Before we can go into depth on the different effects that drugs can
have on your body, we need to define what constitutes a "drug". A
drug is any substance that brings about physical or psychological
changes. The type of drug that brings about the most concern is amongst
the community is the type that affects
the central nervous system, these are known as psychoactive drugs. They
change the way people thinks and feels and most importantly, how they
Although drugs can cause an array of different problems such as family and relationship issues, problems with learning or at work, increased chances of accidents, legal issues and financial problems, we will be looking at the health problems and what each drug's repeated use can do to your body and mind.
use these areas of the brain start to react slower and more weed needs
to be consumed in order to have the same effect on the brain. Many avid
weed smokers will only start with a small amount, but as time goes on
they will need more and more until they need to smoke a very large
amount for it to take the desired effect. Many people call Marijuana
a gateway drug because of its diminishing effects, they believe that
weed smokers will eventually grow tired of having to consume so much and
so often that they will move on to something more potent (and more
Effects on the heart: Within the first hour of smoking weed the heart begins to beat faster, an increase of 20 to 50 beats per minute, this obviously puts pressure on the heart especially in the case of people who binge. People are four times more likely to have a heart attack while under the influence of THC.
Effects on the lungs: Many misinformed people believe that smoking Marijuana has no negative effects on the lungs and that because it's herbal it cannot be harmful. Scientists have found that regular weed smokers can experience the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, these include; coughing, phlegm build ups, chest illness, lung infections and obstructed airways.
Effects on the immune system: Research indicates that THC impairs the body's immune system from fighting disease, which can cause a wide variety of health problems. One study found that marijuana actually inhibited the disease-preventing actions of key immune cells. Another study found that THC increased the risk of developing bacterial infections and tumors.
A different chemical processing of the Erythroxylum coca bush can produce two types of cocaine; powdered and crack cocaine. Both of which cause the following Physiological effects on the human body:
Effects on the heart: Increases heart rate and blood pressure while constricting the arteries supplying the heart blood can cause damage to the heart as well as heart attacks and arrhythmia.
Effects on the brain: Cocaine can lead to bizarre and violent behavior, long term damage to the brain and it can constrict the blood vessels in the brain, causing strokes.
Effects on the lungs and respiratory system: Snorting cocaine causes damage is deterioration of the nose and sinuses. Smoking crack can cause lung irritation and can cause permanent lung damage.
Effects on the kidneys: Sudden and overwhelming kidney failure can result from using cocaine through a process called rhabdomyolysis. People who already have high blood pressure can accelerate kidney damage from the repeated use of cocaine.
is one of the most addictive substances on earth and can have some of
the most devastating effects on the body with repeated use (which is
almost a certainty when the habit manifests). Heroin has a negative
effect on almost every part of the body, so we will just highlight the
main effects.
Effects of using non-sterile equipment: The sharing of equipment will begin to
cause long-term negative effects
on the body, Infection of the heart lining and valves, normally due to
lack of sterile technique. Liver disease and hepatitis C are very common
among addicts who share needles and other equipment
Effects on organs: The heart, liver and kidneys are all subject to increased chance of disease and illness. Because the body can develop a tolerance to heroin, more needs to be consumed, leaving your organs in an even worse state. On top of your internal organs being damaged, your skin will also be worn down by the use of heroin.
Indirect effects: Many users veins begin to collapse after repeated use, once they cannot find a usable vein they will begin to find other useable points such as under finger and toenails, a thought that will raise the hair on anyone neck.
once and begins to deplete your body's stock of serotonin which can
eventually (quite quickly if use is frequent) lead to long term
depression. The following are some of the physical health effects it has
on the body:
Effect on body temperature: In high doses, MDMA can interfere with the body's ability to regulate temperature, on some unpredictable occasions this can lead to a sharp increase in body temperature (hyperthermia)
Effects on organs: The effect of of hyperthermia can cause immediate liver, kidney or cardiovascular system failure, which in many cases leads straight to death. MDMA can interfere with metabolism causing a breakdown within the body.
Indirect effects: Drugs such as MDA (the parent drug of MDMA) and PMA can be sold as ecstasy or MDMA. these drugs are highly neurotoxic and can create serious health issues for the user. No one can ever be sure of what chemicals they are actually buying, the dealer can put anything they wants in these drugs in order to cut his costs.
Although drugs can cause an array of different problems such as family and relationship issues, problems with learning or at work, increased chances of accidents, legal issues and financial problems, we will be looking at the health problems and what each drug's repeated use can do to your body and mind.
Marijuana (Weed)
One of the drugs that society see as the least harmful, many people go as far as saying it is not actually addictive and hardy a drug, and that it has no long last harmful effects. This is not the case. The active ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, it act on the nerve cells in some areas of the brain (areas that such as pleasure, memory, thought, concentration and time perception). With repeatedEffects on the heart: Within the first hour of smoking weed the heart begins to beat faster, an increase of 20 to 50 beats per minute, this obviously puts pressure on the heart especially in the case of people who binge. People are four times more likely to have a heart attack while under the influence of THC.
Effects on the lungs: Many misinformed people believe that smoking Marijuana has no negative effects on the lungs and that because it's herbal it cannot be harmful. Scientists have found that regular weed smokers can experience the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, these include; coughing, phlegm build ups, chest illness, lung infections and obstructed airways.
Effects on the immune system: Research indicates that THC impairs the body's immune system from fighting disease, which can cause a wide variety of health problems. One study found that marijuana actually inhibited the disease-preventing actions of key immune cells. Another study found that THC increased the risk of developing bacterial infections and tumors.
Cocaine is a popular "status" drug, it has powerful negative effects on the heart, brain and mental health of its users. Many people easily fall prey to the strong addictive attributes of cocaine, this can be life threatening consequence. In some cases people whose bodies are not able to handle the drug will simply die suddenly.A different chemical processing of the Erythroxylum coca bush can produce two types of cocaine; powdered and crack cocaine. Both of which cause the following Physiological effects on the human body:
Effects on the heart: Increases heart rate and blood pressure while constricting the arteries supplying the heart blood can cause damage to the heart as well as heart attacks and arrhythmia.
Effects on the brain: Cocaine can lead to bizarre and violent behavior, long term damage to the brain and it can constrict the blood vessels in the brain, causing strokes.
Effects on the lungs and respiratory system: Snorting cocaine causes damage is deterioration of the nose and sinuses. Smoking crack can cause lung irritation and can cause permanent lung damage.
Effects on the kidneys: Sudden and overwhelming kidney failure can result from using cocaine through a process called rhabdomyolysis. People who already have high blood pressure can accelerate kidney damage from the repeated use of cocaine.
Effects of using non-sterile equipment: The sharing of equipment will begin to
Effects on organs: The heart, liver and kidneys are all subject to increased chance of disease and illness. Because the body can develop a tolerance to heroin, more needs to be consumed, leaving your organs in an even worse state. On top of your internal organs being damaged, your skin will also be worn down by the use of heroin.
Indirect effects: Many users veins begin to collapse after repeated use, once they cannot find a usable vein they will begin to find other useable points such as under finger and toenails, a thought that will raise the hair on anyone neck.
Ecstasy (MDMA)
MDMA exerts its primary effects in the brain on neurons that use chemical serotonin to communicate with other neurons. Serotonin plays a very important role in regulating mood, aggression, sexual activity, sleep and pain sensitivity. The body has a set amount of serotonin that can be released in a lifetime, ecstasy unloads a large amount of this atEffect on body temperature: In high doses, MDMA can interfere with the body's ability to regulate temperature, on some unpredictable occasions this can lead to a sharp increase in body temperature (hyperthermia)
Effects on organs: The effect of of hyperthermia can cause immediate liver, kidney or cardiovascular system failure, which in many cases leads straight to death. MDMA can interfere with metabolism causing a breakdown within the body.
Indirect effects: Drugs such as MDA (the parent drug of MDMA) and PMA can be sold as ecstasy or MDMA. these drugs are highly neurotoxic and can create serious health issues for the user. No one can ever be sure of what chemicals they are actually buying, the dealer can put anything they wants in these drugs in order to cut his costs.