Drug Rehab Chosen By 49 Percent of Teen Addicts After 5 Day Forced Detox

In the western Canadian province of Alberta, parents of kids with drug problems can ask a judge to order the kids into special, lock-up alcohol and drug detox centers for up to five days. The hope is that after they've sobered up for a few days, the kids will realize they need help and get into a proper drug rehab program.

Called the Protection of Children Abusing Drugs Act, the new law is seen as an act of 'tough love' by desperate but still-caring parents who feel they've run out of options. It carries a pretty strong message, from both the parents and the state, that drug addiction is not trivial, and here's your chance to do something about it.

Local officials term it a state-assisted intervention. The idea is simply to get teens away from their drugs and druggy environment long enough to flush some of the toxins out of their bodies, in the hope that they'll see the light and voluntarily check into a long-term drug rehab program.

The good news is, it actually works. It may not be drug rehab, but as a first step in the process, it's been a terrific success.

In the first 13 months of the program, from June '06 through August '07, 618 teenagers were ordered into the 5-day alcohol and drug detox and 49% of them admitted themselves into drug rehab when they were released. This works out to more than 300 drug-troubled young people who recognized that their lives were out of control and were willing to get into drug rehab to straighten out.

The Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC) released some other interesting statistics about the new program:

* 55% of teenagers ordered into detox were girls

* 56% of those ordered into detox were only 12 to 15 years old

* 58% of those ordered into detox were still in school - not homeless street druggies

* Nearly all of the kids abused more than one substance at a time

* The most-used drugs were alcohol (98%), marijuana (96%), psychedelics like LSD and ecstasy (73%) and cocaine (57%)

And for parents who might have kids with drug troubles, you should know that the AADAC also found that the more actively supportive and involved parents are, the greater are the chances that their kids will successfully kick their drug habits through state-assisted intervention and a successful drug rehab program.

Crystal Meth Rehab for Teens

Crystal meth can be a dangerous and addictive drug to anyone, but it is especially harmful and impactful to that of a teenage boy or girl. It is a drug that can change the teen completely from the inside out, no matter what age they begin taking it. A long-term teenage crystal meth user may have side effects of withdrawal for months after they've stopped using, which makes it extremely harmful to the teen's health and happiness. Although it is not widely discussed, it is important to know teenagers do have options for crystal meth rehab facilities to receive the treatment needed to recover fully and have a healthy adulthood.

Why Teens Need Rehab for Crystal Meth Addiction

There are a number of reasons why teens might not be able to kick a crystal meth habit on their own while at home. Firstly, they may still have access to drugs and may face offers from their peers. Furthermore, Crystal meth can also have extreme withdrawal symptoms. When teens are unable to cope with the symptoms of crystal meth, they are more likely to return to drug use all over again.

The withdrawal symptoms of crystal meth are different from other recreational drugs teens commonly use. They include depression, anxiety, agitation, and exhaustion. After months of unease and unhappiness, teens are likely to face the temptation and begin using again just to feel better. Distress, yet another withdrawal symptom, can cause recovering addicts to put that stress on others, which than makes it harmful for everyone around the teen. So now is it not only harming to the teen but now the family of the addict could be in danger.

Support from Peers

When teens have a drug addiction, it's important to get them into a rehab recovery program where they will be with some of their peers. With supervised help in rehab, teens are able to overcome their addiction more safely than they can on their own. Support from counselors can also prove beneficial, because they finally feel like they have someone to talk to. It seems group support is an essential part of drug recovery. Teens also feel like they cannot talk to adults because they may believe they will be judged or simply they do not think adults can relate to them. Teens are more likely to talk to their peers and those who they feel understand them then to people who are older. Rehab is an important step in the recovery of teen crystal meth addicts for the support it provides.

Drug Rehab For Heroin Addiction May Result From Early Marijuana Use

A recent study shows that using marijuana as an adolescent could increase one's chances of ending up in drug rehab for heroin addiction. There has long been disagreement over whether marijuana can be called a "gateway" drug: some feel that young people using marijuana will get into heavier drugs because the drug use environment offers the opportunity to get them, and others say there is no such connection. A new study out of Karolinska Institute in Sweden may settle the argument: According to the study, marijuana might well be a gateway drug, but it's not because of the environment. The study indicated that marijuana alters brain chemistry. Yet another good reason to get into drug rehab.

The Swedish study was done on twelve rats: six were exposed to THC (the active chemical in marijuana) and six were not. When the rats were 28 - 49 days old (equivalent to 12 - 18 years in humans), researchers simulated the six rats having one joint every three days. After this, all twelve rats were given self-administering catheters that allowed them to "inject heroin." The rats' heroin use "leveled out" at the same time, but the rats that had been given the THC stabilized their intake at a higher level than the others. This suggests that those rats were less sensitive to the effects of heroin and, consequently, needed higher doses.

This is the exact sequence that occurs with the use of heroin and other opiates, and is a major contributing factor to addiction and the need for drug rehab.

The researchers concluded that the larger doses for the "THC" rats indicate an increased risk of heroin addiction. Translate this into marijuana abuse in teens and we have a potential problem. Even if the drug environment doesn't lead then down the path toward heavier drug use, this study does suggest that the alterations in his brain chemistry may be setting him up for addiction if they even try it out.

In fact, it wouldn't have to be heroin: It could be an opiate prescription painkiller like OxyContin, taken for legitimate reasons. If the teen had previously used marijuana, his tolerance for the painkillers could be increased and he would therefore have to take more of them, which would increase the risk of addiction, and, even if the drug was gotten by prescription, he could still need drug rehab to get off them.

Regardless of the reason behind it - environment, brain chemistry, or simply the fact that marijuana causes impaired judgment and a disassociation from reality - enough people have gone from marijuana to harder drugs for it to be a concern. And, even without that gateway ever being walked through, marijuana is a dangerous drug that, in itself, is enough reason to find a successful drug rehab program. But the risk of going from marijuana to heroin or other opiates makes stopping marijuana use all the more vital.

The Myth of Addiction

I recently saw NIDA director Nora Volkow on TV talking about what a triumph we are having convincing people that addiction is a disease and not a moral failing. Nora, let me tell you this: the "moral model of addiction" is a straw man invented by disease theorists in order to promote disease theory. The "moral model" never had any real existence in reality. What I really wanted to ask Nora Volkow when I saw her was, "How much heroin is it all right to use without getting called an addict?"


This is great news for the addiction treatment industries which are concerned with making billions for treating the mythological disease of addiction. It is also great news for the prison industries which are concerned with making billions by warehousing recreational drug users. It is terrible news to the taxpayers who wind up paying for this treatment or this incarceration. It is also terrible news for the occasional drug user. There is evidence to suggest that many treatment programs make occasional drug users into addicted users and prisons also increase and worsen drug use.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) ought to be better renamed The Field Guide to Popular Morality in the United States. The way to morally condemn a behavior in the United States today is to label it as a disease--a mental illness. Don't like recreational pot smoking? Then call recreational pot smokers "diseased addicts" and incarcerate them in so-called treatment centers which take away their right to freedom of religion and indoctrinate them with a 12 step god instead. The same with recreational gambling, heroin use, alcohol intoxication--you name it.

When a behavior is unpopular we vote that it is a disease and when it becomes popular we vote that it is not a disease. Homosexuality was a mental illness until the mid 1970s when the American Psychiatric Association voted that it was not longer a disease and it got removed from the DSM.

The evidence shows us that the majority of drug users are recreational users, not compulsive users. Even the majority of heroin users are recreational rather than compulsive users. The two most addictive substances in America today are caffeine and nicotine. But we do not find any evidence of a disease of nicotine addiction in the DSM-I which was published in the 1950s when smoking was really popular. But by the time smoking became hated and demonized in the 1980s we see that the APA voted to make smoking a mental illness--an addiction--when they put out the DSM-III.

There are probably more caffeine addicts in the US than there are addicts to any other substance. Just try and get people to give up cola, coffee, tea and all the other caffeine containing beverages for a week. They cannot do it. But there is NO category for caffeine addiction in the DSM! Why not? Do you think the psychiatrists are crazy enough to vote to take away their own favorite addiction? Hell no!

Although it is true that there are some people who use drugs compulsively--the real question in the end is why do we want to force them to stop if they don't want to? Why must we force our morality on others against their wills? Why isn't there a category in the DSM for the mental illness of the control freaks like Richard Nixon who created these insane drug laws in the first place?

Surely the drug laws cause more harm than the drug users--and the folks who made the drug laws are far crazier than the drug users.

it costs billions of dollars to keep people in prison or to put them through 12 step programs which do not work. By way of contrast it costs mere pennies to supply a junkie with prescription heroin--heroin is very cheap to manufacture and could be covered by Medicaid. Moreover--they chance of OD with pharmaceutically pure heroin is nil compared to street heroin--so we would save countless lives.

They have heroin maintenance clinics in Switzerland and some other sane countries. Why can't we see a little sanity in the US as well?

Significance of integrated Drug Abuse Treatment

These days, drug abuse has been become one of the fast growing problems of the world especially in the developed American and European countries. Easily availability of drugs in the night club and at other hangouts is the attraction point for the adults as well as teenagers. Initially, the youngsters do it out of fashion but very soon become the habitual of this.However, many of them think that they can stop taking alcohol whenever they want. Nevertheless soon they realize that their bodies have already become habitual of drugs and abrupt removal may cause severe problems. So, for the final recovery, the external intervention is necessary. There are some effective drug abuse treatment programs that support the addicted people to stop taking drugs.However, the treatment of drug addiction normally depends on the type of drug taken by the patients. Not only this, it also depends on the duration and frequency of addiction. There are some common treatment programs, but some techniques need to customize according to the individuals’ addiction behavior.These treatment methods have been designed as medical intervention i.e., use of therapeutic drugs and through counseling.Though, not a single program is sufficient to provide the permanent recovery; therefore, the best treatment program is the one that combines various therapies that address properly the problem and disease in its totality.Furthermore, to cure the problem from its root level, drug abuse treatment programs provide integrated techniques i.e., behavioral therapy (through counseling), cognitive and physiotherapy, medication, meditation, and recreational programs. These techniques make them learn the value of normal life and prevent them from the temptations of drugs abuse. It also supports them to curb their cravings for the drugs and develop the new interests. Hence, the success rate of the integrated method is higher than all those methods that use either one.

Peer Pressure and Alcohol: a Difficult Combination for Many Teens

However, teens can also experience feelings of doubt and may lack self-esteem. For these reasons, they are particularly susceptible to peer pressure: an overwhelming desire to fit in and do "what everyone else is doing," even if it means participating in such high-risk activities as drinking, smoking and sex.

It's all part of a teenager's efforts to try to separate from his or her parents and establish a personal identity.

To help teens and their families cope with peer pressure, The Health Alliance on Alcohol (HAA), a national education initiative established to address the issues of underage consumption of alcohol that includes members Heineken USA, New York Presbyterian Healthcare System and White Plains Hospital Center, has developed a booklet entitled "Facts & Conversations: Peer Pressure."

Written by adolescent health experts at Columbia University Medical Center and The Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian, "Facts & Conversations: Peer Pressure" answers some common questions:

1. What exactly is peer pressure?

"Peer pressure" is a term used to describe how an adolescent's behavior is influenced by other adolescents. While most parents think of peer pressure as negative, not all peer pressure is bad. Teens may be influenced by their peers to study, to compete in athletics or to attend a religious function. However, when fellow teens are drinking or engaging in other risky activities, peer pressure can lead to problems.

2. Are there different types of peer pressure?

Peer pressure can be divided into active and passive peer pressure, and studies have shown that both strongly influence teen drinking.

Active pressure may be in the form of an explicit offer to drink alcohol or a verbal criticism for refusing to drink. Other forms of direct pressure include invitations to participate in drinking games or ordering of rounds of drinks while at a bar.

Passive pressure is based on a teen's desire to fit in and adopt the values and practices of fellow teens. Passive social pressures can be further divided into social modeling of alcohol use ("everyone's doing it") and perceptions regarding peers' alcohol use. Although many teens do drink alcohol to an alarming degree, teens invariably overestimate the rates at which their friends drink. This false sense that all teens drink can lead teens to feel that they have to drink to fit in. By eighth grade, nearly half of all adolescents report having had at least one drink and one in five report having been "drunk."

3. Are all teens affected by peer pressure the same way?

No. An adolescent with a healthy self-esteem and strong sense of self will be better able to resist both active and passive pressures to drink. In contrast, teens who are depressed or insecure are more likely to succumb to peer pressure. Fortunately, parents can help their teenage children resist the pressures to drink. By staying involved, parents can lessen the impact of peer pressure.

4. Does peer pressure change as teens get older?

Yes. While rates of adolescent emotional development vary and transitions are not necessarily smooth, the role of peers and peer pressure changes as teens progress through early, middle and late adolescence.

5. Is peer pressure the only factor leading to underage drinking?

No. Other important influences on teen drinking include relationships with parents, parental drinking, sibling drinking, participation in religious activities and the media.

"Underage drinking is often influenced by peer pressure," said Karen Soren, HAA expert/M.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. "By knowing the facts, you can better prepare yourself to address peer pressure in conversations with your teen. Remember, these conversations need to be ongoing, and topics will often need to be revisited as the teen matures both physically and psychologically."

How to Choose Best Summer Weight Loss Camps for Troubled Teens

Struggling youth Christian camps are considered as good alternative to boarding schools, boot camps, and drug rehab centers to deal with behavior problems. These day treatment programs for troubled teenagers aim at restoring the distressed youth to a particular life of power, purpose, in addition to potential. The Christian teen program camps give specialized Christian counseling and Biblically based principles and programs. Perhaps one of the best reasons to choose a boys Christian academy over a traditional one is the open and accepting atmosphere. People of faith are inherently tolerant, relying on trust, acceptance of one another's faults, and forgiveness.

Summer weight loss camps for overweight kids are fun and enjoyable and help improve their effectiveness. They give unmotivated teenagers the independence to choose what activities they want to participate in and help guide them in to making better choices when it comes to selecting foods to eat. Most will take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to complete. Troubled teens boot camps also function by creating uniformity among its members. Teenagers attending such camps have to forgo their contacts with family and friends. They wear uniforms and some teen camps even shave kids' heads to create more harmony among them. In juvenile boot camps, teenagers are not addressed by their names, so that no one is given particular importance.

Troubled teens boarding schools are just like any other boarding academies. These teen transitional programs aim to make juveniles in good health, confident and religious towards Christian religion. More and more parents are sending their children to Kids summer camps because they believe that these academies will teach self-government and self-motivation that will enable their adolescents to make practical decision throughout life. There are many kinds of boys' boarding academies: college-prep, military, pre-professional, art, religious, therapeutic and many more. Educational consultants are also available to help the people for choosing best wilderness camps for troubled juveniles.

Struggling youth therapeutic boarding schools are primarily academic. They are generally college-prep academies for adolescents aged from ten and up. The goal of these kinds of troubled youth program is to combine academics, with physical and mental activities, hard work, co-operation and discipline. Teenagers learn to make intelligent choices and take responsibility for them, try new things, have a wide range of friends and have fun at the same time. Most of the boys military schools are like juvenile boot camps, and are either privately owned or rather funded by the U.S. government. The girls military academies environment instills the virtues of honor, self-discipline, teamwork and other strong skills.

The biggest benefit of the struggling youth weight loss camp is the decrease in health risks. By being overweight or obese there is a huge risk of dangerous things like diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks. By losing the pounds, the teen will dramatically improve their quality of life and actually add years to it as well. The second big benefit is the increase in self esteem. Residential treatment centers for drug addicts can be different in treatments and approaches. Some centers use a religious course, others a cognitive-behavioral set of approaches and still others will emphasize more deep rooted psychiatric help to get to the root of the crisis.  Detoxification is often a significant part of the process. Patients may have a dual diagnosis and suffer from a psychological diagnosis of bipolar, depression or an anxiety disorder.

Teenagers and Addiction -how to Understand Teen Anxiety That Leads to Addiction

In my outpatient counseling job I see many teenagers turning to drugs and cutting themselves though only a portion go to adolescent drug rehab programs. As I delve into issues with them at the outpatient mental health clinic I work at, the main issues seem to revolve around friendships, boyfriends, family tensions and academic pressures.

It is easy to discount a teen's worries and tell them worrying about a boyfriend at age fourteen isn't important. But, it is to a teen and rejection can be very painful. As adults we are often good at building defenses and a wall, but many teens are vulnerable. Plus, they don't have many of the outlets that adults have when things are stressful. For instance, as an adult, we can jump in the car and take a ride, drive to the mall to shop, plan a girls night out to forget trouble etc. A teenager often can't drive and has limited escape options for mental health. There isn't the luxury of running to a pilates class or getting a massage to try to regain mental peace.

Of course, teens do have ways to diffuse stress such as the internet, cell phone calls, texting and listening to music. Still, if the issues revolve around their friends or dates, many of the same people are interacting and it may just re-inforce the painfulness of the original interaction. If there is additional strain with the family then there just may not be any way it seems to feel good. Adolescent drug rehab can help if the problem gets out of control. If it is occassional use, it's important to help the person find other ways to feel good which can include exercise that releases endorphins, creative activities like drawing and music or relaxation techniques through tai-chi, meditation and yoga.

If there are family pressures that are the source of the drug problem, brainstorm about an aunt or uncle that the teen can visit for a weekend to just get a new environment. This can help to get a break from each other. It often is hard for teens to open up and one way that is useful for parents is to talk about oneself honestly and an issue that one had and overcame. Don't be preachy or give a lecture but talk about your own vulnerability, how you felt stuck and the difficult points. This is often why al-anon, aa and other twelve step groups work well because people are able to hear others experiences and understand their process, insights and trials.

Hypnosis Without Trannce - Incredible Secrets Of Waking Hypnosis

The hypnosis landscape is changing fast.

Leading hypnotists are beggining to realize that the hypnotic induction is, nine times out of 10, actually a complete waste of your time, and that chasing hypnotic trance is actually hurting the success of your hypnosis.

If you want to truly change someone's life, and help them quit smoking, lose weight, get over their fears and phobias, study harder, live better, and simply love life, then you need to figure out exactly what works, and focus only on that.

Whittle away what doesn't work, and you are left with waking hypnosis. Also known as 'Hypnosis Without Trance' waking hypnosis is a stunningly powerful system that allows you to achieve all the success of the standard hypnotic process, and more besides, in less than half the time.

The keys to waking hypnosis are confidence and observation. Since hypnosis without trance is conversational, and seems just like a normal conversation or interaction, the more confident and congruent you appear, the less barriers or resistance you will eilicit.

Another essential key is observation and sensory acuity. Use your eyes, and watch your subject. Notice their breathing, their movements, their reactions. Use what you observe to keep your suggestions relevant, and to the minute.

Waking hypnosis gives you the freedom to interact, and ask the people you hypnotize questions. These questions not only shape their subjective realities, but also give you valuable feedback that you can use to make your hypnosis way more effective.

I think it's fair to say that if you are serious about being a master hypnotist, you need master hypnosis without trance.

All About Cocaine

Knowing all about cocaine ways that it is being administered is very important for those that want to fight back against the problem of its abuse.  There are several ways in which it can be administered to the body and can damage the body.The first method is the method in which the users will rub the powder along the gum line or rub it on the filter of the cigarette. This numbs the gums and the teeth of the person and provides momentary numbness.  Very small quantities are ingested in this way. While others will just roll up the cocaine powder in a piece of paper and simply swallow it like a pill, which is known as a snow bomb.Coca leaves which are mixed along with lime are chewed and the juice is then ingested by the user. This is then absorbed in the bloodstream from the stomach. When the cocaine is orally administered, it will usually take about 30 minutes to reach the bloodstream. In this way about 60% of the cocaine can be absorbed by the body, however in extremely controlled scenarios.When you want to know all about cocaine ingestion, it's important to talk about one of the most popular methods. One of the most popular ways that the drug is taken is through snorting, sniffing or even blowing.  This is extremely common in the western world and in the US as compared to other parts of the world.  Before it can be inhaled, it needs to be divided in really small particles and then inhaled using banknotes, long fingernails or even specialized spoons. These are known as tooters.During the process of snorting, the mucous membranes of the sinuses are coated with the powder and the absorption is as high as 40 – 60%. It usually takes about 15 minutes for the drug to start affecting the person. Nosebleeds and irritation in the nose are common after snorting due to the adulterants that are present in the cocaine and not by the cocaine itself.Another way the drug can be administered is through injections. As much as 120 milligrams of cocaine can be injected by a person at a point of time. More than this is known as over dosing that can even be fatal for the cocaine drug abuser. After injecting the cocaine, the user will usually get a ringing sensation in their ears and feel that the voices that they are hearing are distorted. In street language this is known as a "bell ringer".Injecting is the fastest way by which the cocaine is absorbed in the body. Studies have shown that it takes about 3.1 minutes for the effects of the drug to be seen. Apart from other complications arising out of cocaine addiction, the user can also contract diseases such as AIDS, HIV and other blood diseases if the syringe and needle are infected.Users that want to know all about cocaine should also understand that there are many variants and combinations such as "speedball", which is a combination of cocaine and heroin injected by the users. The effects of both the drugs can even mask the effects of overdoing and lead to death of the person.

One Of The Hardest Addictions To Kick Is A Dilaudid Addiction

One of the hardest addictions to kick is a dilaudid

There are some reasons for this number one is that it is legal and can be obtained from your family physician. This makes it extremely challenging for the addict that has this type of hook up. They can also be found on the streets which are not legal. Let me just say right now for those that are not aware sales of dilaudid will get you the same amount of prison time as heroin. This is something that should be kept in mind. The same concept applies to possession of this drug so you may want to be real careful on your way home from getting them on the streets.

The people that are selling dilaudid on the streets are known as Dr Shoppers. They go from Dr to Dr. to get scripts and then sell them for a hefty profit. I used to do this myself. Ok lets talk about stopping dilaudid. There are a couple ways I will clue you in on today. One is to taper yourself off them. This can be done gradually to prevent any unwanted suffering from dilaudid withdrawal; for instance. If you are taking 40mg per day then the following day try 38mg do this until you are down to nothing and you should be fine.

If this does not work for you then you may want to consider going to dilaudid addiction treatment. There you will be medically detoxed from dilaudid by a staff that has specifically been trained for this. They will use prescription medications like subutex and suboxone. This process can take up to 5 days. Upon completion I recommend that you continue your recovery in residential treatment. There you will be exposed to other addicts just like yourself who are trying to get clean and find a new way to live.

LDS Pornography Treatment and Porn Addiction Recovery - 4 Scientific Solutions To Aid Church Member's Spirituality

LDS Pornography Treatment and Porn Addiction Recovery centers/websites are sometimes mentioned during church talks like fireside meetings and conferences but church members are still in need of specific porn addiction recovery program locations, especially when these individuals have not seen results after seeking help. Many brothers and sisters are lacking in the science of LDS pornography treatment addiction recovery resources and tools, not knowing where to find them. These things are rarely mentioned openly in any public setting as it is a topic many do not wish to discuss even in the confines of sacrament or priesthood meetings.

Church members in the LDS faith would generally agree that anything which assists with the forsaking aspect of repentance regarding LDS pornography treatment would be a positive thing regarding the great burden of pornography and porn addiction recovery in these latter times. If you have already prayed, read your scriptures and/or fasted, confessed and listened to church talks etc and are still struggling with porn addiction slip ups as a latter-day saint then you need help with forsaking and you are not alone!

In this article I am going to go over 4 keys to specifically assist struggling LDS church members needing pornography treatment and porn addiction recovery tools beyond confession and prayer. These tools and tips are not your spiritual advisers but instead an aid to assist any individual in any faith to gain control of pornography addiction in a way that might aid the recovery their religion encourages. These individuals may be seeking proven recovery methods which can aid them in their spiritual lives and enhance the quality of their own personal goals and dreams, whatever they may be.

Key #1. Learn to try various technologies and methods till results occur.

Mix it up till a method works! LDS pornography treatment goes far beyond one or two websites. There are phenomenal tools that break down the science of the brain and aid in cracking the code to porn addiction recovery, some of which I will mention in this article. These technologies, resources and tools are extremely powerful yet only tend to get mentioned briefly in fireside meetings unfortunately. This is very discouraging considering the great success many people have through utilizing these methods.

Key #2. Understand the science of the brain and educate yourself regularly in porn addiction psychology.

LDS porn addiction recovery is greatly increased when someone understands the science of the mind that our creator gave us. There are experts in these fields who dedicate their whole lives to empowering individuals through basic forms of addiction understanding. Our habits and temptations become programmed. Once we unlock specific areas of conflict we are much more likely to see full LDS porn addiction recovery or at least a greater sense of control.

Here is a tip: Make sure you are taking the time to study recovery methods and pornography treatments as much or preferably more than the time you spend viewing or thinking about porn.

Key #3. Govern the way you speak to yourself inside.

Being to hard on yourself is often a problem common to the religious. In most cases this can be detrimental to recovery. LDS pornography treatment programs should address this factor in my opinion. Imagine for a moment that a child you know has accidentally started a fire and wants to put it out. Instead of constructing a plan and obtaining water or something useful to smother this fire, the child simply stands closer and closer to the fire and says things like "I deserve this! I never should have done this! I hate fires etc!"

There needs to be a balance or a point where you realize that the forsaking process is just that, a process. LDS pornography treatment is solution oriented and when you speak to yourself, you must make sure that you are speaking in encouragement and solution terms. If you are too hard on yourself, things worsen..

Key #4 Take some form of action and learn to match temptation with action regularly!

What ever you do, learn to be an action taker. Go the extra mile. If something is stealing the joy and control out of your life, fight it. Don't postpone positive action that could free up your life long-term. Ask yourself how overcoming this would change your life positively. Use this information now and obtain control. If you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always gotten. You reap what you sow! Take some sort of solid action today. Decide and commit!

Alcohol Detox-A Few Thing to Know

Are you contemplating to detox from alcoholism and finding it hard how to go about it? The decision to go sober in itself is a giant leap for you. The rest, as they say, will follow suit. However, you have to make the first step and help is just around the corner. You may go for the natural alcohol detox at home or you may check into detox centers.

    Make a visit to the doctor: Detoxing is a serious issue and should not be attempted on your own. Especially if you happen to be a chronic alcoholic. First, visit a detox center in the region and consult a doctor. They will be the best judge of your situation.

    Announce your decision: Be in the company of a family member or friend during the detox process. It will ensure that you remain safe whenever external help is required. Because, detoxification process may result in nausea, vomiting, tremors, anxiety, paranoia or hallucinations.

    Choose the right detox center: Depending on the severity of your alcoholism, you should choose whether to go for an inpatient treatment center or an outpatient facility would suffice. If you choose an outpatient detox center, make necessary arrangements at home so that there is no temptation to pick the glass. In an inpatient treatment facility, you would receive proper care and expert 24/7 guidance would make the detox process completely hassle free.

When choosing an outpatient treatment center: An inpatient detox center would take care of everything and you do not have to worry about it. But, if you have chosen an outpatient detox center then certain precautions and necessary steps have to take at home:

(a)    Pay attention to your diet: Proper and balanced diet is a must during the detoxing process. Supplements and other nutritious food will help you cope with withdrawal symptoms, besides providing the necessary nutrients for your body.

(b)    Drink plenty of fluid: Increase you fluid intake. It not only replenishes but also lessen your cravings for alcohol. Drinking plenty of water will act as an internal cleanser.

(c)    Be ready to stumble and face roadblocks: Detoxing is a tiring process and at times there may be many setbacks. These are also anticipated pitfalls and you need not fret over them. In due course, everything will be fine and you will become completely sober.

(d)    Connect to groups or peers on a detoxification path: Talking and sharing feedback among people on a detoxification program will apprise you of your progress and other important information you may not be aware of.  It also provides the motivation in times of distress when you feel like giving up.

If you are looking for detox centers in orange county, then Sovereign Health Group's detox program is best in line which has several years of expertise in treating alcoholics. Their inpatient and outpatient detox treatment facilities are manned by experts who will make your detox journey an effortless one.

3 Hot Strategies to Build a Bigger, Rounder Butt

is the woman who has been cursed with a flat, unattractive butt.

What these women seek are the round voluptuous curves that give life to a pair of sexy jeans, look amazing in a bikini and makes mens' heads turn.

Unfortunately, there are may different sources of bad advice for building a bigger set of buttocks - most revolving around scam lotions or rip-off gadgets. When results are not achieved, most women lose hope and give up altogether - and in the process lose self esteem and confidence.

But there is good news - actually very good news. You can build a bigger butt no matter what your past attempts resulted in or what genetics you have been handed down from your parents - if you are willing to work at it just a little.

There are 3 simple elements you must address in order to get your glutes to grow. These elements are:

1 - Laser focused, booty boosting exercises.

2 - Rump rounding nutrition choices.

3 - Bun boosting management of cardio exercise.

OK - starting with number one: 'butt building exercises'. A great little routine, for getting started - would be:

(A) Single-leg touch-downs: 12 reps per side

(B) One-Leg hip extensions: 10 reps per side

(C) Heel to high wall - (on elbows and knees): 12 reps per side.

Slow steady form and controlled tempo is important in each set and rep that you do. You may also use light dumbbells at some point but there is no need to start out with any kind of weight besides your own bodyweight.

Number-two - is rump rounding nutrition choices. In order to put some 'pump in the rump' you have to give it reasons to grow. These moves will get the glutes to grow. However - you'll want to 'feed' these muscles with more calories to build more sexy flesh.

Additionally, you must also have the right amount of fat surrounding the gluteus muscles and if you are reading this article - I'll bet you have very little fat 'in the back'.

Your eating habits will be centered on consuming more calories on a daily basis. This will ensure you giving your buns the ingredients they need to get big, round and sexy. For some women - this is as easy as ading more olive oil to your meals and snacking on higher calorie - yet still healthy, foods - such as various nuts and nut butters (almond butter, etc...)

Number three is cardiovascular exercise. The biggest difference here (MOST LIKELY) is that you will not be doing cardiovascular exercise to lose weight. Actually - its the opposite - you'll just be doing a little bit of cardio exercise for toning, general wellness and heart health. You do not want to burn off the added butt size with an unnecessary use of calories to fuel your cardio exercise.

There are specific types of cardio exercises that I prescribe primarily for the woman who wants to build a bigger butt - one of them being the stair-stepper machine - or climbing stairs in your house - multiple times.

The rule for butt boosting cardio is 'keep it low - to make your backside grow'. I don't want you to think it's ok to skip cardio entirely - because that can have a bad long term effect on the booty - but rather, keep your cardio time in the 15 to 25 minute range - just 2 to 4 times per week - not more than that.

If you want a bigger butt - you can have it - with just a little work targeting the right muscles - you can build round, eye-catching glutes that look great in a bikini and even better naked.

A Cure For Treatment Resistant Depression or "Endogenous Opioid Deficiency"

If absolutely nothing has been able to break your cycle of depression, and you are becoming hopeless about getting better soon, maybe there is another avenue for you to explore. I have spent thousands of hours doing general research on moods and the human brain because I am completely fascinated by the subject, and have been afflicted by depression myself. I recently discovered something that utterly surprised me when I came across it because I had not heard of it before. I have employed a manner of using it and it has kept me from becoming depressed or feeling hopeless for over one year straight, and I discovered it after my sober living home and halfway house experience described at my site below.

Being a not only a victim of bipolar depression, terrible anxiety disorders and ADHD, I know what it is like trying to escape the indescribable negative feelings and overwhelming heaviness and terror these disorders create in the mind. I had to live at a sober living for 6 months with these conditions and no relief. I am a firm believer that my falling into a heavier drinking pattern and the use of drugs as I got older was related to my depression getting exponentially worse over the years.

Put simply, I think that many types of disorders and substance use and abuse are completely tied and linked to one another. What follows will probably stun you if you have never heard it before, but I think it proves that this substance linkage with mood disorders --especially depression -- exists beyond any doubt. So here is the amazing fact: the human brain and body manufactures morphine in the identical molecular structure as that which comes from the opium poppy. It is measured in much less density, of course -- but it's there.

This leads to the inevitable conclusion that if it exists in our brains and was manufactured in our bodies, there is some particular need for the substance. It obviously plays a role in human life if we have evolved with this capability to make an opiate in our own bodies. This leads to a valuable conclusion which simply must be true, stated as follows:

We know that certain important neurochemicals are present in different levels in people, and that when one of these "feel good" chemicals like dopamine or serotonin is deficient, it plays an important role in the cause of major clinical depression. Therefore we know that brain chemicals can exist at "normal levels"  in the bodies and brains of people who have no mood disorders or diagnosed mental problems. Because this opiate in our brains is too difficult to measure because of the "brain blood barrier", there is no empirical way to tell if levels of this drug (lets call it what it is) are deficient in some people or not. It certainly stands to reason, however, that an opiate in the brain could, if there was a deficiency, act upon us in the same way as the deficiencies of the "feel good" chemicals, and lead to severe depression.

There is a great deal of "pushback" about this in the medical community because this fact could imply that some people actually NEED additional opiates to get their brain working normally. Knowing that opiates are addictive, I think Doctors are simply too afraid to openly admit this because it could adversely affect their reputations, were they prescribing for it. In my mind, this situation and the facts as laid out above are completely rational, so the only thing left to debate is whether we really do manufacture an opiate or not.

Here is the clearest proof I can find, published in a report just 2 years ago by the Neuroscience Research Institute: "Recent empirical findings have contributed valuable mechanistic information in support of a regulated de novo biosynthetic pathway for chemically authentic morphine and related morphinan alkaloids within animal cells".Translated: we have true morphine in our bodies naturally.

The opium poppy, of course, produces chemically authentic morphine and not coincidentally, it is the most addictive drug on earth. It makes one feel so euphoric and happy when they first start taking it, that the desire to feel that way gets embedded in the brain. That "embedding" process is so powerful that the brain never forgets it, always wants it again, and hence opiate addicts have the highest relapse rate of all addicts on the planet.

It is really important that you understand that your brain does not manufacture a chemical that makes you feel like you have taken an opiate -- it manufactures the exact opiate itself. I find that incredible. Do you realize that in a sense we could all be called opiate addicts of a sort, even if it is at very, very low levels? That's an eye opener, I think, and deserves to be studied immediately.

What if the brain does not manufacture any of this substance for some individuals, or too little? Do you think those individuals might be profoundly less happy than those who had "normal" amounts of opiates in their brain cells? I think everybody asked this must at least believe that "yes" would be a possible answer.

The main point I am driving at is that if some people can be deficient in other brain chemicals, it certainly stands to reason that they could be deficient in their opiate levels. From what I have researched this is being referred to as either Endorphin Deficiency Syndrome, or Endogenous Opioid Deficiency.

Not having enough opiates is a subject I have direct experience with and can describe for you, because a bad back got me into opiate-based painkillers and I got addicted to them. Because you develop a tolerance to this type of drug, you need more and more and more of it over time, too -- just to feel "normal" after taking the drug for several months. Without it, after taking higher amounts for a while, you go into dreaded opiate withdrawal. I don't think there is anything more uncomfortable and frightening than this kind of withdrawal, either. Your body feels like it has the flu times 100, and your mind goes into a state of a tortured paralysis. Doing anything effectively while in such a state is nearly impossible, and your brain is stuck on one thought and one thought only -- how to get more opiates. You are generally in a state of paralysis and depression, as well.

It's called being "dope-sick", and one reason people go to rehab is to get some medical relief from such sickness by way of other drugs the doctors can give you to keep you a little more comfortable. You need mental support as well, because your brain function is totally impaired. Depression is also inevitable, and that leads us back to the point of this article. There are growing numbers of what they call "treatment resistant" people who have got severe clinical depression.

The thinking is obviously that some of these people are not treatable by the normal antidepressants because it isn't an anti depressant that they need--it's an opiate. Every one of the people in this group whose web comments I read experienced what they called an incredibly pronounced and dramatic lift in their mood upon taking an opiate. They are completely convinced it is the only thing that will help beat depression. After trying everything else, they get stuck in a position where they know they need an opiate, but feel very guilty about it because of the attached negative stigmas to the drug. Now the LAST thing I'd like to think is that people read this article and go running off to find opiates in any form. DON'T DO IT, or you will end up in worse shape than you are in now.

Fortunately, a drug has been developed that is used for easing people off of opiate addictions and it is called Suboxone. It is made in doses of 1 MG pills, where up to 18 MG might be prescribed for a heavy addict in withdrawal. But I have heard of people going on Suboxone for the long term with very good effects at just 1 MG or 2 MGs. At any levels Suboxone itself can be addicting, but those experienced with opiates say if you run out of your Suboxone you may feel a little achy for a few days at the 2 MG level, that's all. The tablets are also formulated in such a way that if crushed they are ineffective and difficult to abuse. You put one or two under your tongue and allow it to melt there. This has been a Godsend for some people with difficult to treat depression.

I should mention that because Suboxone itself is a type of substitute opiate to help addicts, giving it to people long term where technically they could become slightly addicted is highly controversial in the medical community - according to SOME doctors, not all. So while some docs frown upon this whole notion, others believe it can be a life-saver, and that is the kind of doctor I suggest you set about finding, if antidepressants and other supposed "treatments" have not worked for you.

I am not a doctor, so you need to speak with a progressive psychiatrist who is licensed to prescribe Suboxone. This kind of article gets me excited hoping this information will reach somebody who has not lost hope while depressed. I have been depressed to the point where I considered suicide, and it is the scariest feeling in the world -- not caring about your own life. I raise the specter of suicide to remind readers who have never experienced severe clinical depression just how serious the condition is. It is far beyond anything you can imagine and nobody deserves to live in a state of mind like that.

So please spread the word and post references to this article in places where people in need might see it, like in sober livings or drug treatment centers. An example of this might be my sober living website Sober Living Homes and Halfway Houses.It is a national directory with a geography based search engine that makes finding houses easier than anything else on this planet. The site is ranked around 37,000 right now, out of the hundreds of millions of websites in the USA per ALEXA at Alexa.com. You can put the site soberlivingsearch.com into Site Info and see for yourself, but if you feel any gratitude about this article, you can help by spreading the word about my site or writing a post to anybody who may need it. I need house managers to claim their houses and pay a nominal fee so we can maintain the site.

Most of all, I'd like you to comment about what you think of this treatment idea. Two pills smaller than pencil erasers may be able to radically change a person's life for the positive. Is it moral and OK for them to pursue this treatment, recognizing it is controversial? Could this apply to you? Please go to my sober living and halfway house website above and let me know on a blog comment in the same article which appears there in slightly different form.

These is What Leads to End Stage Alcoholism

Alcoholism can be divided into three stages Early stage alcoholism, middle stage alcoholism and end stage alcoholism. Heavy use of alcohols and that too frequently will lead the drinker to end stage alcoholism. Consuming one or two drinks daily for a healthy man is considered as acceptable level of alcohol consumption. When the frequency or the amount of drinking increases, the early stage alcoholism occurs. If you continue to drink after this, it will lead to end stage alcoholism which is not a good situation to be in.

The third or final stage of alcoholism is a difficult stage. In this stage the drinker will lose control of drinking. Moral deterioration, impaired thinking, unexplained fears may be the symptoms of final stage alcoholism. Excessive binging on alcohol will lead the drinker to many problems including health issues.

In the end stage of alcoholism, the drinker is likely to consume alcohol almost with everything else. It will surely cause mental and physical issues. Too much alcohol consumption will damage all parts of the body and will reduce the disease resisting capacity of the body. Family relationship and work atmosphere will be severely collapsed. Sometimes financial and legal problems will also occur for an end stage alcoholic.

Most of the drinkers in this final stage will face the problem of malnutrition. Alcohol will disturb the digestion process in the body and will block the passage of nutrients from intestine to blood stream. Most of the severe drinkers will have the problem of liver dysfunction. Since the damages cells can not receive the essential nutrients, the damage continues to worse. The final stage in alcoholism will cause Vitamin deficiencies in the drinker's body. As a result loss of mental fitness, loss of appetite, fatigue, confusion and memory loss will happen. Finally death may occur in any ways like suicide, accidents like drowning, car crash or falling or severe health problems. Death will be the final outcome of end stage alcoholism.

The treatment to late stage alcoholism will be similar to any end stage disorders. However, heavy use of alcohol will lead to medical complications. In the final stage, damage to brain, heart, liver and other tissues will happen and that makes the treatment more complicated. Brain damage from excessive drinking for years together will be permanent. The dead cells in brain can not be regenerated. Such physical damages will be more difficult to treat.

End stage alcoholism is the most terrible way to die. Alcohol consumption will be cumulative in almost all parts of the body and thus damages the organs. The heart will be the most important suffering organ. The liver will stop functioning and thereby cause blood dysfunction. Hence hemorrhoids can get rupture suddenly that may lead to death.

Alcoholic consumption will shatter the brain's power to think and learn. As a result the person suffering from final stage alcoholism will face the problems of brain disorders like mental confusion, impaired coordination while walking, vision problem and memory loss. This will make the treatment impossible.

Marijuana Detoxification - Signs of Withdrawal from Marijuana

nd heavy pot smokers go through withdrawal when they first quit weed. The detox period tends to last between 10 days to a month, and is worst in the beginning. Quitting weed sometimes produces physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.  The most common symptoms are discussed in detail below. Moodiness and Nervousness! Anxiety is a big obstacle to get over in the first weeks of stopping. The anxiety that you feel during quitting is usually small relative to a full blown anxiety attack - but it is constant! You need to be prepared to deal with the emotional and mental state you will be in for the first couple of weeks when you quit smoking. I have searched through sofa pillows,and the trash, just to find a roach or a little nugget to smoke. I describe it as missing something, and needing to get back to a high state so that you can be relaxed. You may notice that you are hold a lot of tension and breathe poorly in the first week. Keeping yourself busy will help some, but it won't make this feeling go away.  Keep reading to learn more about  withdrawal from marijuana. Inability to Sleep and Racing Thoughts Insomnia is a big deal in the first couple days of not smoking cannabis. There have been times where I have not slept for a couple of days. This goes away.

 If smoking pot makes you relaxed and tired, quitting can make you anxious and your mind lose focus.  It can take a while for your sleeping patterns to get back to normal. Generally within a month you will have more normal sleep patterns and get a full nights sleep. It is important to keep a regular sleep / wake schedule when going through marijuana withdrawal. Crazy Dreams and Nightmares As any smoker knows, cannabis intereres with your dreams and keeps you from dreaming or makes you forget them. When you give your body a break from marijuana, the dreams come back - and sometimes with a vengeance. If you haven't dreamed in a long time, this aspect of marijuana withdrawal is very peculiar. Memories from years ago may resurface in dream form. I remember having a dream of classmates from high school that I hadn't seen in over 10 years! Nightmares are common when you go through marijuana withdrawal. These can be vivid and involve people and things you know. I have had several dreams where I thought the world was about to end and I have woken up in a sweat before. Some people dream about marijuana, and smoke smoke in their dreams. This is part of the detox process and entirely normal. Loss of Appetite One of the most common symptoms of marijuana withdrawal is a lack of appetite. This usually lasts for 3 to 4 days after the last time you smoke.

You can almost think of it as the opposite of the munchies. Take Out doesn't taste as good without smoking pot! It is normal if your appetite shrinks, or that you aren't hungry for a couple days. You may even lose some weight when you go through cannabis withdrawal. The lack of hunger can be a part of a more general feeling of being sick that has been described as low-level flu like symptoms. Very few people get nausea or diarrhea, but it can happen. When I quit smoking weed, my diet improved. I have experienced the loss of appetite, and even the runs during the first week of quitting. The Sweats You may experience this after not smoking weed for a few days. Personally, I believe this to be caused by the stress of adaptation to life without weed. I do know that after smoking (succumbing to temptation) the sweats dissapear immediately. One tip for dealing with this, is to think of it as cleansing and that your body is boiling out the THC.  Your are speeding up your recovery by sweating it out! Are you tired of being a prisoner to weed? Have you tried and failed to quit before? Do you want to avoid withdrawal when you stop? Do you want learn how to quit smoking pot, go to <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/1313384');" href="http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Quit-Marijuana?---The-Effects-of-Marijuana-on-the-Mind&id=1770027">stop smoking pot</a> } and learn to kick the habit for good!

Many regular and heavy pot smokers go through withdrawal when they first quit weed. The detox period tends to last between 10 days to a month, and is worst in the beginning. Quitting weed sometimes produces physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.  The most common symptoms are discussed in detail below.

Loss of Appetite

One of the most common symptoms of marijuana withdrawal is a lack of appetite. This usually lasts for 3 to 4 days after the last time you smoke. You can almost think of it as the opposite of the munchies. Take Out doesn't taste as good without smoking pot!

It is normal if your appetite shrinks, or that you aren't hungry for a couple days. You may even lose some weight when you go through cannabis withdrawal. The lack of hunger can be a part of a more general feeling of being sick that has been described as low-level flu like symptoms. Very few people get nausea or diarrhea, but it can happen.

When I quit smoking weed, my diet improved. I have experienced the loss of appetite, and even the runs during the first week of quitting.

Moodiness and Nervousness!

Anxiety is a big obstacle to get over in the first weeks of stopping. The anxiety that you feel during quitting is usually small relative to a full blown anxiety attack - but it is constant! You need to be prepared to deal with the emotional and mental state you will be in for the first couple of weeks when you quit smoking. I have searched through sofa pillows,and the trash, just to find a roach or a little nugget to smoke. I describe it as missing something, and needing to get back to a high state so that you can be relaxed. You may notice that you are hold a lot of tension and breathe poorly in the first week. Keeping yourself busy will help some, but it won't make this feeling go away.  Keep reading to learn more about  withdrawal from marijuana.

Crazy Dreams and Nightmares

As any smoker knows, cannabis intereres with your dreams and keeps you from dreaming or makes you forget them. When you give your body a break from marijuana, the dreams come back - and sometimes with a vengeance. If you haven't dreamed in a long time, this aspect of marijuana withdrawal is very peculiar. Memories from years ago may resurface in dream form. I remember having a dream of classmates from high school that I hadn't seen in over 10 years!

Nightmares are common when you go through marijuana withdrawal. These can be vivid and involve people and things you know. I have had several dreams where I thought the world was about to end and I have woken up in a sweat before.  Some people dream about marijuana, and smoke smoke in their dreams. This is part of the detox process and entirely normal.

Inability to Sleep and Racing Thoughts

Insomnia is a big deal in the first couple days of not smoking cannabis. There have been times where I have not slept for a couple of days. This goes away. If smoking pot makes you relaxed and tired, quitting can make you anxious and your mind lose focus.  It can take a while for your sleeping patterns to get back to normal. Generally within a month you will have more normal sleep patterns and get a full nights sleep. It is important to keep a regular sleep / wake schedule when going through marijuana withdrawal.

The Sweats

You may experience this after not smoking weed for a few days. Personally, I believe this to be caused by the stress of adaptation to life without weed. I do know that after smoking (succumbing to temptation) the sweats dissapear immediately. One tip for dealing with this, is to think of it as cleansing and that your body is boiling out the THC.  Your are speeding up your recovery by sweating it out!

How to Quit Smoking Marijuana - Withdrawals & Detox

How to quit smoking marijuana can be a difficult thing for some people to undertake. The emotional side of things is a major part of the whole process but it is important to discuss the physical implication as well such as possible withdrawal symptoms from stopping smoking pot and how you can deal with them and reduce the severity with detoxification.

Firstly not everyone has a physical reaction when quitting marijuana. Some people stop and that is it, no change. Other may suffer from a range of side effects which are mild in comparison to the withdrawal effects of some other harder drugs but are never the less uncomfortable. Such problems include:

    Wild and vivid dreams
    'Fuzzy' feeling in the head

Most of the time these things last no longer than a week or two as the residual THC cleans out of your system and your body becomes accustomed to a lack of marijuana smoking. However THC has a tendency to stay in the body for a long time after that in smaller amounts which often does not do that much but is still there. To speed up the recovery process there are a few things you can do to detoxify yourself.

Exercise - The benefits of regular exercise is immense as well as doing a few things to directly help your symptoms and attempt to quit pot. Firstly it produces a feel good chemical called endorphins which can often help you feel good and rewarded without smoking pot. IT also helps flush out THC quicker by burning fat cells that it hides in. Not to mention general fitness is desirable and helps build your immune system and a better state of mind, body image and importantly gives you a sense of achievement that is incredibly gratifying and helpful. This exercise does not need to be heavy like weight lifting if you do not want it to be. You choose light exercise like walking, jogging, yoga and aerobics.

Water and Green Tea - You may be sick of the color green when quitting pot but green tea is a good way to hydrate and give yourself other health benefits including antioxidants. The main goal however is to drink a lot of liquid which is essential in an all body detox which can flush out toxins and other things like THC from your system faster.

For more information on How to Quit Smoking Marijuana click below for a review of a guide by an ex-addict who knows what you are going through and exactly how to beat it.

Heroin Addiction - Five Reasons to Stop Using

Over 17 years ago, I was sitting inside a camper shell of an abandon truck, putting a piece of tar heroin inside a makeshift bottle cap cooker, squirting some water in it from my syringe, and getting ready to cook it. I tied myself off so that I could get a vein ready, and then it hit me! I'm an addict, and I have a heroin addiction. I don't know how to stop using, and this is what I will be for the rest of my life! I had the sickest feeling in my gut about what had brought me to this situation, and what I had become. In that moment, without thinking anymore, I broke off a bigger piece of the opiate, dropped it in my cooker, cooked it, chewed up a piece of cigarette filter,dropped that in the cooker, drew up the brown liquid with my syringe, registered blood, and proceeded to push the plunger.

When I came to, I was slumped over on my side, and confused. I didn't quite know what had happened to me. I tried getting up but I couldn't lift my right arm. I turned my head and saw the syringe stuck in my arm, and still tied off. Then it hit me for the second time, what I had tried to do. I had made a feeble attempt to take my life, but in the process, I overdosed, and didn't inject all the opiate into my arm. I yanked the syringe out of my arm, threw it, untied myself, and sat there in tears.

I think about my past heroin addiction from time to time when life throws me a curve ball, and I am feeling sorry for myself, or sitting on the pity pot. It wakes me up, reminds me how precious life has become for me, and how much I want to live. I have many good reasons why I had to stop my using. I normally don't disclose to the public my past personal life with heroin addiction, and how difficult it was to stop using, but I felt that I needed to share a small portion of it, and where the path of addiction took me. There is much more to my story, and there is also another path that staying clean from drugs has taken me, and I prefer that path much better! Heroin addiction is not part of my life anymore, and I have been clean for 17 wonderful years!

If you search, you can find much material on heroin addiction, how to stop using. and treatment. My focus for the moment is about heroin addiction, and the reasons why you should stop. I found out through research, that most of the inmates in U.S. prisons are there for drug or drug related charges, and that is staggering! We are not winning the war on drugs in America, and the problem of drug use is growing at an alarming rate!

You don't wake up one morning and decide that when you grow up, that you want to be an addict. It doesn't work that way! There are many life factors that can lead to heroin addiction, and once involved, very difficult to stop using.

Heroin addiction is the shame of the addict's family, and if you are an addict in a relationship, it becomes the frustration of your partner. Everyone who are directly or indirectly in contact with the addict are affected. A mother did not carry her baby in her womb for 9 months, and at birth, fed, clothed, and loved her baby so that her child would grow up to become an addict! If you have become a heroin addict in a relationship, your partner wouldn't have stood at the alter, and say I do if your partner knew you would be an addict, and provide a life of misery for him or her, and you because it will become difficult to stop using.

I feel for the heroin addict, for the family, loved ones, children, and friends. From time to time, I hear addicts say, "I'm not hurting anyone, I'm just hurting myself". If you were clean, you would cringe at what you said, because you would understand how everyone is affected by your heroin addiction! I want to provide you with five reasons what the heroin addict is up against if he or she can't stop using, and it isn't a pretty picture!

1. Heroin addiction is escalating

It has been reported that the use of opiates in the United States has increased approximately 20%. Approximately 1 in 3 heroin addicts will experience overdose, and approximately 1% of those heroin overdoses will lead to death.

2. Disease is on the increase

Approximately a third of intravenous addicts will contract HIV, Hepatitis B or C, due to risk factors such as sharing needles, and unsafe sex practice among users.

3. Pregnant female opiate addicts

The use of opiates during pregnancy has also increased the chance of premature delivery, and the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

4. Prison Incarceration rate is increasing

It has been reported that approximately 70% of prison inmates across the U.S. are in prison for drug or drug related charges. It has also been estimated that approximately 80% of prison inmates in the U.S. have had a history of substance abuse in the past.

5. Prison recidivism rate among drug users

It has been reported that approximately 40% will return back to prison due to drug or drug related violations.

This is just the tip of the iceberg if you are a heroin addict, and you can't stop. How about your family, the children, your spouse or mate? Did you think your heroin addiction wasn't going to affect them? Think about it, you already know what the end of the road looks like if you don't stop using opiates. Now is the time to give it some real thought, and figure out what kind of treatment can work for you!

I was in your shoes at one time, and I know how difficult it is to follow through with treatment for heroin addiction, and trying to stay clean. It isn't easy, but it can be done. I am living proof along with many thousands that you can stop using heroin. You can be helped, and your life can change. No one can make the decision for treatment for you. It has to come from you. Do you want to stop? Don't just exist from day to day, live it!

Adrenal Fatigue Treatment – Knowing The Symptoms

It is a wide known fact that STRESS is the number 1 killer. Stress is one of the main culprits when it comes to various illnesses. In fact, stress is so powerful that it can even be a cause of baldness! But despite all of this – there remains to be one thing that doctors and people in the medical field are not telling you; there is more to it than just stress. Yes – stress is deadly and can seriously be detrimental to a person's health; but there is a more powerful killer that stems from too much stress. The name of that killer is Adrenal Fatigue. Adrenal Fatigue, which is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is an absolutely deadly illness that can cause death. Obviously, that's the eventual result if you don't treat it immediately. But if you are just in the early stages of chronic fatigue syndrome then you are still safe but consulting for adrenal fatigue treatment is always necessary. Are you willing to risk your health though?Common Symptoms of Adrenal FatigueChronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) will hit you fast that you won't even notice it. You'd think that what you're experiencing is merely stress. Until you realize that it's more than just stress.    Constant Tiredness – You will feel tired every single time. Even with just minimal work or activity, you will feel extremely tired. This is one of the first symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue.    Severe Headaches – This symptom is tricky because headache is a common symptom in just about any illness. But the headaches that you will feel when you have adrenal fatigue are quite different. You'd feel a certain sensation that is similar to a needle piercing through your brain. It is very painful and scary at the same time. Add in the fact that doctors do not have a solution or treatment for Adrenal Fatigue – that in itself will give you more headaches!    Low Energy Level – No matter how enthusiastic you are, you will simply have little to no energy to do activities that you want to. You will constantly feel like you just can't give that extra push that you were usually able to do before, so it is better to get proper adrenal fatigue treatment.    Severe Body Pains – One of the most painful aspects of having chronic fatigue syndrome is suffering from body pain. You will be feeling a different kind of body pain which absolutely beats up your joints and muscles. It will be difficult to move at times. In fact – there are instances wherein the pain is just too much that you will LITERALLY be temporarily paralyzed. That is one of the scariest and most painful effects of Adrenal Fatigue. Once you feel that – it is best to consult a doctor immediately for adrenal fatigue treatment.Unfortunately, it has been well documented that there is no medicine or surgery that serves as adrenal fatigue treatment. The only known way to treat it is through natural or holistic methods. There are other symptoms of chronic fatigue such as vomiting, lack of appetite or appetite growth (depends on the person), insomnia and many more. The symptoms usually depend on the person. Each person's body reacts differently. Some may feel that they are always sleepy, while others will have the feeling of not being able to sleep at all (insomnia). Others may suffer from lack of appetite, while others may go on an eating spree. Adrenal Fatigue is a serious illness that can kill a person if it is constantly ignored. Be sure that you are aware of the symptoms and act fast once you feel that you are indeed suffering from the dreaded Adrenal Fatigue – after all, treatment for Adrenal Fatigue can't be bought over-the-counter. So as of right now, the best thing you can do is to be alert and do your best to stay healthy and find out more about adrenal fatigue treatment.

Yoga and Alcohol Detox

Alcohol detoxification is an important first step for any alcoholic ready to begin recovery. There are many elements to an effective alcohol detox, and those steps can be different for every user. More and more research is showing that the practicing of yoga and other meditation techniques can be effective in helping the person toward a healthier self.  The yoga can prepare the person for the physical and mental challenges that will arise when the withdrawal symptoms and relapse ideas occur, as well as putting them in a mental state willing and ready for recovery.

Withdrawal symptoms are a huge obstacle to alcohol detoxification. The body begins showing signs of withdrawal after three to eight hours of not drinking. Practicing yoga postures, meditation and controlled breathing can help with these intense withdrawal symptoms as you detox and take the step toward rehabilitation. Because of the emotional and physical toll this addiction takes on a person's body, the act of "centering" or getting back to one's self is important in overcoming addiction. The goal of yoga is to have a union between various parts of your body. By feeling and reading your body more effectively, the alcoholic can begin to understand the effects that the alcohol is having on them. They better understand how they are physically and emotionally harming themselves.

The practice of yoga and meditation does not just end with the detox. Once the addict understands the harmony between the body and the mind, this process of meditation can be used throughout the rehabilitation process. It is important to understand the mind and body connection yoga and meditation creates, and how it can aid in alcohol detox and recovery. As important as yoga and meditation can be for some people, it is also very important to understand the need for alcohol counseling and rehabilitation centers for recovery. Individual and group therapy is still considered by many the most effective way of treatment for alcohol addiction. The most effective program an alcoholic can do is one that incorporates a mindful body and one that is willing to step into a rehab center for the treatment they need and deserve.

How I Lost 120 LBS - And So Can You

I used to love going out and getting a big thick juicy cheeseburger loaded with just about everything. And of course a heaping pile of fries along with a king size cola. When asked if I wanted the "super-sized" offering, I didn't hesitate for a second. Of course I did, pile it on. If I had only known then what I know now.

You see, like most of us, over the years my girth increased to enormous proportions. Yet I paid little attention to it. Not just the burgers, but pizza and lots of it. A good movie on TV? Needed chips for that. And don't forget the doughnuts. And so it went.

Then finally it happened. I was so large I could barely get in a car. And not to mention that I felt terrible, out of breath most of the time and no motivation to do anything. And I don't even want to talk about my blood pressure and cholesterol.

Food was killing me, slowly over time.

Let's flash forward a few years. I'm actually slim for my height, can run several miles with no problem and last but not least, I have a nice set of abs. How you might ask did I do all this? The answer is simple: cold turkey. Not the kind you eat, but deciding to completely and totally ban all junk food. Unhealthy meals were replaced with low calorie replacements. I ate fruit and vegetables every day and basically made sure I never ate anything that was highly processed. Starting out, 10 minutes a night on a exercise bike, which increased to 20, then 30 after a few months.

The equation was easy... less calories coming in then being burned and almost zero fat equaled lost weight.

So what's the point here?

Well my friend I assure you, if I can do it so can you. But keep in mind it's not an overnight process. Think "6 months" instead of next week. In fact, I found it best to not even weigh myself every week. I waited and did it once a month. Now that's inspiring!  You CAN lose the fat. Set a start date and never look back. Not only will you look great, in six months you will feel like a million dollars.

Now when I drive by those burger joints or pizza restaurants it seems like a distant memory, going in and eating until I felt as bloated as a tick.

Hopefully, you are not in there right now, being "super-sized".

To learn more about getting rid of unwanted belly fat simply read my free report about three foods you can eat right now that will actually  Blast Away Belly Fat and start you on the path to being slimmer today!

The Process of Alcohol Detoxification

On any given day, close to a million Americans are treated for alcohol addiction. Part of the treatment many problem drinkers go through is alcohol detoxification. Alcohol detoxification is described as the immediate termination of alcohol intake coupled with the ingestion of medicines that help to assuage the withdrawal symptoms that accompany prolonged drinking.

Withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, headaches, palpitations, shaking of the hands, profuse sweating, clammy skin, pallor, dilated pupils, involuntary movements of the eyelids, spasms, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and a general awful feeling. These physical symptoms are accompanied by feelings of anxiety or nervousness, depression, irritability, excitability, emotional volatility, confusion, and disturbed sleep. Approximately one in twenty people suffer from more severe symptoms known as delirium tremens (or DTs) that can entail fever, tremors and convulsions, extreme agitation, deep confusion, and auditory and visual hallucinations. People who have DTs need immediate treatment. Untreated delirium tremens may lead to serious physical complications resulting in death.

Prior to treatment for alcohol dependency, the individual first undergoes physical and medical assessment by a medical practitioner. A determination is made as to whether the individual may proceed with alcohol detoxification at home or whether it is advisable to refer him to an alcohol detox center.

On the first day of getting sober, a high dosage of the prescribed drug is usually given. The most commonly used drug in treatment for alcohol dependency is chlordiazepoxide, which is used to manage the anxiety associated with acute alcohol withdrawal. The dosage is gradually reduced in the following days. Vitamin supplements, particularly B1, are normally prescribed as well. Several times during detox, the individual will be checked on by a medical practitioner. The individual will most likely experience some withdrawal symptoms during this sobering up process, but nothing as severe as if he had no medication.

Although the individual can be weaned from physical dependence in a matter of days, the behavioral and psychological and effects of alcohol abuse are long term. For this reason, alcohol rehab centers offer psychological and behavioral therapy as part of their alcohol addiction treatment programs. The individual is helped to identify the circumstances that trigger him to drink and is motivated to find ways to handle and avoid such feelings and situations. If the individual has a life partner, the partner is often brought into the therapy process as studies have shown that the participation of a spouse is a main factor contributing to an individual's quitting alcohol and getting sober.

Alcohol treatment centers are all too aware of the craving for alcohol that an individual will continue to face for a long time. Upon leaving the alcohol rehab, the individual is encouraged to continue with alcoholism counseling and to join support groups to reinforce behavioral and lifestyle changes he's made and to prevent relapse. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), with its 12-step program, has helped many to maintain a sober lifestyle. For those who do not adhere to AA's profession that alcohol addiction is a permanent curse one needs to permanently keep at bay, there are other recovery programs that view alcohol addiction as a treatable condition.

To help the recovering addict, medicines are available that alleviate alcohol cravings as well as drugs that deter alcohol drinking by causing unpleasant symptoms upon alcohol ingestion. However, there is no substitute as effective as will power and a firm determination.

Drug Rehab – Dealing with Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome is the most threatening condition for anyone undergoing drug rehab. With symptoms that flare up months and sometimes years after treatment, PAWS can cause even the most dedicated drug rehab patients to experience relapses. It is crucial for addicts to understand the nature of post acute withdrawal so that they may take the necessary steps to mitigate its effects. Here are the most common experiences, symptoms, and treatment methods for people in drug rehab.Rapid Onset and Delayed EffectsFor most addicts, PAWS sets in immediately after detoxification. Rehab patients experience more severe withdrawal symptoms during the actual detox process, but their cravings and associated ailments can linger for months. In fact, some addicts report powerful cravings and other symptoms years after they leave their treatment facilities.The Symptoms of Post Acute Withdrawal SyndromePAWS symptoms can be physical, mental, and emotional. Some of the most common ones are:*Lasting drug cravings*New cravings for food, alcohol, and other addictive substances*Memory loss*Cognitive Impairment*Heightened pain sensitivity*Loss of motor skills*Slurred Speech*Anxiety and depression*Sleeping problems*Emotional numbness or overreactionObstructing TreatmentPAWS can severely affect addicts' abilities to successfully engage their therapies during their clinical drug rehab programs. Even people who are enthusiastic and positive about their treatments will find it difficult to concentrate as they experience powerful cravings, headaches, and other distracting symptoms. Focused effort from patients is vital to the success of addiction treatment, so these symptoms must be addressed.Social DifficultiesThe visible symptoms of post acute withdrawal can make it extremely difficult for addicts to find social acceptance. Laypeople often assume that recovering addicts who exhibit speech impediments or motor impairment are still under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This phenomenon is known as "dry drunkenness," and it is highly frustrating for addicts who struggle to create new lives in a world rife with drug-related stereotypes.Continued CravingsBecause addiction is a permanent disease, virtually all addicts will experience cravings throughout the rests of their lives. These cravings are the most dangerous symptoms of PAWS, and they make relapse a constant threat. Some addicts have reported feeling fine for years after treatment, only to succumb to powerful and unexpected urges to use.Education for PreventionBecause PAWS is the number-one cause of relapse, addiction specialists are now making its mitigation a top priority at their clinics. The most important step they are taking is to educate their patients on the nature and effects of this crippling condition. Rehab patients can easily become discouraged with their efforts when they experience cravings and the apparent effects of intoxication – even while sober. When they understand that these symptoms are expected and natural, they have more confidence to move forward with their treatment programs and develop lasting strategies for staying sober.Effective TreatmentsRehab clinicians also help their patients deal directly with certain PAWS symptoms. In some cases, medications are necessary for reducing physical and emotional pain. In other instances, additional counseling sessions are used to help people avoid stress-related relapse. Finally, many addicts find solace in prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices.Whether you are struggling with Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome or have not yet sought addiction treatment, there is hope. Call an inpatient treatment center for a toll-free consultation with a dedicated addiction specialist. They can help you regain control of your life and find happiness once again.

Why Detox Is Important On The Road To Recovery

Many people believe that they can stop using whenever they want to. That they can just detox from home, with the help of some supportive family members and friends. Some even depending on the form of their drug addiction may just use alcohol or marijuana to cope with the drug detox symptoms associated with coming off a substance. This is foolish and dangerous; there are many services out there that offer detox services in the comfort and safety of a medically supervised residence. There is no shame, and ultimately it will save an addicts life.

Addiction is a nasty disease. It affects not only the user, but those who love them and are around them. Addiction takes a toll on an individual emotionally, but also physically and many addictions become a physical dependency. This means that the body will actually grow to need the substance to function properly. This makes coming off an addiction very difficult and is why detox services are needed for those wishing to kick their addiction.

Detoxing is the process of ridding the body of toxic substances such as drugs or alcohol. When a person develops a dependency upon a drug or alcohol then it must stay in their system in order for them to function properly. By going through a drug or alcohol detox the body can effectively get rid of the harmful substance. However this is not an easy process. It can be very painful, and in some instances dangerous. This is why there are medically supervised detox rehabs. They allow an individual to detox from a substance while getting medical care at the same time. Depending on the substance and length of time detox can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. There are medications administered in certain cases that ease the detoxification process.

Detox is not the cure all from an addiction. It is only the first step to recovery. After detoxing from drugs or alcohol it's important to continue with rehabilitation. This is the only way to ensure a full recovery. There are reasons behind addiction, and until those reasons are sought out and dealt with addiction will only continue.  Rehabilitation offers counseling in many forms including individual, group, and family. These services along with work groups within rehab programs will help a former addict gain introspect into their addiction and will give them the insight and coping mechanisms needed to prevent a relapse.

Recovery is a long road, and it lasts a lifetime, there may be times of relapse, but by continuing with aftercare and meetings and staying true to those who love and support you, recovery can and will happen. By using the tools and coping mechanisms given in therapy and rehabilitation addiction can be a thing of the past. Detox is the first step, and probably the worst one as the physical and emotional pain can be very trying. But it serves it's purpose, as rehabilitation cannot occur without it.

Don't do yourself a disservice and try to detox from home. Drug addiction is a serious illness and requires medical attention. Drug detox symptoms can be dangerous which is why it's important to seek out services that aid in detoxing off of drugs or alcohol it will be life changing opportunity and experience and will help you get your life back on track.