Principles for Substance Abuse Prevention (PGZ)

Prevention of Substance Abuse / Substance abuse (PGZ)

 Seeing the high prevalence of PGZ in Indonesia, based on the estimated BNN in 2011, amounting to 2.23% (The results of 2008, 1.99%), should be considered whether prevention / prevention undertaken have been effective. Are also prevention programs that are skill-based targeting high-risk groups have been more frequent than prevention programs that are education / information-based both in groups and through media such as the publishing of books, brochures, leaflets and billboards in places strategically.

 The essence of prevention is to make people immune or "immune" to the source of the problem, in terms of addiction naturally "immune" against drugs. From the experience of the world of medicine, immunity to disease occurs only when the discovery of a vaccine that could protect against germs. For example BCG, Diphtheria, etc. that can prevent the onset of tuberculosis and diphtheria. Instead disease dengue fever, is still rampant because there is no vaccine that can make people immune to even the eradication of dengue fever mosquito that causes the disease is quite intensively conducted.

 How about "immunity" against drugs? Although the drug is not a bacteria, but certain chemical substances. Apparently there are some "vaccine" in the form of prevention programs that have been studied over the last two decades and proven (evidence-based) effective in preventing the occurrence of interference PGZ. From these studies, was discovered a few basic principles are the key to the success of prevention efforts.

 NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), a leading drug research institutions in the United States put forward 14 principles PGZ prevention Prevention is based on research that proved effective in preventing the disease of addiction. Of course this is very helpful for prevention practitioners in planning and implementing prevention programs PGZ to succeed.

 All the principles that focus on the prevention of the risk of PGZ and other behavioral problems throughout a child's development through adolescence. Because based on research, GPZ originated from the interaction of multiple risk factors (risk factors) and protective factors (protective factors) are "attached" to an individual when childhood and adolescence.
The first four principles of the 14 principles related to the prevention of risk factors and protective factors PGZ.

Risk Factors and Protective Factors

More research is studying how the beginning and the onward journey to finally become a substance abuse addiction / addiction. It is known several factors that make a person vulnerable / "vulnerable" or not to be a drug addict. Factors that have a great potential to cause a person to become addicted referred to as risk factors (risk factor). While the factors that can reduce the potential for someone to be addicted referred to as a protective factor (protective factor).

The risk factors inherent in an individual (internal) usually has existed since the baby / infancy or childhood. This factor does not necessarily make a person become addicted / adikisi drugs. Only when these factors were met by factors outside himself (external), when he was already familiar with the environment with increasing age - usually in early adolescence - where he got to know a friend / peer who used drugs he began to try that ultimately led to him becoming addicted. Even then if there are protective factors that are not functioning.

For example, pre-existing risk factors since childhood such as aggressive behavior, hyperactivity. When not addressed when childhood, will continue to carry when he first entered school. Aggressive behavior / hyperactivity at school cause he was not invited and / rejected by his colleagues in the association, sometimes punished by the teacher or the difficulty in capturing the lessons. If this issue is not addressed as well it will continue until he often skipped school, meet with friends who use drugs so he began to also know the drugs to be hereinafter become addicts.

By looking at the trip earlier risk / "risk path", then prevention programs should be implemented as early as possible in mental development and behavior of individuals. Where reinforced protective factors and risk factors reduced considerably before the problematic behavior appear.

There are 5 realm / "domain" where the protective factors and risk factors contained both (NIDA).