3 Hot Strategies to Build a Bigger, Rounder Butt

is the woman who has been cursed with a flat, unattractive butt.

What these women seek are the round voluptuous curves that give life to a pair of sexy jeans, look amazing in a bikini and makes mens' heads turn.

Unfortunately, there are may different sources of bad advice for building a bigger set of buttocks - most revolving around scam lotions or rip-off gadgets. When results are not achieved, most women lose hope and give up altogether - and in the process lose self esteem and confidence.

But there is good news - actually very good news. You can build a bigger butt no matter what your past attempts resulted in or what genetics you have been handed down from your parents - if you are willing to work at it just a little.

There are 3 simple elements you must address in order to get your glutes to grow. These elements are:

1 - Laser focused, booty boosting exercises.

2 - Rump rounding nutrition choices.

3 - Bun boosting management of cardio exercise.

OK - starting with number one: 'butt building exercises'. A great little routine, for getting started - would be:

(A) Single-leg touch-downs: 12 reps per side

(B) One-Leg hip extensions: 10 reps per side

(C) Heel to high wall - (on elbows and knees): 12 reps per side.

Slow steady form and controlled tempo is important in each set and rep that you do. You may also use light dumbbells at some point but there is no need to start out with any kind of weight besides your own bodyweight.

Number-two - is rump rounding nutrition choices. In order to put some 'pump in the rump' you have to give it reasons to grow. These moves will get the glutes to grow. However - you'll want to 'feed' these muscles with more calories to build more sexy flesh.

Additionally, you must also have the right amount of fat surrounding the gluteus muscles and if you are reading this article - I'll bet you have very little fat 'in the back'.

Your eating habits will be centered on consuming more calories on a daily basis. This will ensure you giving your buns the ingredients they need to get big, round and sexy. For some women - this is as easy as ading more olive oil to your meals and snacking on higher calorie - yet still healthy, foods - such as various nuts and nut butters (almond butter, etc...)

Number three is cardiovascular exercise. The biggest difference here (MOST LIKELY) is that you will not be doing cardiovascular exercise to lose weight. Actually - its the opposite - you'll just be doing a little bit of cardio exercise for toning, general wellness and heart health. You do not want to burn off the added butt size with an unnecessary use of calories to fuel your cardio exercise.

There are specific types of cardio exercises that I prescribe primarily for the woman who wants to build a bigger butt - one of them being the stair-stepper machine - or climbing stairs in your house - multiple times.

The rule for butt boosting cardio is 'keep it low - to make your backside grow'. I don't want you to think it's ok to skip cardio entirely - because that can have a bad long term effect on the booty - but rather, keep your cardio time in the 15 to 25 minute range - just 2 to 4 times per week - not more than that.

If you want a bigger butt - you can have it - with just a little work targeting the right muscles - you can build round, eye-catching glutes that look great in a bikini and even better naked.