Non 12-Step Recovery Programs

12-step programs are often thought to be the "only way" to change addictive behaviors and help those struggling with the addictions. Nothing could be further from the truth. For many, non 12-step recovery programs simply do not work. For many reasons, ranging from non-belief or not being willing to surrender to the "higher power", those who find themselves getting nothing from traditional 12-step recovery programs have several options to move toward health and addiction free living.


SMART recovery operates under the principle that each person is responsible for creating their own health and addiction free future, without the laborious 12-steps and the often cult-like environment they have. SMART recovery programs use four basic tenets to get members on the way to addiction free and healthy living. These are:

1. Building and Maintaining Motivation
2. Coping with Urges
3. Managing Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviors
4. Living a Balanced Life

Self-empowerment and reliance are the motivating factors behind SMART programs. Great success has been achieved using the four tenets. In fact, SMART recovery is being studied and early results are showing greatly reduced recidivism rates and increased success rates versus traditional 12-step programs.

SMART recovery is directly tied to scientific advancements and research, with it being written into the guiding rules of the program. SAMRT recovery, "evolves as scientific knowledge in addiction recovery evolves". This lets SMART act in accordance with new and cutting edge studies that are done to help guide members to addiction free living.

Independent non 12-step Programs

Throughout the USA there are many centers, clinics and rehabs that offer non 12-step based recovery. Programs may focus on the proper self-reliance and empowerment techniques without the God based curriculum of the 12-step programs. For agnostics, atheists, and those who do not adhere to superstition based programs, these are fantastic alternatives for their recovery. As added benefit, the participants are matched with others who share similar world views, making the recovery easier under the adage of "birds of a feather".

Many of the non 12-step recovery programs concentrate on dual-diagnosis treatment, looking to mental health and trigger disorders such as depression, bipolar or other personality disorders. By treating these, the addictive behavior is more apt to go away, making life easier for the properly diagnosed patient. Some treatment programs are in-patient, typically for a minimum 30 day period, or longer. SMART recovery may be used in conjunction with the needed professional mental health procedures, meds and therapies.