The Road To Recovery

Many people believe that they can stop using whenever they want to. That they can just detox from home, with the help of some supportive family members and friends. Some even depending on the form of their drug addiction may just use alcohol or marijuana to cope with the drug detox symptoms associated with coming off a substance. This is foolish and dangerous; there are many services out there that offer detox services in the comfort and safety of a medically supervised residence. There is no shame, and ultimately it will save an addicts life.


Addiction is a nasty disease. It affects not only the user, but those who love them and are around them. Addiction takes a toll on an individual emotionally, but also physically and many addictions become a physical dependency. This means that the body will actually grow to need the substance to function properly. This makes coming off an addiction very difficult and is why detox services are needed for those wishing to kick their addiction.


Detoxing is the process of ridding the body of toxic substances such as drugs or alcohol. When a person develops a dependency upon a drug or alcohol then it must stay in their system in order for them to function properly. By going through a drug or alcohol detox the body can effectively get rid of the harmful substance. However this is not an easy process. It can be very painful, and in some instances dangerous. This is why there are medically supervised detox rehabs. They allow an individual to detox from a substance while getting medical care at the same time. Depending on the substance and length of time detox can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. There are medications administered in certain cases that ease the detoxification process.


Detox is not the cure all from an addiction. It is only the first step to recovery. After detoxing from drugs or alcohol it's important to continue with rehabilitation. This is the only way to ensure a full recovery. There are reasons behind addiction, and until those reasons are sought out and dealt with addiction will only continue.  Rehabilitation offers counseling in many forms including individual, group, and family. These services along with work groups within rehab programs will help a former addict gain introspect into their addiction and will give them the insight and coping mechanisms needed to prevent a relapse.


Recovery is a long road, and it lasts a lifetime, there may be times of relapse, but by continuing with aftercare and meetings and staying true to those who love and support you, recovery can and will happen. By using the tools and coping mechanisms given in therapy and rehabilitation addiction can be a thing of the past. Detox is the first step, and probably the worst one as the physical and emotional pain can be very trying. But it serves it's purpose, as rehabilitation cannot occur without it.
Don't do yourself a disservice and try to detox from home. Drug addiction is a serious illness and requires medical attention. Drug detox symptoms can be dangerous which is why it's important to seek out services that aid in detoxing off of drugs or alcohol it will be life changing opportunity and experience and will help you get your life back on track.