How to Accurately Choose a Drug Rehab That Fits Your Needs

Each year, millions of people from across the globe enter drug rehab centers. The sad truth is that the majority of them had undergone drug rehabilitation before and then relapsed after a short time. Statistics indicate that one in ten had been to rehab at least five times before.
There are various rehabs that offer different programs and promises for one's rehabilitation. With a plethora of choices, how can one accurately choose a rehab that fits the needs?
Questions to Ask
For one to make the right choice, here are some questions that one should ask before making his decision.
What are the expected results of the rehabilitation?
There are as many results as there are as different programs. There are programs that consider attending meetings or taking a prescribed medication is a success. There are rehab that consider completion of their 28-day program a success while others base their success rate on the percentage of former patients who stay sober and abstinent after they get back home. Other programs include factors such as relationships, morality, employment and such in their success meter. It is best to ask the rehab center how they measure their success and success rate.
What is the length of the program?
Most programs offer a 28-day program that entails detoxification and rehabilitation. For most addicts, this length of time is insufficient to achieve established sobriety. Since addiction involves mental and physical damage, most addicts need more time to become firmly sober.
Are there substitute drugs included in the program?
There are drug treatment programs that offer pain killers for addicts recovering from heroin and prescription pain killers. This program is referred to a harm reduction program wherein the goal is to reduce the harm created through the use of illicit drug use and not for complete sobriety. Rehabs with a pharmaceutical orientation may rely on potentially addicting drugs to ease their patients' withdrawal symptoms. Other programs focus on the person's physical health by using minerals, vitamins and a regimen of exercises.
What at the means used for alleviating physical cravings for the illicit substance?
Severe cravings are expected during the initial stages of rehabilitation. Most rehabs offer prescription medications to help suppress cravings and offer counseling and support meetings to help the person deal with cravings. There are programs that offer detoxification, nutritional and other methods that efficiently address an addict's cravings. This offers a more effective method for a recovering addict to achieve complete sobriety.
Does the program include a nutritional program?
An appropriate nutritional program must be integrated into a drug rehab program. Majority of addicts are in a very poor state of health and nutritional support so his nutritional deficiencies will be addressed. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.
Does the program include an aftercare program that teaches recovering addicts life skills to support a sober life?
A recovering person will eventually be presented with stress and influences that might prod him to use again. He must have the necessary skills to deal with these problems and stresses successfully. A great program will have a life skills training program to equip recovering persons when they get back home.
A fitting program should include building up one's skills in facing problems and stress, and methods of alleviating cravings. A long-term program that addresses a recovering person's daily approach to stress in life will most likely believe that relapse is not a natural outcome of rehabilitation.
If you're looking for a very good Drug Rehab Centre in Sydney, Australia, visit The Cabin Sydney.