How to Successfully Self Detox From Cocaine

The primary goal of detoxing is to get the harmful chemicals out of your body. In order to successfully detox from cocaine, you should have a plan in place. If you dive in to detox without knowing what to expect before, during and after the process, it may interfere with the ultimate goal which is to detox. Before starting the detox it will be helpful to get some basic supplies to keep you strong during the process. Dehydration often occurs so stock up on Gatorade (pedialite for children works great), herbal teas, herbal calmers for anxiety (available at most grocery stores), fruit and some saltine crackers or Ritz crackers.

Seeking the assistance of a treatment center is recommended, however, self detox is possible. The primary addiction of cocaine is psychological as opposed to physical. This does not mean that your body will not undergo extensive physical discomfort, it simply means that you will have to be mentally prepared to clear your body of the substance, be mentally prepared for the withdrawal and be mentally prepared for the steps to stay clean.

It is recommended that you visit a physician to determine if you are physically able to handle detoxing without medical assistance. This will include a basic physical to check things such as your heart and blood pressure. You will need to remove all cocaine and any paraphernalia that will be associated with you using. Do not have anything in your possession that will tempt you to use while you are going through detox. In order for the process to be successful, you cannot use cocaine or another substance during or after the detox.

The withdrawal symptoms will vary for each person, but you can expect the withdrawal process to last from two days to several weeks. The physical symptoms of withdrawing include headache, diarrhea, vomiting, depression and/or the inability to sleep. You may experience all or only a few of the typical symptoms and it cannot be determined how far into the process you are by the symptoms being experienced. Psychological symptoms could include restlessness, agitation and/or irritability. It is also common for a cocaine addict to experience worrisome thoughts, dissatisfaction's, nightmares and depression as well as an increase in appetite.

One of the strongest, most overwhelming part of withdrawal, will be the cravings. Part of the addiction to cocaine is the intense cravings it provokes. During withdrawal these cravings will intensify. It will be beneficial if you have someone staying with you or someone that you can call during the cravings, it will be beneficial to have someone to relate to. Often times cocaine users can also benefit from making a list of reasons they are quitting and referring to the list during the entire process, especially during the cravings.

After getting through the withdrawal part of the process, it is crucial that you get help to stay on track and guide you through the lifestyle change.

Drugs and Alcohol

Having been a flower child of the sixties and seventies, most drugs were experimented with by me through the years, including alcohol. Yes, alcohol is a drug. In fact, it has been said to be the most dangerous drug of all because it is legal, glamorized by the media and very easily attained. The last statistic stated by the government warned that there were 93,000,000 alcoholics in the Untied States alone.

Having been a taxi driver who worked nights and weekends, people would often say to me, "I just drink, I don't do drugs." This statement soon became a pet peeve of mine. My response quickly comes as, "Alcohol is a drug!" This would sometimes bring a sobering look upon some thoughtful faces. Some would be quite angered by my statement and want to argue with me about it.

Drinkers are in denial and I'll never tire of saying that alcohol is a drug! This should never be posted anywhere: 'Drugs and Alcohol'. People! Alcohol is a drug! And if you drink alcohol... you ARE a drug user! Drinkers often consider themselves above than the average drug user because of the ignorant ideology of alcohol not being a drug. Not true, if you drink alcohol you are a drug user! In fact, you are a drug user of one of the most dangerous drugs in our history.

Here are many reasons why alcohol is the most dangerous drug there is. The romantic illusion that society has portrayed of alcohol has made it doubly dangerous. It is especially harmful to our children who may rationalize as many adults do--that drinking alcohol is okay because it is largely not considered a drug at all. Wrong! Are you teaching your child this dangerous misconception? It may one day kill them or someone else or both.

Children are often allowed to drink an addictive drug known as alcohol which may very well ruin their entire lives. We are condoning drug usage through alcohol just because it can be legally bought and glamorized by ads and society. However, we are only fooling ourselves. This is a very dangerous misconception for many persons. This continual self-disillusionment and egotistical notion that alcohol is not a drug burns my buns for many reasons.

I've lost two stepfathers, one drank himself to death. The other shot himself in the head. Both had drinking problems and abused the drug alcohol. They were alcoholic drug users in denial. An alcoholic friend of mine was only 19 when I found him with his brains splattered across his room from a self-inflicted gun shot wound. Yet a third alcoholic drug suicide.

Having been an avid pot smoker, my point is; I've never lost a single friend or family member to excessive marijuana use or any other illegal drug for that matter--other than alcohol. I've never had to attend the funeral of a friend or family member who put a gun to their head to end their life or become addicted to marijuana. Only psychological addiction to marijuana is possible, not physical addiction as with the alcoholic drug . I've yet to meet a violent marijuana user in 50 years. Perhaps a very hungry, sluggish and possibly way too friendly one! But never a violent person who was just a pot smoker only. However, depression, loss of memory, lung ailments and/or lung disease can develop with chronic and prolonged usage of marijuana. These appear to be the only known problems with smoking marijuana. The benefits of its use would be another article in itself. Just to name a few: naturally fights glaucoma, pain, nausea and can be use for many other purposes other than smoking it to get high.

A drug user, is a drug user whether you consume nerve pills, drink alcohol or caffeine found in coffee, smoke pot, crack or nicotine from cigarettes. All the above are physically addictive drugs--except marijuana. How many of these drugs do you use daily? Be honest! When you think of calling someone a drug user or abuser, make sure your not on this list first.

I'm quite pleased to find that more strict regulations and laws have been enacted in regards to the most dangerous drug there is, alcohol. Still we are a long way from considering the alcohol drug as a number one killer of our people as it truly is. Personally, I still maintain that being born is the major cause of death. =)

Most somehow rationalize that drug use is okay, as long as it has been made legal by the government regardless of facts or affects upon our lives or the number of lives destroyed. When are we going to wake up and realize that the truth of anything, including how dangerous a drug can be, is in the results of its usage. We all know someone who has or is destroyed their life with alcohol.

It is legal for me to go through a drive through and buy a very potent and extremely deadly alcoholic drug in a bottle--then drive away. There's nothing stopping me from me from drinking it on the road. Yet I'd be punished if found smoking a joint, which is an illegal drug that is not even physically addictive in my home. Where is the rational sane thinking in the statement of 'drugs and alcohol'? There isn't any period. My title to this article should simply be 'Drugs', but then those whom I wish to read it the most would ignore it completely as they are muttering to themselves... "I just drink, I don't do drugs." Then there would be little point in my efforts to wake up people to their irrational thinking about alcohol not being a seriously dangerous drug. And if you drink alcohol, make no mistake--you are a drug user.

After Your Accident: Five Tips to Prep for In-Patient Rehab

By definition, no one plans to have an accident. But they do happen. And when they are serious, there may be medical care, surgery, hospital stays, or even in-patient rehab. In-patient rehab is what is sounds like, rehab that is done in hospital or a rehab facility. Typically this type of rehab is for patients who have suffered a severe injury or accident, serious illness or a traumatic event that has caused a stay in acute care or a long term hospital stay. The rehab is part of the recovery process and is designed to help patients relearn basic and daily functions and skills.

These may range from basics such as walking, talking or eating to more complicated functions such as learning to understand and manage emotions. It is not uncommon for patients of trauma to have emotional and stress reactions that are difficult to comprehend for the patient and their family. This becomes a needed part of the recovery process along with daily tasks many take for granted like drinking out of glass without accident. Below are five tips to help family members and possibly even the patient prep for in-patient rehab.

Get to Know Your Team
The typical rehab facility team may be comprised of nurses, doctors, physical or occupational therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, and social workers. Whether as the patient or family member, by engaging and discussing progress or concerns, a bond is developed between the medical staff and the patient. Don't be afraid to bring up questions, it may feel bothersome at first, but by reviewing questions and concerns, it can help the medical team better do their job.

From Rehab to Home

Many patients and family members of patients are surprised to learn that going home quickly post rehab is not a guarantee. The typical stay in an in-patient rehab facility is 68 days and the average patient is a 62 year old woman. Depending on the severity of the trauma, the progress made in the facility, and needs to be addressed, some patients may go to another facility as their recovery progresses. Once home, it is likely that rehab will continue.

Manage Expectations
It is important that the family, friends, caregivers, and loved ones of the patient are patient. In-patient rehab brings about a lot of work, changes, and even new routines. There may be daily exercises to perform, new medication, or simply learning new ways to complete old tasks. Whatever the case, support from friends and family often makes the process of rehab and the transition home easier to bear for everyone.

Utilize Resources
One great aspect of in-patient rehab, is that the patient is a community of peers, in that everyone is recovering from some type of trauma. This alone may provide much needed social support as the emotional roller coaster of recovery is in effect. It may also mean that best tips and practices are shared, along with encouragement and camaraderie.

Follow Orders
Like any other medical partnership, following the homework, best practices, medication, diet, and more provided at the in-patient rehab center is always a good idea. Along with this, if a doctor suggests such a rehab process, it is always a good idea to heed the advice. Often the doctor and original medical team will work with the rehab team to help ensure maximum recovery.

Effective Addiction Recovery

Recovering from drug addiction might seem impossible to you right now, but the truth is that it can be done. Any type of recovery or major change in life requires a lot of effort, sacrifice, and overcoming certain obstacles. The good news is that recovery is achievable and millions of people have done it before. You need to have a plan and follow it thoroughly. Below you can find helpful ideas for successful drug addiction recovery that will get your life back on the right track.

Find the Right Treatment For You

There are many men's addiction treatment options available, but there is not a single one that can solve everyone's problems. Treatment should be individually adapted to the patient's situation based on his lifestyle, drugs of choice, and psychological needs. You should find an addiction drug rehab that feels right for you and makes it easier for you to make the leap to a drug free life. Also, remember that many times drug addiction is the result of underlying problems. You might have had difficulty coping with stress, problems with relationships, or other issues, which lead you to drugs in the first place. Finding treatment that addresses underlying causes is crucial to successful recovery so make sure you choose one that fits these criteria. You should also remember that the recovery process is just that, a process; it doesn't happen overnight and requires work.

Decide To Make Changes

One of the first steps is to accept that you have a problem and that there are changes you need to make. For most people, this is the most important step in recovery and can also be the most difficult one. Write down on a piece of paper how your life will be better when you live a drug free life. Also, write down how you are missing out on life right now and all of the negative things that drug use has caused you. Make sure you keep that piece of paper with you at all times to remind you why you are making changes. You will most likely go through setbacks and weak points; that's why it is a good idea to have a tangible reminder.

Reach Out For Help

Everyone needs help at some point in his life and you should never be embarrassed about it. Building a support group that will have a positive influence on your recovery is crucial to your success. Once you have attended a men's drug rehab, it's a good idea to stay connected to those who are also sober. A sober living environment is crucial to your success in opiate addiction recovery or any other substances from which you are recovering. If the people you socialize with are clean, you will have a better chance of continuing a life of sobriety. In addition, attending 12 Step meetings on a regular basis is an effective tool in staying sober.

Experience a Drug Free Life

Another important step in maintaining your sobriety is to truly begin living a sober life. The recovery process requires a lifestyle change. Since you have turned away from a life of using, you will have more time to participate in fulfilling activities and hobbies. Spending time outdoors, connecting with nature, and meditating is a great way to relieve and cope with stress, which can act as a trigger to use. Also, a common myth about getting sober is that you'll never have fun again. Actually, it's quite the opposite. You will get to experience and remember activities you used to do and find them all the more fulfilling. Again, attending 12 Step meetings, and fellowship with those who are also in recovery is imperative.

The Bottom Line

Recovering from drug addiction may seem difficult at times but if you have a plan and stick to it, you have a chance at a new fulfilling life. Remember that any major change in life requires a lot of effort and sacrifice; taking the leap to a drug free life is no different. If you, or someone you love, has a problem with addiction, remember that there is always hope and there is a solution.

Medication and Behavioural Drug Rehab Treatment - A Combination for Quick and Life-Long Recovery

Medication and effective behavioural therapy work together as a great formula to speed up drug rehab doctoring. These are two important elements of a therapeutic process which often start with detoxification followed by intensive treatment and relapse deterrence. Warding off withdrawal symptoms in drug rehab doctoring is critical to begin the formal treatment procedure, whereas deterring relapse is vital to maintain its effects. Also, like other chronic health conditions, relapse episodes might require one to go back to previous treatment constituents.

Medication for Addiction Treatment
It can be used to assist with several other aspects of addiction treatment.

1. Withdrawal
Medicine helps suppress the withdrawal signs and symptoms during the detoxification process. Medically assisted detoxification is not the complete addiction doctoring solution, but only a small part of the process.

2. Treatment
Medicine can help re-establish normal brain function as well as deter relapse and ward off substance cravings during drug rehab doctoring. At present, there are certain medications developed for addiction doctoring for alcohol, tobacco (nicotine), and opioids (heroin, morphine). Medicine is also being developed for addiction doctoring of cannabis (marijuana) and stimulants (methamphetamine, cocaine).

Behavioural Addiction Treatment
Behavioural doctoring helps patients participate in the drug rehab doctoring and mainly change their behaviour and attitudes. These therapies accentuate the medical treatment process for quicker and lifelong treatment.

1. Outpatient Behavioural Treatment
This form of behavioural treatment is inclusive of a wide assortment of methods for drug rehab doctoring for patients who visit the facilities at regular intervals. Mostly, these programs are based on group or one-to-one counselling. A lot of programs also proffer various other kinds of behavioural doctoring. These include cognitive-behavioural therapy, multidimensional family therapy, motivational interviewing, and motivational incentives (contingency management).

2. Residential Treatment
Residential doctoring programs can be beneficial for patients who are suffering from deep-rooted damage because of drug abuse. For instance, TC's (Therapeutic Communities) are highly structured rehab programs during which the patients continue to live at their own residence, generally for a period of 6 to 12 months. Therapeutic Communities differ from other drug rehab doctoring methods principally because of their use of community treatment staff and recovering patients to implement changes to influence perceptions, attitudes and the behaviour of the patients.

The major focus of all drug rehab centres is to re-socialize the patients to lead drug-free lifestyles with greater productivity. However, it should be noted that both the treatment and the healing process can be prolonged depending on the nature and strength of damages incurred both physically and psychologically.

What Happens in Drug Rehab?

Drug rehabilitation is an important part of the recovery process for anyone addicted. For someone who has never been in a rehabilitation center, the fear of the unknown can be intimidating. Having a brief understanding of what to expect when they enter the facility can be helpful.

There are different drug rehab centers and each offer something unique. In general, a person wants to look for a center that approaches the treatment plan in more than one way. Even when the physical aspect of a dependency on drugs or alcohol is being addressed, the person's psychological need for the substance can't be overlooked. Therefore, finding a center that offers a well-rounded and complete treatment plan is imperative.

As part of the therapy to overcome the physical dependency, medical staff is present to prescribe medications that may ease the difficult symptoms of withdraw. It may seem counter-intuitive to offer more medications to someone trying to break a chemical dependency, but in actuality, the symptoms of withdraw can be disabling. This makes it even more of a challenge for the individual trying to break their habit.

Some individuals who are addicted are thought to have a chemical dependency within their brains. For them, in particular, it becomes even more of an ongoing battle to stay away from the substance they crave. In this case, if this is indeed determined to be the root cause of their addiction, a doctor may prescribe a medication treatment plan that will aid in their recovery.

Group therapy and individual counseling are a typical part of the treatment program as well. In terms of group therapy, patients can expect to participate in sessions in which other addicts, at different stages of the recovery process, discuss their individual challenges and successes.

Even when an individual completes the prescribed treatment plan their recovery isn't assured. Chemical dependency is generally a life-long battle, and as such each person who faces it, must find a way to deal with it effectively. This usually means determining what triggers their drug or alcohol usage. Realizing this can help ensure they don't fall back into the same lifestyle habits they did in the past.

The time devoted to drug rehab varies depending on several factors including how serious the addiction is, how long the person has lived with the addiction as well as the intensity of the treatment plan. In many cases, an individual can expect to stay, at minimum, thirty days in a drug rehab facility.

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Three Important Ways To Support Someone In Drug Rehab

There are times in life when people absolutely need a helping hand. Sometimes, people need physical help, but more often than not, what they really need is moral support. There are few times this is truer than when someone you care about is in drug rehab. It is important to note, as a supportive friend or family member, that this is not the final step to recovery, but rather, the first.

During rehabilitation, a person will need all the support they can get from their friends and family. You may have recently found out that a close friend or family member has just taken this initial step. If so, please consider these three ways that you can support them during this time.

Tell Them That You Will Be There For Them

This may sound like a given, but this is more important than most people realize. People often say these words almost instinctively, the same way that someone may say, "Bless you," when another person sneezes. What really matters is that when you tell your loved one, "I am here for you," you mean it. Let them know that you will really be with them every single step of the way. Don't overlook the weight of these words, as your loved one may not hear them from anyone else.

Be Patient

Drug rehab is not an easy process. Your loved one will have to contend with the fallout of drug dependency, which rears its head physically, mentally, and emotionally. This means that your loved one will experience a lot of ups and downs during this time. Being patient will prove to be a priceless asset. You will need to be patient both with the person being treated, as well as the people working to help him or her. Keep in mind that rehabilitation does not happen overnight.

Emphasize Accountability

It is good that your loved one has agreed to accept treatment, but it's important that they have done so for the right reasons. If they do not truly want to get better for their own sake, then they may not be fully committed to the process. Remind them that they are doing this for a reason: to get their life back. Making this change can definitely benefit their relationships with others, but the main focus should be their own health and wellbeing. Do not be forceful or overly aggressive, but be firm and caring when communicating this.

The road to recovery from substance abuse is not an easy one. Your loved one will go through a lot of trials and encounter many obstacles during their time in drug rehab. Most of all, they will need your help. With your continued love and support, they can find the strength to keep going and eventually come out the other side.

Teen Drug Rehab

It is a fact that half of US teenagers try marijuana before finishing high school. It can affect school performance and sports adversely. Long term use can lead to addiction. In 2002 over a quarter million individuals entering a drug rehabilitation program reported marijuana as their primary drug of abuse.

There are a few treatment programs geared specifically for marijuana users. Rehab involves counseling and group therapy. The ultimate goal of teen drug rehab programs is to allow the teenager to be abstinent from drugs. They help the person become productive and overcome the health effects of the drug as well as the withdrawal symptoms. Teenagers are unique in that they are undergoing physical and mental changes constantly. Many teenagers may also have legal issues and may have a compulsory drug rehab program. Relationships with family, peers and the community are very important. As with other rehab programs a thorough medical and psychiatric evaluation is performed. Periodic monitoring of progress is made and as some programs state the goal of rehab right from the first day is planning for the return home.

Some teen rehab programs have the residents perform chores but it appears that this is not favored or supported by research. Family involvement in the rehabilitation process is crucial and programs have methods to ensure this occurs. Sports, yoga, acupuncture, religion and spiritual programs are components of these programs. Some programs have music therapy and even animal therapy. Academic assistance through on site tutors as well as coordination with the teenager's school is a very important part of programs.

Often declining grades are a symptom of drug use and attention to this aspect sometimes ensures that once discharged some students perform even better than their peers. Parents often have mental health issues related to their teenager's drug habit and attention to this will help the teenager in the long term.

5 Things to Expect After Your Teen Exits Drug Rehab

So your teen has just finished a program at a drug rehab center, now what? While you want to remain supportive and optimistic, the truth is, it's estimated that 90 percent of drug rehabilitation patients have had at least one relapse before finally becoming sober - permanently. That's why it's important for parents to monitor their children to help keep them from having a "slip". A relapse does not necessarily begin when drug use starts, it can be a slow process. Here are some common warning signs that your child could be having some difficulty:

No daily routine -- Your child may have noticeable changes in sleeping patterns, overlook personal hygiene or skip meals. These are all warning signs of a step in the wrong direction. Help your child maintain a structured daily schedule and support them throughout the day so that relapse does not occur.

No social life - After completing rehab, many patients may feel out of their element when reunited with loved ones. Your child may feel uncomfortable and nervous around people that he/she used to spend so much time around. Your child may also neglect going to support group meetings. Make certain that your child does not begin to isolate him/herself or that could cause them to relapse.

Thoughts of suicide -- A person trying to recovery from a drug addition may experience feelings of depression. Your child could feel trapped by the inability to change his/her life after rehab and believe that the only way out is to return to using drugs, or worse, commit suicide. If your child shows increased levels of loneliness, frustration, resentment, or is not attending treatment or counseling sessions, provide help for your child ASAP.

Inappropriate actions -- Your child may convince him/herself that "just one" drug won't hurt and this is one of the clearest signs of an impending relapse. It is extremely difficult for those in recovery to realize that life was not bad prior to using drugs and that he/she can make a change in his/her life. Monitor your child's actions and ensure that there are no drugs in sight.

Increased level of stress -- After going through drug rehab and coming home, stress levels can be elevated. Although a little bit of stress is anticipated once a patient returns to the "real world" after rehab, it is important to monitor the mood of your child. Observe your child and ensure that he/she is not over-reacting to situations, having drastic mood swings or negative feelings.

In rehab, people spend a significant time talking about what they'll need to do to improve their individual lives but research suggests that helping someone else could be a vital part of the recovery process. This could be mentoring someone in a support group or volunteering for a cause that is important to the individual. Giving back makes the heart feel full and happy. This could be just the sort of sensation a person needs in order to maintain sobriety when the rehab program is complete.

Some Facts About Drug Rehab Centers and Their Treatment Programs

Selection of drug rehab centre can make all the differences in terms of successful recovery. Suppose a person is suffering from any sort of addiction and wanted to be rehabilitated then almost half of the road of recovery can be solved by the selection of an appropriate rehab center and treatment programs. If you are seeking for an appropriate drug treatment center it is always better to spend some in finding a best one in your respective state. Selection of drug treatment center for the alcohol as well as drug rehab always needs some keenness for the purpose of successful recovery in their task. There are more than enough drug rehab centers Massachusetts which offer several treatment programs according to the type of addiction as well as condition of the patients. The treatment programs in these centers always differ from an addict to addicts. This treatment center offers treatment programs such that it covers all the aspects of the addiction that is mentally and physically. Hence, it clearly shows that if anyone chooses the wrong rehabilitation program the chances of getting successful recovery always gets reduced. In this article there are some useful information's about the drug rehab center which will help you in getting an effective drug treatment.

Before enrolling in any center for drug rehab in Massachusetts, let me confirm you that the duration of treatment program may takes more than one month. So, you have to keep patience while getting an effective drug treatment in these centers. Once the patients are admitted in these rehab centers the first and primary thing that centers offer is detoxification program. In this program, almost all the fatal and toxic materials which are present in the body's addict are removed with the help of various medicines. Usually, the length of this detoxification programs takes a week and with the help of this process they make ready the addicts for the other rehabilitation program. It has been seen that most of the people are willing to leave the treatment center because they cannot bear the withdrawal symptoms during this process. Thus, it is always recommended that this detoxification should be done under a qualified medical professional who are trained enough to handle any situation during this medical treatment period. Once the detoxification process is over, then these center offer inpatient and outpatient treatment program which depends upon the condition of the patients.

Though, detoxification is effective in making sure the physical recovery of the patients, it is also essential to ensure psychological recovery for the effective rehabilitation. For the effective and better treatment most of the centers offer inpatient treatment for those who are suffering from severe addiction. But, in other case for the outpatient, they have to visit the treatment center frequently in order to get proper medication and treatment. The chances is recovery is smooth and fast in inpatient treatment programs as compared to the outpatient treatment program because during inpatient treatment program the patient is watched continuously round the clock under the medical professionals.

Drug Rehabs - Getting People Rid of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a complex condition that results in severe adverse conditions characterized by compulsive drug cravings. Persons with drug addiction can fully recover if provided with the proper treatment and lead a fulfilling life.

Treatments for drug addiction vary according to the amount and types of drugs involved along with the duration of the drug addiction. Finding the best type of rehabilitation program for an addicted person is very essential. The main objective of the addiction treatment program emphasizes upon the need to enable an individual to attain a lasting abstinence from drugs. In the beginning they try to reduce the usage of these substances and improve the functioning ability of the patient.

Drug treatment centers treat patients with a number of recovery programs which include successful therapies like motivational enhancement therapies, cognitive behavioral therapies and with group and individual counseling. Many drug rehab centers utilize their environment to the fullest extent providing the drug abuse treatment residents a clear focus. They have homely surroundings to help residents feel comfortable and secure. These centers make sure that their residents are ready to rebuild their lives outside after going through a successful treatment. A successful drug rehab has an important feature that includes group and individual counseling sessions. These sessions increase the confidence level of the patients.

When looking for a drug rehab center, your main consideration is the kind of medical approach used by the rehab center. This matter seems important mainly because long term rehab treatments provide cure to the physical as well as mental health of the residents primarily focusing on the eradication of the addiction. This integrated approach is the most effective therapy in the recovery of the patient.

There is a majority of drug rehab centers offering customized treatment and support according to the intensity of the problem. Some of these rehabs help the inpatient as well as the outpatient through different treatment programs. An outpatient drug rehabilitation center is sufficient for addicts at the beginner's level. However, choosing the best level of care for the patients is important as many of them don't have enough capacity to fight the withdrawal syndromes without professional help.

All of these rehab centers have properly trained and experienced psychologists, physicists and other staff to meet any contingencies. The initial stage is the physical detox stage of the drug rehab treatment, which is done by using a range of natural treatment methods. The next stage is primarily focusing on the treatment of the patient's mind and can be a little longer process depending upon the intensity of the addiction.

There are plenty of rehab centers that conduct various programs based upon the age of the patient. These are targeted for teenagers, adolescents and even the senior citizens. These addiction treatment programs for the young patients are focused on explaining the nature of addiction and what consequences it may have at a later stage. However, the senior drug addiction programs are more focused on the detoxification of the patients which is very important as these patients may have been addicted for a long period of time causing a heavy accumulation of the drug substances within their bodies.

In addition to that there are many rehab programs for others such as the working people. These programs try not to reside the patient in the treatment center. They are enrolled in a day treatment program which allows the person to visit the treatment center for a few hours each day while for the remaining part of the day the patient would be free to follow other pursuits of life.

Finding the best rehab center specializing in all kinds of drug addiction recovery is an easy task at drug rehab which provides you the proper information of the different treatment centers and various programs offered by them

Five Facts About Drug Rehab You Need to Know

Maybe you are the person who has an addiction, or maybe it's a loved one who is fighting this battle. Perhaps drug rehab is what you need, and if that's the case, you have made a great step by looking for information through articles. You are also not alone in your journey. Many people have walked in your shoes, and have come out in the light of being clean after spending some time in a drug rehab facility. Life is better after addiction; hope, joy, and happiness are within reach again.

The journey begins with someone having to take that sometimes-scary first step: This might be the person dealing with addiction, or it could be a loved one who makes the decision for you. It makes no difference really, as long as someone takes that first step. It has been proven that even in the case of intervention, success is possible. Of course, it's always better if the addict recognizes the problem and wished to seek help themselves, but it's not necessary for a drug rehab program to work for them.

Each person involved in the situation will need to make some change to his or her thoughts and behaviors. Everyone is aware that the behaviors of the addict must change, but there are very few who acknowledge the fact that loved ones need to make certain changes as well. Hiding the issue that there is a problem being dealt with, and that it might just clear up on its own, is simply a cover-up. Drug rehab programs often provide sessions for family members and friends so they can teach them how to make these modifications in their own lives in order to help the addict.

Detox is not the nightmare it once was, but it's still a very difficult part of any recovery plan in a drug rehab program. Although it can be rough, there are now different therapy sessions and medications available to help the addict through the withdrawals. Many addicts are more afraid of the detox period than they are of anything else in the entire recovery process. Perhaps knowing it's not as bad as it used to be will make it easier for them to accept.

Recovery doesn't stop as you walk out the door of the drug rehab center. The old adage "Once and addict, always an addict," is true in a sense. Anyone who has ever spoken to someone who has attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting will often hear them say, "one day at a time". It's true; beating an addiction of any kind is an ongoing process. You cannot control anything in the future, but you do have control over what you do today. So let's worry about that, and nothing else.

Drug rehab isn't always successful on the first try. Although quite unfortunate, it's true. Many people have to make more than one go at drug rehabilitation in order for it to 'stick' so to speak. However, each time an addict walks through the doors of a rehab facility is a step towards progress and success

Drug Rehab Information

If you find yourself having problems in life as a result of your use of drugs or alcohol, you should know that there is help available to you. Residential drug treatment provides a safe environment to detoxify your body from the substances that you have been abusing as well as teach you the tools that you will need in order to keep yourself living free from drugs.

Many people enter drug treatment for the first time without having a solid idea of what to expect. They may be willing to make a change in their lives to try to improve their situation, but they are generally pretty clueless as to what they might be in for over the next 28 days. With that said, here is some drug rehab information that may help to provide you with some context for your upcoming journey.

Rehab centers are usually based on the model created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous. They therefore subscribe to the twelve step process that defines that fellowship. As such there is a heavy reliance on spiritual principles. Be aware that primarily Alcoholics Anonymous (and therefore drug rehab) is a spiritual program. You will likely need to reconnect to your spiritual beliefs or develop some for the first time if you expect to be successful in the program.

Drug treatment is also psycho-educational. You will learn about the processes in the brain that occur when you take a drug or drink. Understanding some of the bio-chemistry at play will help you understand how the brain is triggered and how craving develops. You will also learn strategies to try to deal with these phenomena when they arise after your discharge as they are almost sure to.

Drug and alcohol rehab can be dual diagnosis oriented. A person with a dual diagnosis suffers both from chemical dependency and (also) carries a psychiatric diagnosis such as depression or bipolar disorder. At most drug rehabs both situations will be addressed. You will have psychiatric medications prescribed and dispensed and you will have the opportunity to speak and work with a psychiatrist. Note, that some drug rehab centers are strictly addiction related and will not address your dual diagnosis.

Those are a few of the key attributes of drug rehab centers. By familiarizing yourself with what to expect you can focus more of your energy on what really matters: getting clean from drugs and alcohol.

Your Guide to Adolescent Drug Rehab

It's every parent's nightmare: that the child they once held in their arms as a baby might someday get involved, possibly addicted, to drugs and/or alcohol.

If you find yourself struggling to deal with a son or daughter who has a substance abuse problem, and have considered the option of adolescent drug rehab, you might have questions. Such as how does it work, what is it, what do I do next?

Here are three frequently asked questions about adolescent drug rehab to help you navigate this confusing process and get that young person in your life the help they need.

Question No.1: How is it Different From Adult Rehab?

Whether for adults or young people, rehabilitation is focused on one simple thing: to help the patient stay away from drugs and alcohol and give them coping skills for leading a healthy and sober life.

But treatment methods can be quite different. Oftentimes one of the biggest challenges in treating young people with substance abuse problems is getting them to accept that they might actually have a problem; teens and adolescents haven't usually hit a "bottom" as devastating as that experenced by lifelong addicts.

Another key distinction is that teen drug rehab centers often offer education services as many patients are still trying to get their high school diploma. This usually entails both GEd services and tutoring so that educational disruption doesn't become another source of anxiety.

Question No.2: How Does Adolescent Drug Rehab Work?

As with adult drug rehab, the adolescent version starts with a healthy detox off of the substance--especially with residential rehab--and then a set period of time in a rehab setting, usually from anywhere between 30-90 days.

During rehab, your adolescent is given specialized individual and group therapy, along with family counseling to help deal with any underlying issues that may be exacerbating the addictive behavior.

Question No.3: How Do I Know if My Child Needs It?

Teens and tweens can be moody on the best of days, so sensing there might be a substance abuse problem can be tricky.

But here are a few warning signs that your child may have a substance abuse problem:

Messy appearance, lack of pride in how they look; Sudden weight loss; Loss of ambition or interest in...well...anything; Track marks on arms/legs; Violent outbursts and sudden emotional changes....

These are just a few of the warning signs parents need to be on the lookout for.

If you believe your child may have a problem, be sure to get a professional opinion and start today to create a happier environment for you and your family.

Drug Rehab for Cocaine

Drug rehab helps thousands of cocaine addicts across the United States achieve lasting sobriety every year. Although many laypeople still view addiction as a simple issue of willpower, drug rehab professionals have come to recognize that it is a clinical disease. Recent advancements in both psychology and neuroscience have allowed medical professionals to develop extremely effective methods for addiction treatment.

Successful treatment centers develop individualized treatment plans for all of their patients, but there are still several therapies which most addicts can expect to receive. Here are some of the most popular methods used in drug rehab for cocaine addicts.

Varying Degrees of Treatment

Most rehab clinics offer a combination of inpatient, outpatient, and partial hospitalization programs. Inpatient treatment requires people to live at their clinics for thirty to ninety days, during which they receive fifty or more hours of intensive therapies per week.

On the other hand, outpatient treatment involves only a few hours of therapy per day, and patients are free to spend the rest of their time tending to careers, families, and other personal obligations. Partial hospitalization is an intermediate program which allows patients to return to their homes in the evenings under the supervision of clinic staff.


People who seek help with cocaine addiction for the first time usually attend an inpatient program. Because they still suffer from physical dependencies on cocaine, they must go through a detoxification process before they can receive any further treatment.

Detox is simply a process of weaning addicts off of addictive substances by depriving them of drugs for five to fourteen days. Of course they are not allowed to use drugs after this period, either, but this initial period of withdrawal is necessary to remove patients' constant compulsions to seek and use drugs. Only by overcoming this compulsion can addicts productively engage therapies for long-term sobriety.

Individual Counseling

The main component of most drug rehab programs is one-on-counseling with addiction specialists. These counselors help addicts to discover the root causes of their addictions and identify their personal addiction triggers. By making these personal discoveries, addicts can develop coping and avoidance strategies that work with their specific life circumstances.

Lifestyle Changes

The breakthroughs that rehab patients make during individual counseling are crucial for lasting recoveries, but they are only useful if they are put to use. In order to avoid addiction triggers, cocaine addicts must make large changes to many areas of their lives.

An important change which almost all recovering addicts must make is to end relationships with active drug users. Friends and even significant others who continue to use cocaine will inevitably influence addicts and cause them to relapse. Cutting these ties is difficult, but it can also be rewarding. Ending destructive friendships allows rehab patients to move forward and make healthier connections with like-minded people.

Many cocaine addicts find that they must also find new jobs. Even if they didn't damage their careers during their periods of active use, job-related stress often contributes to the development of addictions. Even people who have spent years progressing in their career fields must sometimes relinquish responsibilities or take on new, less stressful roles at their companies.

If you or someone you love is struggling with cocaine or other drugs, click the links below to find a rehab clinic near you. Addiction is a crippling neurological disease, but a drug rehab program can help you get back on your feet.

The Types Of Treatment Programs Available in Drug Rehab

Drug Treatment Programs

Drug treatment programs or drug rehab refers to the process of psycho-therapeutic and medical treatment to a person who is dependent on psychoactive substances like hard drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol. Rehabilitation aims at enabling the affected person to stop abusing the substance of interest, thereby avoiding the negative effects: i.e. financial, social, psychological, physical and even legal effects.

Psychological Dependency

Rehabilitation centers help in teaching addicted people how to live in a drug-free environment. In these programs, patients are discouraged from associating with individuals who any addictive substances they wish to stop using. The program aims at guiding patients in examining their habits and changing them for the better. Legal drugs like alcohol call for a complete abstention rather than moderation which is mostly unsustainable for people with a history of abusing alcohol.

Types of Treatment Available

Drug rehabilitation is addressed through various programs which include; use of local support groups, addiction counseling, medical care, residential treatment, extended care givers, mental health, recovery houses and orthomolecular medicine. A number of rehab centers have specific programs depending on the patient's age and gender. The treatment programs not only help to address the patient's addiction problem, but also help to address any other problem among the patients. Medical detoxification alone is not enough to treat addiction.

Different organizations use different styles in rehabilitating addicts with some recommending detoxification of the patient first, then medical therapy, behavior therapy and then relapse prevention.

Drug rehabilitation involves the following types of behavioral therapy;

    Cognitive behavioral therapy: helps patients know, avoid and bear with situations which may make them return to their addiction habits.
    Multi-dimensional family therapy: is specially meant to help addicts recover through the support of their families.
    Motivational interviewing: helps in motivating the patient to stop abusing drugs and start the treatment process.
    Motivational incentives: it makes use of positive things meant to encourage the patient to abstain from addictive substances.
    Counseling: Most traditional treatment programs for drug addiction are based on counseling. Through counseling, addicts are able to know the behaviors and problems which come with their state of mind. This is done at an individual or a group level, and may cover crisis counseling and daily/weekly counseling support. This counseling process helps to instill good behaviors and help patients cope with any situation. Counseling results to intervention which involves seeking professional help by the concerned parties to give the patient the necessary treatment.
    Residential treatment: This rehabilitation program involves staying in the rehabilitation center while being treated for drug addiction during the day. This treatment program usually lasts for a period of 30-90 days.
    Sober house living: Just like residential treatment, this treatment program involves intensive treatment while the patient is still among other recovering addicts living in a good supportive environment. This patient treatment program is most suitable in cases where the patient has no where to go to or in situations where going home will mean returning to the old drug abuse problem.
    Brief intervention: This drug rehab program is most suited to individuals who are at a risk of drug abuse or face the threat of drug addiction, but it is not helpful to individuals who are addicts already. Treatment through this program involves conducting visits to a healthcare facility to talk about the negative effects of abusing drugs and how to reduce their use.
    Partial hospitalization: This treatment program best applies to patients who require a continuous medical monitoring, but who are not very affected by the drug abuse problem. This treatment program is offered for 3-5 days a week and between 4-6 hours per day.

Locating Drug Rehab Centers

While seeking substance abuse treatment programs near your home, it's important that you talk to your doctor for good advice and recommendations on the appropriate program. Health insurance companies also can help you locate a good rehab center. Local mental health clinics, hospitals and community health centers are also good sources of information on the different rehab programs available depending on what treatment is best for their current addiction and budget.

Heroin Drug Rehab - An Addiction

Diacetylmorphine is the technical name of Heroin, a semi-synthetic opioid drug. Roughly 90% of the world's supply of heroin is produced in Afghanistan. As with other opioid based drugs, heroin is used as a painkiller but more commonly, it is used for recreational purposes. Additionally, the frequent and regular use of heroin is usually associated with:

    moderate physical dependence
    severe psychological dependence
    tolerance (which continually increases)

Heroin addiction is not only a damaging and painful experience for the individual addicted to the drug, but also the people in their lives, including family, friends, and loved ones. The heroin drug rehab process can be an extremely unpleasant experience for the addicted individual as well. The bottom line is that heroin is one of the most powerfully addictive drugs in the world today, and the rehab and recovery processes can take years.

Heroin is a drug that enters your brain very fast. It will slow down your thinking, your reaction time, and also the way that you process and store information in your memory. It will have a negative effect on the way that you act and the way you make decisions. Heroin will create special problems for your body because of the added risks to you from using it. If you are engaging in heroin drug abuse, you might be putting your body at risk by sharing needles, which might carry risk of HIV or hepatitis C or B.

Heroin use will also create problems that you can pass on to your sexual partners or your babies. Heroin is a drug that is very addictive. It enters your brain so quickly that it becomes something the brain craves very much. It also has a profound effect on the regions in your brain that are responsible for making you physically dependent on something.

Heroine is an extremely dangerous drug. It is one of the top two drugs that are reported by medical examiners who perform autopsies to be the cause of people who die because of drug related causes.

Even though heroin has been glamorized in the movies and on television, it is nowhere as neat as it might seem to be. It can have tragic consequences that go much further than just its users. There are negative effects on children born to mothers who use heroin, and there are negative effects on the rates of HIV and AIDS as well as tuberculosis among users. Heroin also contributes to violence and crime among people who use it, which affects everyone.

Some symptoms of heroin use include drowsiness and euphoria, impairment of mental function, slowed down rates of respiration, pupils that have been constricted, and nausea. If someone has overdosed on heroin, some of the signs might be shallow breathing, pupils that are pinpoints, and clammy skin. Someone that has overdosed might also go into convulsions and will eventually go into a coma. Although heroin is highly addictive, there are drug treatment options that are available to its user.

Most of them will experience terrible sessions of withdrawal symptoms after they have stopped using heroin, which usually makes people want to use it again as soon as they can. Because of this, it is an extremely hard thing to shake if you are only in an outpatient treatment center. The best way to get help for heroin use is to check yourself into a treatment center and stay as long as it takes to get completely clean and sober and to deal with the problems that led you to heroin use in the first place.

The Facts About Alcohol Rehab and Drug Rehab Programs

Alcohol rehab and drug rehab centers and programs require a sincere dedication on the part of the addict to make sure that they are successful in their task. Some say that if the person addicted to the substance abuse is dedicated and sincere about wanting to be rehabilitated, that is as much as 50% of the way to the road to recovery. So clearly, finding the right alcohol rehab program or drug rehabilitation center can make all the difference. If you choose the wrong program, your chances for successful treatment are greatly reduced.

Depending on the type of addiction, treatments vary from center to center and from program to program. Alcohol rehab programs will concentrate on various aspects of the addiction, but the focus areas will be different for drug rehabilitation. And even further for drug rehab, there is a difference in treatments depending on whether the drug addiction is prescription drugs or street drugs such as heroin or amphetamines. The rehab center is almost an all-encompassing term for the medical and psychotherapeutic treatments that are used during the rehabilitation process.

The first step in the treatment process is to make an evaluation of the addict. One of the steps here is to determine the addict's sincerity in wanting to enter the rehab program, which again plays a key ingredient to the success of the program for the individual. A complete profile of the person being treated will be gathered, and one of the many focal points will be the reason for the addiction. Was it related to job stress, marital problems, financial problems, or what? Typically, a person does not start with substance abuse out of a clear blue sky, so part of the profiling is done to determine the reason for it, as well as to work with the family during the rehab process to see if the issues that caused the patient to turn to substance abuse still exist in their life.

Another step in the rehab process will focus on the aspects of withdrawal, whether the withdrawal is from alcohol or drugs. Depending on the severity of the addiction as well as the personality of the patient, the detoxification process can be grueling, although this step is absolutely necessary. The patient's body has become accustomed to being pacified with the abused substance, and taking away that substance will almost guarantee a reaction. It may not be pleasant but it is a very necessary part.

Since people who are diagnosed with substance abuse are frequently at the point of ignoring other daily necessities, the program will keep a close eye on providing the proper nutrition for the patient, who frequently has nutritional deficiencies. The diet of the patient during the rehab process is one of the important parts of rehab, creating a very balanced a vitamin-rich diet.

If someone you love is addicted to alcohol or drugs, the best thing you can do for them is to encourage them to seek help. Their addiction is going to continue to get worse, and the final outcome without help is bleak. The best thing you can do for them is to convince them that they need the help to kick the habit permanently. Getting them into an alcohol rehab or drug rehab program will be the best thing you could ever do for them.

How Drug Rehab Ends the Cycle of Relapse?

Model of an effective drug rehab program is where you can understand with clarity the huge differences. I want to explain why such a model is truly the only way to give your loved one the gift of completely removing not only the easily available drugs lodged in their body but also the (otherwise) everlasting toxins that are buried beneath the surface, so to speak.

Here is an insight on the process followed in drug rehab process that ends the cycle of relapse:

Removing and Replacing Toxins

There are many effective, medically safe, and most importantly, consistent working models for detoxification from any and every drug. While simple, they are detailed, and very specific. This is important when it comes to the removal of the residual toxins left in the fatty tissues. For the personal comfort of the person doing this process they need to be flushed out as quickly and efficiently as possible. The method used to remove these toxins is quite powerful, so there must be an intake of healthy, natural vitamins, minerals, good food and water to counter-balance this flushing out process. Don't confuse a safe, active detox, with any medical model of treatment however. The way in which toxins are removed is rigorous, as it must be, but also safe - so basic, fundamental medical care is taken into account. Otherwise, issues such as dehydration or nutritional problems may arise. It is essential to fully complete this phase. While these toxins are still in the body and brain, the drugs are still controlling the person. Concentration, focus, as well as clear rational thinking is difficult if not impossible.

Metabolite Removal

Essentially, toxins are removed via an exchange process. They are removed by replacing the contaminated fat in the fatty tissue with new fresh clean fat.

To make this exchange happen the person does a regimen of low heat sauna to promote sweating, exercise to increases the metabolic rate, a diet full of fiber rich high quality food and plenty of vegetables to promote healthy and frequent bowel movements, a strict and specific measured intake of essential vitamins and minerals to replenish anything that might be lost during the exchange process and of course a healthy intake of water to ensure that dehydration does not occur.

Because drugs are a fat based substance the metabolites of them get attracted to the fatty tissue like a magnet. When the body is fed a measured and controlled dose of the right kind of edible oil (a fat based substance) it has been discovered that the body will release the existing fat from these tissues and take up this new oil and turn it into the fat it needs. As this takes place the old toxin loaded fat is released and replaced with this fresh new clean fat, thereby "flushing out" these drug metabolites. This action cleans the body of all drug residues.

With the metabolites gone the body is now finally truly clean. This means that later on when the person is engaging in strenuous exercise or under stress or otherwise sweating there are no drug residues to excrete into the bloodstream to cause craving along with the virtually guaranteed consequence of relapse.

Tips For Successful Drug Rehab

Admitting that you are a drug addict is the first step towards the drug rehab process. An honest and positive mindset is the right setting towards breaking away from this destructive habit. You will need all the help possible to live a life that is not ruled by drugs. These are a few tips that will help you stay off drugs:

1. Appropriate program

2. Counselling

3. Family support

4. Keep Busy

5. New hobbies

6. Patience

7. Perseverance


1. Appropriate program

You can go into a drug rehab centre either as an inpatient or outpatient. As an inpatient, you will be confined within the center for a certain amount of time. The outpatient option allows you to go home daily. This option is only advisable if you have a strong support system at home that will fully complement your path to recovery. It is essential that you choose the option that fits best into your lifestyle.

2. Counselling

Part of the therapy offered while you are in a drug rehab centre is counselling. It is important that you continue with these sessions to keep you on the right path. You will find that these drugs are still available to you, the counsellors will help steer you in the right direction so that you do not relapse.

3. Family support

Your family needs to know that you are going through drug rehab so that they can provide the emotional support that you need to stay sober. They may also help create an environment that is positive in your fight against drugs.

4. Keep busy

It is often said that an idle mind is the devils workshop. When you occupy yourself with other activities, you will not have time to think of your addiction. Surround yourself with positive people who understand your background and can therefore help you stay clean.

5. New hobbies

You need to engage yourself in constructive activities that have nothing to do with your former life. This will expose you to a new circle of friends, different from those you used to spend time with when you were taking drugs. New habits will also ensure that your surroundings are free of the things that remind you of your old habit. You will find that the time of day when you used to take drugs has been taken up by a different activity.

6. Patience

As it takes a while for one to realize that they are addicted to drugs, its important to acknowledge that drug rehab is a journey that takes time. You will not be cured overnight. When you feel that your journey is too long and that you will never get to the end, remember to take sobriety one day at a time. When even a day seems too long to get through, you can count your achievements hourly.

7. Perseverance

The battle against drugs requires strength, courage and great determination. You will find time and again that you are tempted to fall back into your old habits; you need to keep reminding yourself of the reason why you opted to go through drug rehab and what you stand to loose by falling back into taking drugs.

In conclusion, successful drug rehab is a life long process and you will need all the assistance you can get from your environment and society. This is a battle that can only be won from within yourself and you must have the self drive to want to change and stay clean.

Hi this is Tridipta Ghosh, a successful professional freelance writer over 3 years.
He has written so many articles over a lot of topics.
Now he's ready to take your order.Tips For Successful Drug Rehab

Addiction Treatment for Gay Men and Women in a Gay Drug Rehab

I recently received a call from a man who was interested in locating a gay drug rehab. He and his partner were planning a wedding and thought it would be a good idea to get clean and sober before going any further with their lives. After a few weeks in a gay drug rehab and, they agreed that the work they accomplished benefited them as a couple and as individuals. They felt ready to begin the next chapter in their lives.
I offer this example because it is so different from what I usually see. In my intervention work I have found---whether they are lesbian, gay, or straight---that very few people in a relationship with a drug addiction or alcohol addiction seek addiction treatment prior to getting married. Most continue with their drug addiction and alcoholism in denial and hoping things will get better. Needless to say, things rarely get better as the drug addiction or alcoholism becomes more progressive.
It is difficult to move forward in any relationship when drug addiction or alcoholism are present as communication begins to break down, drug use becomes the priority and depression, anger and resentment are all common place.
What to look for in a gay drug rehab:
The most important qualities in a gay drug rehab or gay addiction treatment center are found in having a staff that is sensitive to the needs of the gay / lesbian population (non-homophobic ), a staff trained clinically in how to best address their particular needs and a comprehensive family recovery program. Due to the fact that there is so much anger and shame within the family unit a drug rehab or gay drug rehab needs needs to have a strong family component. The family therapist needs to be skilled to keep addiction treatment from dissolving into the same kind of communication the couple has at home.
The issue of whether to seek a lesbian/gay drug rehab, alcohol rehab or addiction treatment program is something for each couple to decide. There are many gay drug rehabs and drug rehabs with gay components to choose from, but it is important for you and your partner to do your homework. Ask questions of each drug rehab or gay drug rehab regarding staff credentials, licenses and the problems they are equipped to handle.
While many of the problematic dynamics that exist between lesbian and gay male couples are not significantly different from their heterosexual counterparts, the issues can be quite unique. A few of these are:
a. internal and external homophobia.
b. child custody
c. coming out
d. family issues
e. sexuality
How a gay drug rehab help:
Often, couples come to gay addiction treatment or gay drug rehab [] with the unspoken hope that therapy will change their partner and, when that happens, their problems will disappear. However, since the only person any of us can change is ourselves, the work drug rehab is to recognize our own addiction and take responsibility where appropriate.
Some of the important goals, besides abstinence, of a gay drug rehab is to reduce shame, deal with internalized homophobia and find acceptance. Don't kid yourself, it takes time and willingness.
If you are trying to locate a gay drug rehab, gay addiction treatment program or a drug rehab with a gay drug rehab component, you can go to or
Jonathan Huttner is one of the principals at Lakeview Health Systems, a program treating drug addiction, alcoholism and dual diagnosis.

Drug Rehab - No Insurance? Learn Your Free Rehab Options

Few of us ever plan on needing drug or alcohol rehab, and unfortunately, some of end up needing it without the insurance coverage to pay for it.
With a month's stay at a private rehab running as much as $20 000 or more, few of us have the savings to self finance a stay at rehab; and unfortunately a lot of us have jobs and homes and families, and although we are in need of assistance, we also do not qualify for state of federal treatment funded aid.
Too poor to pay for rehab, and too rich to qualify for governmentally funded treatment; truly stuck between a rock and a hard place.
You may have heard about more affordable programs, but a Google search doesn't seem to help much, and where can you go to learn more about the options available to you?
There are options
Thankfully, there are more than 2000 free or very affordable drug and alcohol rehabs in operation coast to coast. These non profit or charity programs do not base entry on your financial situation, but on your need for help. You can find a program that's going to help you.
Private Rehabs with "low Income" Beds
A lot of private facilities will reserve a certain number of treatment beds for those in need of subsidized care. Treatment is unlikely to be free, but the fees are generally based on your income, family size and ability to pay for care, and can be quite affordable.
Because you will receive the same treatment as others in the program who may have paid tens of thousands of dollars, this can be an exceptional situation and you can expect a very high level of care, service and accommodation.
General Non Profit Rehabs
There are hundreds of treatment facilities in America that exist to serve lower income and uninsured participants. These non profit entities offer comprehensive therapy and often in very pleasant environments. While treatment is rarely free, most programs will not turn away those in need, regardless of their ability to pay for services.
The Salvation Army and Gospel Missions
Sometimes overlooked, these programs do not offer luxury, in fact the lodgings tend to be quite Spartan, but for those with nowhere else to turn, either of these organizations offer sanctuary, treatment and hope. Programs tend to be long term, free of charge, and open to all willing to participate in a Faith based program of recovery.
Recovery Housing
Another often overlooked therapeutic environment is sober living housing. A sober living house does not offer the therapeutic intensity of a drug rehab, but they can be very inexpensive, and will offer long term sober residence and a safe and supportive environment for recovery. Most will require that you work and attend AA meetings during your period of residency.
The unfortunate reality is that although a great many facilities do exist, they can be very tough to find. Thankfully though, there are options, and you just need to find them.
You can get better!
Find an affordable or free drug rehab near you:
Read the daily blog entry at

Aspects of Drug Rehab That People Should Know

Anyone who is interested or desires to help a friend or family member enter drug rehab programs will want to do a good deal of research on what is available and any options that the individual might have. There are programs that are made to fit the type of person that needs the help and there are hospitals with areas to take care of people who have health problems associated with their drug dependence.
Unless you are a celebrity, you probably do not have the kind of money it takes to get into some of the finer hospitals and clinics that help people get off drugs. There are several different types you can use. You can choose from 28 day treatment programs to 60 or 90 day programs. There are very expensive places that are about $20,000 a day and voluntary programs that range at about $15,000 dollars for a month's time. If cost is an issue, do as much research as you can on the affordable facilities to make sure you get the kind of treatment you need. You need to be given every opportunity to recover from addiction.
These facilities will teach you how to manage a drug addiction. It is not a place that will cure you of an addiction and then send you back out to live the way you have always lived. The goal of places like these is to bring you to reality, to make you see the devastation that drugs can cause in your life. The people who work in these places, the doctors, nurses, psychiatrists and clinicians that will work with you will teach you new coping skills. These life skills will assist you in getting off drugs and staying off them.
People who are addicted to drugs - and that means any kind of drugs - need as much family and friend support as they can get. They have already shown that they are incapable of making good decisions with their life. They need to be taught how. It is not a question of class, race, religion, ethnicity, culture or anything else. Drug addiction is an individual thing and it is an individual fight. Each person will experience their own symptoms of withdrawal, each person will handle it in their own way and in their own time. When they are worked with by caring professionals, they are often able to overcome their addictions.
Whether or not a drug rehab program works depends on several things. The aforementioned personal responsibility and personal strength have a great deal to do with it. The quality of the staff and clinicians that work with a drug addict also have much to do with how successful the program is. Many programs find that their style is very successful, while other show only a minimal success rate. This is why researching ahead of time is always a very good idea.
Stewart Baker writes for Transitions Recovery, a Florida alcohol rehab that also provides dual diagnosis NY and oxycodone rehab MA, is a proven name in the rehabilitation arena. Get immediate help by calling 800-626-1980 right now.

Drug Rehab: Facts You Need to Know

Drug rehabilitation or drug rehab is a process of treating people from their addictions to drugs whether it is classified as illegal or not. The goal of the treatment is to keep patients away from the drugs they depend on by getting them to live in a drug free environment. This can take a long period of time depending on the case of the patient.
The two types of treatment are in house or out house. If a patient is getting treatment from the inside it can mean a severe case. Those taking it out of treatment centers means they are still tolerable. Another possibility is that they just come from Drug Rehabilitation Centers and taking supplemental treatment from these meetings.
The approach of the treatment can be the Diseased Person Model. The validity of this approach has been questioned due to the psychological effect wherein the patient can feel worthless. Centers can also stick to the traditional counseling but this has a lesser effect that can be blamed on chemical imbalances in the brain that affects the person psyche.
The other approach is the 12 Step Program based from the book Alcoholics Anonymous. Other versions cater to other types of addictions such as Cocaine so it can be called Cocaine Anonymous or even Narcotics Anonymous.
The 12 step program is given in 3 dimensions: the physical, spiritual, and psychological states of a person. It starts by trying to understand the problem on each state. The more Client-Centered Approach gives therapists an opportunity to speak with the patient in a non-vindictive way, they instead help the patients in finding solutions to their problems.
Drug rehabilitation is an important process to break the cycle of addiction in a person. At times it may work and others it may not. Other cases will take time to see the final result. Now the effort is not limited only to Drug Rehab staff but also on the patient. A determined patient can make it easy on himself or herself if he or she participates in the whole process.
In the United Kingdom, Drug Intervention programs are available to interrupt the cycle before a major crime is committed. Still the rest of the world counts on Drug Rehabilitation, that is, dealing with the patient when the damage is done. The fortunate thing is that efforts still continue to push through in dealing with this crisis.
We provide drug treatment as well as other services for you or a family member to stop your these enslaving tendencies. Find more expert advice about how you can stop taking drugs by visiting our website.

Practical Tips When Selecting an Alcohol and Drug Rehab Facility

With the availability of a great number of alcohol and drug rehab facilities, finding the right one can become challenging and confusing. The increasing number of alcohol and drug dependents is mainly the reason why various types of rehab facilities are now present in different parts of the globe. These institutions felt the need to reach out their help and support to those who badly need it. If you happen to know someone who extremely needs rehabilitation help, whether it is a friend, a relative, or a colleague, now is the time to find reputable rehabilitation centers.
However, it is of the essence that you choose a rehab center that will be able to meet the needs of the addict or the alcoholic. This is necessary to ensure that the patient will be given utmost care. To do this, you have to carefully evaluate your choices. Keep in mind, that each person has individualized needs; hence, the type of treatment that a particular addict requires is unique from the others. That being said, the patient's rehabilitation needs and medical requirements should be your main concern.
To find a credible rehab facility, you can contact your local or state health department to ask for referrals. You can also ask recommendations from your doctor, friends or anyone who has connections with a local rehab facility. Apart from that, you can do your own search by scouring information from the internet. By doing a thorough online research, you will be able to find a comprehensive list of rehab facilities sorted according to categories.
Make a list of your top ten choices and then get the contact number of each facility to inquire about their available treatments and programs. Ask for the costs of their services and stringently evaluate each one of them. Ask as many questions as possible so you will have an idea on what to expect on that particular facility. If budget is an issue, it would be best to locate state-funded or public alcohol and free drug rehabs facilities.
Carefully assess all the information that you have gathered, and then, make an informed decision by choosing the facility that you can fully finance and can satisfy the needs of the addict or the alcoholic.
Learn more about alcohol and drug rehab [] and also about free drug rehabs [].

Crystal Meth Rehab for Teens

Crystal meth can be a dangerous and addictive drug to anyone, but it is especially harmful and impactful to that of a teenage boy or girl. It is a drug that can change the teen completely from the inside out, no matter what age they begin taking it. A long-term teenage crystal meth user may have side effects of withdrawal for months after they've stopped using, which makes it extremely harmful to the teen's health and happiness. Although it is not widely discussed, it is important to know teenagers do have options for crystal meth rehab facilities to receive the treatment needed to recover fully and have a healthy adulthood.
Why Teens Need Rehab for Crystal Meth Addiction
There are a number of reasons why teens might not be able to kick a crystal meth habit on their own while at home. Firstly, they may still have access to drugs and may face offers from their peers. Furthermore, Crystal meth can also have extreme withdrawal symptoms. When teens are unable to cope with the symptoms of crystal meth, they are more likely to return to drug use all over again.
The withdrawal symptoms of crystal meth are different from other recreational drugs teens commonly use. They include depression, anxiety, agitation, and exhaustion. After months of unease and unhappiness, teens are likely to face the temptation and begin using again just to feel better. Distress, yet another withdrawal symptom, can cause recovering addicts to put that stress on others, which than makes it harmful for everyone around the teen. So now is it not only harming to the teen but now the family of the addict could be in danger.
Support from Peers
When teens have a drug addiction, it's important to get them into a rehab recovery program where they will be with some of their peers. With supervised help in rehab, teens are able to overcome their addiction more safely than they can on their own. Support from counselors can also prove beneficial, because they finally feel like they have someone to talk to. It seems group support is an essential part of drug recovery. Teens also feel like they cannot talk to adults because they may believe they will be judged or simply they do not think adults can relate to them. Teens are more likely to talk to their peers and those who they feel understand them then to people who are older. Rehab is an important step in the recovery of teen crystal meth addicts for the support it provides.
Recovery Now TV is designed to build awareness surrounding the recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. We believe that treatment and recovery WORKS. The dialogue between people who have recovered brings hope to those who are still struggling with their addiction. Our TV show is a demonstration that ANYONE is a candidate for treatment and can overcome their addiction. There are thousands of treatment options available to people in the United States. Let us help you find the right treatment program for you.

Drug Rehab For Teens

Nowadays it seems like it is not drug rehab for teens but drug rehab for the rich and famous. The younger and richer the kids and stars the more they seem to get tangled in drugs, alcohol, and sex scandals. This is why drug rehab for teens is becoming more relevant today. Why is it that these kids and teenagers seem to be getting in so much trouble when you would think the opposite would be happening? Are there secret groups of criminals marketing to the rich and famous or is just the money and supposed power that comes along with it? Maybe is just that they are a kid and rebellion is second nature during those stages in life?
All we know is it is a problem and drug rehab for teens is the solution. The world has several rich technologies readily available yet our infant mortality is rather high for our level and the number of crack and drug babies is on the rise. Babies are abandoned from teenage pregnancies and drug addicts. So what can we do as a society to solve our problem, how can we get more into drug rehab for teens?
Would it be better if schools were privatized again and we could use uniforms and separate boys and girls. Use tougher rules to keep kids in line, learn more, and hopefully avoid such problems. We not suggesting that these will wipe our problems out but it will lower the growing number. After school programs and opportunities would also help. There are programs but not enough and kids either do not feel invited or do not know about them. Such programs would help avoid sending kids to drug rehab for teens. Which do you think they would rather attend fencing or drug rehab for teens? That is the question we think we all can answer.

3 Tips to Find Free Drug Rehab

Many people don't care about drug rehabilitation until them or one of their family need it. Although many free drug rehab centers are in the country, it can be difficult to find one of the best if you don't know how to choose it. It is very problematic for those without comprehensive private health insurance. It means that they have to self finance a stay at rehab center and sometimes it is not cheap.
What about finding the information on the internet?
It doesn't much help, even when the title of website is "free drug rehab", many of them force you to pay for a few of dollars. And since those rehab centers seem very reluctant to put pricing information on their web, you cannot judge who offers affordable care and who does not.
Here is 3 tips to find free drug rehab which offers affordable care:
1. Contact your substance abuse agency.
It is a division of the state social services board. Don't think about how much money you have first, just find someone in this agency that ready to help you get over drug addiction. They will listen and provide you with a useful information that can help you solve your problem, especially in choosing your best treatment center.
2. Find information in the community.
If there is someone in your community that already free from drugs, don't be hesitate to ask information from them about their current treatment center. I bet you that he or she will tell you the information about doctors, counselors or health care workers around you.
3. Join the free drug communities or meeting.
These communities usually have members from people who struggle with drugs or alcohol. And of course their counselors will help you to find the best treatment programs and place for you. They are very approachable and helpful to other people trying to better their addictions. Just find them and you will get what you want.
I believe that in every state of the nation, there are drug and alcohol treatment centers willing to care addicts for free. The centers are consisted of fully hearted people that care about your recovery. So don't let the difficulty of finding free drug rehab discourage you, just contact them and take a giant step to a better life.
You can find more information about free drug rehab [] on our Drug Rehab Centers [] Blog.

Drug Rehab Can Save Black Tar Heroin Addicts, But Don't Wait - It's Deadly

A 73-year-old Spokane, WA, retiree helped cops bust dealers in his neighborhood who sell it. A teenaged Dallas, TX, high school student turned in her classmates for using it. An 80-year-old Fort Worth, TX, man was arrested for peddling it. A 38-year-old Bethlehem, PA, woman was arrested in a sting operation for possessing a half a pound of it. And a 16-year-old Nevada youth was still in a coma two weeks after overdosing on it. The "it" is Mexican black tar heroin, and it's leaving a trail across the country of severe heroin addiction and thousands more people who will need successful drug rehab programs to mend their lives.
The news items above are a random sampling of just this week's news about the spread of black tar heroin across the country. The most prevalent form of heroin in the western U.S., black tar heroin is named for its appearance - a dark brown or black tar-like substance, lacking one or more of the final steps producers take to refine the source opium to a lighter, powdered form. In the east, the white (actually off-white or tan) powdered heroin, mostly made in South America or Asia, is more commonly seen.
Texas has been particularly hard hit because of its proximity to Mexico, the source of most black tar heroin. The drug is beginning to rival cocaine, the state's most-abused dangerous drug. Texas drug rehab workers and emergency room physicians have seen black tar heroin addiction among kids as young as 12 years old - school children who, according to police, are attracted to the drug world by young, aggressive drug peddlers who offer the first few "hits" to kids for free. Dozens of kids have already died in Texas from the form of black tar heroin nick-named "cheese" - a blend of black tar heroin and crushed Tylenol PM or similar cold medicine.
The color and texture of black tar heroin doesn't affect its addictive and destructive nature. In fact, black tar heroin addiction carries even more risks than the more traditional powdered heroin addiction. Because of its gummy consistency, the drug carries a higher risk of "venous sclerosis", a condition where veins narrow and harden. Another risk seen at hospital emergency rooms and drug rehab clinics, called "necrotizing fasciitis", is rapid muscle death, leading to blood poisoning and kidney failure. This deadly condition has a mortality rate of almost 100% if left untreated.
Botulism infections at the site of heroin injections are another risk, and have also been seen at ER's and drug rehab centers. Botulism infection can result in muscle paralysis, respiratory failure and death if treatment is not undertaken immediately. These and other deadly risks emphasize the need for successful drug rehab programs as soon as possible.
Black tar heroin, the typical street term for the drug, has many other street names such as pigment, negro (the Spanish word for black), piedra (the Spanish word for stone), chiva (a Spanish word for a young goat), as well as nut job, muck, slab and others. And don't forget "cheese" - the latest and most dangerous variety to hit school campuses and playgrounds. If you hear of someone you know using any of these terms, find out if they are experimenting with black tar heroin. They could be addicted, or at risk of heroin addiction, and their life may be in danger. Do everything you can to get them into a successful drug rehab program as soon as possible.
Rod MacTaggart is a Florida-based freelance writer who contributes articles on health.

Non-12 Step Drug Rehab Vs 12 Step Rehab And The Relation To Pornography

Years ago I recall reading a medical paper that was studying the effects of 12 step treatment on various types of addiction. It fascinated me as I was just becoming an interventionist and realizing the fact that 12 step treatment was being used as group therapy for almost everything. A very wide spectrum exists but some common examples include treating people addicted to drugs and alcohol, people with addictions to gambling, compulsive shoppers, compulsive eaters, and even those with addictions to porn.
What stood out to me in this paper was how they observed that 12 step sessions cause many to want to "act out" after the meetings were over. Specifically they wrote about the pornography groups as this was seemingly most obvious. It explained the nonsensical nature of putting 8-12 or more men in a circle and having them talk about pornography. What they liked about it, how it made them feel, past experiences and more. The study revealed what most non-experts would predict: Many were going to get turned on or 'restimulated' in such a setting and as a result would have the urge to use again after such a session.
What is so interesting here is that this is exactly what is happening today in most drug and alcohol rehab centers across the US. More than 9 in 10 treatment programs use this style of therapy and what those patients experience is no different. I hear this now, over many years, as people say they felt great prior to arriving at rehab or a local AA or NA meeting and then afterwards simply had to go have a drink or use the drug of choice. It was just too much for them to sit and listen and become immersed in the past like that again and again and hearing all the stories. The urge was fired up and became too great and then they relapse.
Sadly, drug dealers know this, too. Ask anyone who goes to regular AA or NA meetings and they'll tell you that dealers are often in the parking lot waiting for people to get out for just this reason. I believe this to be a large part of why traditional / disease-based model drug rehab treatment using the 12 step model have such low success rates.
Non 12 Step Rehab
Over the years I have come to find that Non 12 step rehab programs understand all of this and are antipathetic to the common rehab model. First, there is no group therapy in non 12 step rehab treatment; it's all one on one counseling. This eliminates the problem of group restimulation and all that follows. A non group therapy also allows for a deeper address to the underlying issues that cause the addiction. Second, non 12 step rehab centers do not recognize the concept that the person is somehow diseased and incurable - which is a key part to the common 12 step model.
The downsides are that non 12 step drug rehabs are much harder to find. Also, most classify them as long term rehab due to being 90 days or so in length (as compared to traditional 28 day programs). But that said, when people return from these centers they no longer have their addictions and consequently no longer need a life-long regiment of group therapy sessions at their local AA or NA locations.
This is why many today are finding that the extra effort to locate a non 12 step rehab program and any extra time required for treatment is a small price to pay for real help.
Personally knowing the effects drug and alcohol has on an individual and having overcome the battle of addiction, Steven R. Tucker has since been an addiction counselor for non-12 step drug rehab organizations. Creating awareness of the effectiveness of non-traditional alternative rehab programs to help others nationwide achieve a true drug-free life.