Popular Fallacies Versus the Facts of Lice and Head Lice Treatment

Fact of Lice: Personal hygiene is not a factor when it comes to head lice infestation. Lice prefer clean hair because they can navigate without difficulty and easily attach their eggs to the hair shafts. Preventative head lice products such as essential oil sprays and detanglers are not only natural lice repellents, they also make the hair dirtier and more difficult for lice to grasp onto.
Fallacy: Lice can fly and jump.
Fact of Lice: No they cant. Lice are wingless. They dont jump, but they can crawl quickly from head to head, and kids who stand shoulder-to-shoulder can easily share lice. This is why, when it comes to lice treatment, it is important to use an effective lice shampoo and other head lice products on everyone who has come in contact with the infested child.
Fallacy: Head lice live on animals
Fact of Lice: Head lice are human parasites that live on the scalp and bite every few hours to feed. They are transparent in color, but right after they feed, they are a darker brown color due to the blood they intake. Dont waste your head lice shampoo on Fido; he doesnt need it.
Fallacy: Lice die in the swimming pool
Fact of Lice: No such lucklice can hold their breath for up to eight hours. Swimming, even in chemically treated water, in no substitute for proper head lice treatment.
Fallacy: Cleaning your whole house and throwing out the sofa will get rid of lice.
Fact of Lice: Clean up must focus on the head(s) of the infested and the removal of lice eggs from the hair. It is rare to see lice off the scalp because they can only survive up to 48 hours without a host head on which to feed. Lice do not intentionally come off the head, unless they are transferring to another head, so lice are not all over the house. A nit can hatch off the head (in a hairbrush or on a bed sheet), but the conditions must be warm enough and a host must be found quickly, or the bug will die.
After everyone in the house has been treated with an effective head lice shampoo, simply give the upholstered furniture a quick vacuum. Wash recently worn clothes and used linens and dry them using the hottest tolerable heat setting. Boil a pot of water, then turn off the heat and soak all of your hairbrushes for ten minutes. Dont share hats, keep long hair up off the shoulders and follow your prescribed lice treatment regimen for two weeks. You can keep the sofa.
Fallacy: Harsh chemical head lice treatments work better than natural lice shampoos and other natural lice treatment products. Chemicals on the scalp pose no danger to children.
Fact of Lice: In many cases, head lice have become resistant to harsh chemical lice treatments, rendering them ineffective. Chemicals are absorbed into the scalp and because children have immature immune systems, its harder for their systems to detoxify their bodies.
There are many different types of all natural head lice treatment and prevention products on the market today. Some of these are purely essential oils and rely on repelling or smothering the bugs or interrupting their reproductive systems. Some of the natural products are mostly salt and actually dry up the critters. Another type of lice shampoo is enzyme based. These enzymes are part of the lice biology; they need it to live, so they cannot become resistant. Shampooing with an enzyme-based lice shampoo causes the bugs to molt prematurely, killing them on contact. And the all natural head lice products smell a whole lot better than the old chemical ones, too.