a safe manner with the help of herbal supplements to detox kidneys.

Safe herbs suitable for kidney detoxification: Before actually gathering details about herbal supplements for this purpose, let us first understand about the different herbs that can play an effective role in kidney detoxification:

Taj: With its botanical name as Cinnamomum cassia, this herb is known as an aromatic kitchen spice and it is known for its wide range of health benefits. Here are some of the reasons why it is added as important ingredient in the best herbal supplements to detox kidneys:

1. It can enkindle the digestive fire and can help with elimination of natural toxins from the GI Tract and it is also known for its effectiveness in promoting healthy absorption.

2. It is also known to support healthy circulation all through the body.

3. Besides these benefits, it is also known to promote warmth in extremities like lungs, kidneys and joints.

4. It will help with removal of excess kapha from the chest and from the head.

5. It is known to provide nourishment to the reproductive system both in men and women.

6. In the case of women, it will promote comfortable and healthy menstruation.

Haubair: Juniperus communis and Juniper berry are the other names used for this herbal remedy. Here are some of the reasons why it is added as an important ingredient in herbal supplements to detox kidneys:

1. These berries are known to be effective in treating infections, particularly within the urinary tract, prostate, kidneys and bladder.

2. The antiseptic properties of this berry will help with removal of wastes and acidic toxins from the body and it can also stimulate the fighting action against bacterial and yeast infections.

3. It will also help with increasing the flow of digestive fluids, thereby eliminating gas and improving digestion.

4. Being a diuretic, it will help with elimination of excess water retention that can contribute to weight loss.

5. The anti-inflammatory properties of this ingredient will help relieving of pain and inflammation pertaining to arthritis.

When talking about herbal supplements to detox kidneys, a supplement called as UT Clear capsule has these two ingredients mentioned above, besides many other cleansing herbs. So, this is a safe and effective remedy for kidney cleansing and also for improving the health of kidneys.

How Crystal Meth Addiction Endangers Children

Discussion of the dangers of crystal meth addiction usually focuses on the threat meth poses for adults, but addiction often has collateral damage. When a meth addict has children, works with kids, or is close with children in his or her family, the addiction can pose various dangers to the young people. What is more, women who use meth when pregnant or breastfeeding risk passing health problems along to their children. All in all, while crystal meth addiction is always bad, having kids in the picture should give any addict extra incentive to seek addiction treatment.
Here are a few ways in which crystal meth addiction can endanger children.
Second-hand smoke and contamination: When meth is smoked, remnants of the drug can linger in the air and remain on the surfaces of the room. Traces of meth can also permeate food and drink in the household. Even small amounts, when inhaled or ingested by children, can lead to any number of potential health problems.
Fires and explosions: During the meth production process, there is a high risk of explosions and fires. Such incidents cause hundreds of deaths every year, and the deaths do not only include the meth cookers themselves. The explosions sadly often affect innocent bystanders as well, including children. This is one of the harsher costs of crystal meth addiction.
Neglect: Parents with crystal meth addiction often end up neglecting their family responsibilities, which can lead to conditions of neglect in the home. This can result in emotional problems for the children, and it can also create hazardous conditions. Children living in such conditions are more likely to get into trouble, endanger themselves, or become malnourished.
Pregnancy complications: Meanwhile, pregnant mothers who use crystal meth put their unborn children at great risk. Even a single instance of crystal meth use during pregnancy greatly increases the chances of birth defects and pregnancy complications making meth use during pregnancy extremely dangerous for the unborn child. If the mother does not get rehab for addiction as soon as possible, the unborn child is virtually guaranteed to have problems. However, pregnant mothers who seek crystal meth treatment early enough can often avoid complications.