Signs Your Loved One Needs Drug Rehab

When someone is addicted to drugs, it is not just the addict that suffers from the usage. The pain and fear from this addiction trickle down to everyone connected to the addict. If you have a loved one that you think might be in need of drug rehab in St. Louis, MO, then you need to do what you can to get the addict the help that is needed. Knowing the right time to breach the subject is important, but can be rather a delicate matter. Some signs to look for are depression, health problems, stealing and selling items, any mention of seeking help, and nostalgia for the past.

Depression and/or Anxiety

The reason people initially get addicted to strong substances is because they offer what is called a high. This is a feeling of freedom and complete euphoria. For people who have spend much of their lives feeling out of control and weighed down, it is not surprising that this feeling would be something to come back to again and again. However, after a time, your loved one will start to recognize how false these feelings of euphoria are and what the real repercussions of the actions are. This will bring on a profound feeling of depression and/or anxiety. If you are noticing this in your loved one, then it might mean that they are ready to seek out drug rehab in St. Louis, MO.

Stealing and Selling Items

A drug addiction requires money. A lot of it. When your loved one's own funds run out, he will become desperate for money and will begin selling personal items and stealing items in order to continue paying for the needed materials. This is often a behavior that closely precedes the rock bottom feeling that leads people to ask for help. When you see these behaviors, it can be a sign that it is time to start introducing avenues for help.

Mention of Seeking Help

Anytime you hear an addict asking for help, you can be sure that they have thought about getting help many, many times. These subtle mentions of seeking healing means that their hearts are now ready to tread the harsh path of healing. If you ever hear your loved one mention seeking help, then you need to respond as if they were yelling and begging as that is, indeed, how their souls are trying to speak. Never take these small mentions for granted. This is one of the most comforting signs of progress you will ever hear.

Nostalgia for the Past

Sometimes, the best way for an addict to recognize the harm that has come to their life is to start comparing it with their lives before the addiction took control. When you take the time to talk with your loved one about good memories of the past, you could help to strengthen this juxtaposition of what was, what is, and what could be should the addict finally do what is needed to overcome the bonds of addiction. If you notice your friend talking more and more about the past, then it is time to start introducing some information about what can be done to let go of the addiction altogether. Even if the suggestion is met with anger and yelling, you can be sure that the information will be internalized, and will help them know where to turn when they truly are ready to take back their life.
If you have seen any of these signs in your loved one, then it is time to introduce some good avenues for help. When these signs appear, it means your loved one is possible ready to seek treatment from drug rehab in St. Louis, MO.  While you can't make them seek out the help they need, you can be ready to offer information about the programs out there that can lead them to the soberness they are finally ready to achieve.