Seeking Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselling Abroad - Benefits of an Addiction Centre in South Africa

Suffering addicts worldwide are beginning to seek alcohol and drug addiction counselling in South Africa. An addiction centre in South Africa offers benefits such as scenic surroundings and financial savings due to the good exchange rate.

Many addicts, alcoholics and sufferers of other obsessive and compulsive behaviours have begun to travel to South Africa for treatment. At any time in most treatment centres, there will be at least one foreign patient, although the number is usually far higher. Britain, Holland, and the US send patients to South African rehabs on a frequent basis.

The costs of a treatment centre
The major motivation for clients coming to South Africa for drug addiction counselling and alcohol addiction counselling is financial. An addiction centre in South Africa can be far cheaper than the equivalent overseas. For example - a private rehabilitation centre in the UK can cost between 3 to 5 times more per month than a rehab in South Africa offering the same treatment.

The difference in price is staggering. Even when including the extra cost of a plane ticket, the price of entering an addiction centre in South Africa is still much cheaper. The cost of living in South Africa is far cheaper than in many overseas countries. The US and UK economies have been going through a tough time of late, and only those of good financial standing have been able to seek treatment in those countries.

Suffering addicts without the financial resources have had to resort to government psychiatric hospitals for treatment. In psychiatric hospitals, addicts and alcoholics are heavily medicated in order to be weaned off their substance of choice and are not shown any tools for maintaining sobriety after leaving. Added to that is the possibility of addiction to the tranquilisers and other psychiatric medication they are given whilst a patient.

The underlying problems of addicts are rarely dealt with unless they receive proper alcohol and drug addiction counselling, as taking drugs and alcohol is a symptom of an underlying problem.

<b>High quality alcohol and drug counselling</b>
The quality of rehabilitation in South Africa is equal to UK rehabilitation standards. Many private centres in South Africa run programmes based on the Minnesota model of addictions counselling, a programme which incorporates the 12 Steps of recovery and has shown great success in treating drug addiction and other compulsions.

Extended Primary Care
Halfway houses are a popular option for addicts who have completed a 28 day stay in a Primary Care Treatment Centre. However, a type of treatment known as 'Extended Primary Care' has become common in South Africa. This treatment offers clients a facility that is significantly cheaper than a Primary Care Centre.

The recovery programme at an Extended Primary Care Centre is the same as in a Primary Care Centre: individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, art therapy, lectures, exercise, outings and trips to 12 Step Fellowship meetings such as AA and NA (Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous). This means that addicts from overseas locations can attend a rehabilitation centre for a price lower than the regular Primary Care Centres.

Three months of treatment has a higher success rate than one month
Experts and statistics confirm that clients who remain in a drug and alcohol treatment centre for three months or more have a far higher chance of remaining abstinent from drugs and alcohol once they are discharged. Extended Primary Care therefore allows clients the opportunity of receiving therapy for three months for treating drug addiction at a much lower cost than a regular Primary Care Centre, especially centres which are abroad.

The cost of a month at an Extended Primary Care Centre in South Africa is approximately R38,000 (£3,000). One month at a Primary Care Centre in the UK can cost up to R390,000 (£30,000). The benefits of seeking treatment at an addiction centre in South Africa are very apparent.

Scenery and beautiful surroundings
Clients in a drug and alcohol treatment centre in South Africa are also able to experience new cultures, magnificent and beautiful scenery whilst benefitting from much needed time away from familiar places and people.

A 'geographical' change (changing location to 'start anew' and stop drug use, viewing external factors as the cause of addiction) is never successful for a suffering addict because the problem is situated within the psychological problems of the addict themselves and their disease. Yet a change in location coupled with intense treatment can be very beneficial to an addict needing treatment.

The favourable weather means that clients can enjoy outdoor activities. Exercise is incredibly beneficial to recovery and an addiction centre in South Africa can offer pleasant walks and hikes throughout enjoyable scenery.

Seeking alcohol and drug addiction counselling at an addiction centre in South Africa is a cost effective and successful way of treating drug addiction and other compulsive disorders. This attractive, appealing country with many cultures and experiences to offer is home to some of the most successful treatment centres in the world.