Hypnosis to Overcome Drug Addiction

Are you struggling to overcome a drug addiction? Have you been through traditional treatments and 12-step programs only to find yourself slipping back into your drug problem? Are you losing faith in your ability to beat the habit? Then consider using one of the more effective addiction treatment options available: hypnosis.
Hypnosis helps you overcome your addiction by identifying what is driving your compulsion to use drugs and then refocusing that desire into something positive. Did you know that even though you mentally crave the drug, and your body reacts when you use it and goes through withdrawal when you don't, the actual addiction is caused by something in your subconscious mind?
You see, your subconscious mind retains every thought, feeling, emotion, and situation you have ever experienced, and uses these past events to influence how you think, behave, and react to situations today. For some reason, sometimes your subconscious will fixate on and magnify something from your past causing an exaggerated response with how you deal with current events or situations. The big problem is that you might not have any memory of the past event, and so are unaware that your mind is making into more than it was.
This is where hypnosis helps. Through various hypnosis techniques, a certified hypnotist can help you determine why you abuse drugs and then change how your mind and body reacts to them. To do this, your hypnotist will direct you into a trance-like natural state of being. While in this state, they will be able to reach deep into your subconscious and help you identify the memories or feelings that are causing your cravings.
Once these are identified, your hypnotist can reprogram how your mind views drugs. They can make your subconscious see drugs as repulsive and unpleasant. By making the idea of drugs so disturbing, your body and mind will no longer want to use them. Much like how you do not crave foods that you find distasteful.
Your hypnotist will help you identify the triggers for your addiction, such as stress, sadness, or anger. They can then plant positive suggestions directly to the subconscious so that when triggered, your mind will want to do something positive and healthy. For example, if you used drugs to help alleviate stress, your hypnotist can train your subconscious to make healthy choices when you fee tense. Choices like deciding to go for a walk or to exercise. Maybe if sadness was your trigger then your hypnotist can teach your subconscious to feel compelled to draw, paint, or write instead. During your initial hypnosis consultation, talk to your hypnotist about your favorite hobbies and activities as your hypnotist can include those desired activities as positive alternatives and suggestions during your session.
This is what hypnosis for drug addiction is all about; becoming happy and healthy and regaining your love for life through fulfilling lifestyle changes. In just a short time, hypnosis can help you overcome your addiction to drugs and give you back the freedom and power to deal with life's challenges in a positive, healing way.
Eli Bliliuos is the founder of The New York Hypnosis Institute. He specializes in helping clients overcome addictions.
To learn more about drug addiction hypnosis, click here Hypnosis for Drug Addiction
New York Hypnosis Institute LLC
241 West 30 street
New York, NY 10001
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