Five ways to Help Your Teen In Rehab

Putting your child in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation programs can be one of the most difficult things a parent could be faced with. While it is a relief that your child is finally getting help, you may still have worries about his or her future. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure your teen has the best chance of recovery. Here are five things you should know about rehab for teens, to help your child be successful in the program.

1. Learn About Addiction Science

Substance abuse is a fairly broad term that encompasses addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs, and even prescription drugs. Each substance has a different impact, and requires a specific form of treatment in order to recover. Additionally, understanding the science behind addiction can help you understand your teens motivation and behavior as they are trying to recover from their addiction.

2. Ask Lots of Questions

Having your child leave home to attend a rehabilitation clinic can cause many parents overwhelming anxiety. However, one of the best ways to reduce that anxiety and be the best advocate possible for your teen, is to ask a lot of questions of the facility staff, addiction medicine doctors, and anyone else who may be responsible for your teen's recovery. If you are concerned or do not understand something, by all means, just ask!

3. Do Not Let Your Teen Take Charge

As you probably know adolescents can be stubborn, headstrong, and even downright manipulative. Your teen may beg you to let him or her leave rehab early, or to not go at all. This may be accompanied by threats, or even logical anecdotes about how they have 'learned their lesson'. While it is important to listen to your child about their concerns and show care and love, it is even more important to make sure they finish treatment for their own health and safety.

4. Take an Active Role

Often rehab for teens will include a family therapy component. It may seem confusing why you should attend therapy when you are not the one with the addiction, or it may even seem like an imposition. However, it is crucial that you make a strong show of solidarity by participating in your teen's recovery by attending all therapy sessions. These sessions are important for ensuring that you are working with your teen rather than against.

5. Have a Discharge Plan

Any addiction is a chronic illness, regardless of what substance the person is addicted to, and drug and alcohol rehab programs are only the first step in the process. When the addict comes home often has the highest rate of relapse. As such, it is important to work closely with the rehab center to establish a plan for your teen's re-entry into his or her life. They will help you set clear rules, curfews, and scheduled chores to add a little stability to your teen's recovery and return home.