The Dangers of Tanning Beds

Could the rising instances of skin cancer and other diseased be related to the growing number of people choosing to "fake and bake" and them being exposed to excess UVA and UVB radiation? Experts say yes! Tanning salons are a five billion dollar a year industry and it is only growing as we continue to associate that tanned glow with youthfulness and beauty. What are the dangers of uncongenial tanning beds? What chances are we exposing ourselves to each and every time that we tan? Read on to find out these unknown dangers of the tanning bed.

The majority of tanning beds distribute high levels of radiation towards the skin - this combination of UVA and UVB rays can be detrimental to the wellness of our skin. UVB rays are known as the dangerous rays emitted by the sun, and indoor tanning lamps. Indoor tanning lamps emit as much as fifty percent more UVB rays than outdoor sun and can cause the development and acceleration of many types of skin cancers. UVB rays are shorter, stronger rays - while UVA rays are the longer rays emitted by the majority of natural sunlight. UVB rays are the rays that have been known to burn and can clearly penetrate the skin to a deeper level. Tanning beds are made up of approximately 95% UVA rays and 5% UVB rays emissions.

Two types of skin cancers in particular are though to be caused by prolonged exposure to UVA and UVB rays. These types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, and squamos cell carcinoma. Melanoma is one of the fatal types of skin cancer and has though to be brought upon by extended prolonged exposure to UVA rays. Regardless of the glow, it should no longer be referred to as a healthy glow.

Short term side effects of tanning include; skin that is liable to itching and peeling as well as leaving skin susceptible to burns while draining the moisture from the skin. It has been mentioned than long term tanning can lead to sagging of skin and premature wrinkles and the loss of collagen within the skin. Tanning beds can lead to destruction of the cornea if proper eye protection is not worn, as well as suppression of the immune system.

Interestingly enough, UVB radiation has been proven to age the skin significantly as it decreases moisture levels. Rather than tanning beds helping to make tanners look younger and achieve that healthy glow, it does the complete opposite.

Lotions marketed to increase the tan without increasing the time such as bronzers and accelerators have been linked to many health hazards. One of the main ingredients in these products is tyrosine, which has not yet been approved by the food and drug administration.

There are currently very few legislative measures within the tanning industry. The closest that we have come to legislation is the disallowing of children under the age of fourteen to tan in indoor tanning beds and booths in the state of California.

It is important that the consumer be informed before making the decision to "fake and bake" and be completely aware of the risks that indoor tanning poses. Maybe than will consumers realise the risk that only fifteen minutes in the tanning bed truly poses.