After Your Accident: Five Tips to Prep for In-Patient Rehab

By definition, no one plans to have an accident. But they do happen. And when they are serious, there may be medical care, surgery, hospital stays, or even in-patient rehab. In-patient rehab is what is sounds like, rehab that is done in hospital or a rehab facility. Typically this type of rehab is for patients who have suffered a severe injury or accident, serious illness or a traumatic event that has caused a stay in acute care or a long term hospital stay. The rehab is part of the recovery process and is designed to help patients relearn basic and daily functions and skills.

These may range from basics such as walking, talking or eating to more complicated functions such as learning to understand and manage emotions. It is not uncommon for patients of trauma to have emotional and stress reactions that are difficult to comprehend for the patient and their family. This becomes a needed part of the recovery process along with daily tasks many take for granted like drinking out of glass without accident. Below are five tips to help family members and possibly even the patient prep for in-patient rehab.

Get to Know Your Team
The typical rehab facility team may be comprised of nurses, doctors, physical or occupational therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, and social workers. Whether as the patient or family member, by engaging and discussing progress or concerns, a bond is developed between the medical staff and the patient. Don't be afraid to bring up questions, it may feel bothersome at first, but by reviewing questions and concerns, it can help the medical team better do their job.

From Rehab to Home

Many patients and family members of patients are surprised to learn that going home quickly post rehab is not a guarantee. The typical stay in an in-patient rehab facility is 68 days and the average patient is a 62 year old woman. Depending on the severity of the trauma, the progress made in the facility, and needs to be addressed, some patients may go to another facility as their recovery progresses. Once home, it is likely that rehab will continue.

Manage Expectations
It is important that the family, friends, caregivers, and loved ones of the patient are patient. In-patient rehab brings about a lot of work, changes, and even new routines. There may be daily exercises to perform, new medication, or simply learning new ways to complete old tasks. Whatever the case, support from friends and family often makes the process of rehab and the transition home easier to bear for everyone.

Utilize Resources
One great aspect of in-patient rehab, is that the patient is a community of peers, in that everyone is recovering from some type of trauma. This alone may provide much needed social support as the emotional roller coaster of recovery is in effect. It may also mean that best tips and practices are shared, along with encouragement and camaraderie.

Follow Orders
Like any other medical partnership, following the homework, best practices, medication, diet, and more provided at the in-patient rehab center is always a good idea. Along with this, if a doctor suggests such a rehab process, it is always a good idea to heed the advice. Often the doctor and original medical team will work with the rehab team to help ensure maximum recovery.